APUE Staff Listing

Marika Seigel

  • Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education
  • Dean of the Pavlis Honors College
  • Associate Professor, Humanities

Research Areas

  • Educational Innovation
  • Rhetoric of Health and Medicine
  • Writing Program Administration


  • Facilitate implementation of Michigan Tech’s undergraduate curriculum
  • Support ongoing growth in the Pavlis Honors College
Nancy Barr
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms–to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances."
—Viktor Frankl

Nancy Barr

  • Assessment and Writing Support Specialist


  • STEM communication instruction
  • Communication across the curriculum/communication in the disciplines
  • Portfolio assessment
  • Collaborative learning
  • Inclusive pedagogy
Jean DeClerck

Jean Straw DeClerck

  • Assessment Manager, Office of Assessment for Curricular Effectiveness

Links of Interest


  • Manages learning-goal assessment systems for both General Education and undergraduate degree programs.
  • Assists faculty in planning learning-goal assessment approaches intended to reveal opportunities to help students.
  • Promotes collegial, knowledge-sharing initiatives to improve instructional practices and student-learning-goal achievement across disciplines.
Jessie Neece
"Design is thinking made visual."
—Saul Bass

Jessie Neece

  • Marketing and Communications Specialist


  • Graphic design
  • Print and digital marketing
  • Creative strategic thinking
  • Project management

Steve Patchin

  • Project Manager, Essential Education Implementation


  • Support eight Essential Education implementation working groups in achieving their project goals and deliverables
  • Manage the budget for Essential Education implementation, a Tech Forward Initiative
  • Help build and manage communications, connecting with internal and external campus/related community regarding Essential Education implementation, operation, and outcomes
  • Assist in the building of a corporate task force to support the launch and growth of the Essential Education implementation initiative
Cassandra Reed-VanDam

Cassandra Reed-VanDam

  • Essential Education Experience Manager


  • Student-led experiential education
  • Community-based and participatory research
  • Facilitation for social change
  • Environmental justice and food sovereignty
Ginger Sleeman
"Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card. How you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark."
—Jay Danzie

Ginger Sleeman

  • Director of Administration


  • Provide administrative support to the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education, Pavlis Honors College, and the Enterprise Program
  • Assist with budget development and management