Group photo of Enterprise students standing around the Husky statue.

A list of helpful resources related to the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education, general education, and assessment at Michigan Tech.


A student sitting in a lecture with a computer

Undergraduate Student Learning Goals (USLG)

Michigan Tech has eight Undergraduate Student Learning Goals (USLGs). USLG1 is "disciplinary knowledge" and is specific to each degree program. The remaining goals are competencies all students should develop, regardless of major, within both the degree and general education programs.

Image of the MTU Clocktower in the winter

Undergraduate Catalog

The Registrar's Office provides a comprehensive Undergraduate Catalog complete with course descriptions, credits, and semesters offered.

CNSA students working on a large computer

General Education

General Education is an important and required component of every Michigan Tech degree. At Michigan Tech, the General Education program enables all students, regardless of major, to develop an understanding of science and the social and cultural contexts of our contemporary world.

Close up of a student holding up a laptop


Assessment enables the university community to identify opportunities to improve courses and curricula, teaching practices, and student life activities, as well as make informed decisions about degree programs.

Students studying

Essential Education

Essential Education is an innovative, student-focused curriculum that empowers learners to take control of their education and apply their knowledge to the complex challenges of a diverse and rapidly evolving technological society.