The Atmospheric Sciences Program offers several courses, including the two core courses
covering fundamentals of atmospheric sciences, a research discussion course, a special
topics course offered on-demand, several electives courses, and doctoral research
Three electives courses are to be selected in consultation with the research advisor.
At least one should be in Atmospheric Sciences electives listed below The other two
can be Atmospheric Sciences or from any relevant field as approved by the Doctoral
Advisory Committee.
Core Courses
ATM 5100 - Atmospheric Sciences Research Discussion
A weekly discussion of recent literature in the atmospheric sciences. Often coordinated with atmosphere-related seminars in the Remote Sensing seminar series.
- Credits:
May be repeated
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-1-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, in even years
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate
ATM 5515 - Atmospheric Chemistry
Study of the photochemical processes governing the composition of the troposphere and stratosphere, with application to air pollution and climate change. Covers radical chain reaction cycles, heterogeneous chemistry, atmospheric radiative transfer and measurement techniques for atmospheric gases.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate
- Pre-Requisite(s): CH 3510 or CH 3520 or ENVE 4504 or CEE 4504
ATM 5640 - Atmospheric Physics
Essential elements of atmospheric physics, including thermodynamics, aerosol and cloud physics, radiative transfer, and atmospheric fluid dynamics.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 3530 and PH 2300
Program Electives
ATM 5200 - Special Topics in Atmospheric Sciences
Advanced study of topics in the atmospheric sciences. The subject matter may vary from term to term depending on the needs and interests of students.
- Credits:
variable to 3.0;
Repeatable to a Max of 9
- Semesters Offered:
On Demand
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate
ATM 5512 - Applied Boundary Layer Meteorology
Study of how forcing phenomena affect transport of water and chemicals in the atmospheric boundary layer and how this transport is measured in the field, including relevant aspects of fluid dynamics, boundary layer structure, surface energy balance, and flux measurement.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, in even years
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate
ATM 5519 - Atmospheric Biogeochemistry
Study of the relationship between atmospheric composition, global change, and the circulation of major elements through the Earth system. Responses of ecosystem emissions to changes in landuse, biodiversity, nutrient supply, plant stressors, and climate change are discussed.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman, Sophomore, Junior
- Pre-Requisite(s): CH 1150
ATM 5680 - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Fundamentals forces and conservation laws that govern fluid flow; applications to the atmosphere and ocean, including balanced flow (pressure gradient and Coriolis Force), vorticity dynamics, turbulence, waves, and boundary layers.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Spring, in even years
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman, Sophomore, Junior
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 3530 and PH 2300
GE 4250 - Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
This course focuses on the basic physics behind above- surface remote sensing and remote sensing systems. Topics covered include: properties of the atmosphere, absorption and scattering of electromagnetic radiation, instrument design, data acquisition and processing, validation, and basic applications.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (2-1-0)
- Semesters Offered:
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman, Sophomore
- Pre-Requisite(s): PH 2200 and MA 2160
PH 5320 - Mathematical Physics
Partial differential equations of physics, separation of variables, boundary value problems, Sturm-Liouville theory, Legendre and Bessel functions, inhomogeneous partial differential equations, Green's functions. Fourier series, Fourier and Laplace transforms, complex variables, evaluation of integrals by contour integration, linear algebra, matrix methods with emphasis on numerical applications.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
- Restrictions:
Must be enrolled in one of the following Level(s): Graduate