

Students take a minimum 15 credits of coursework, including the required 9 credits of core courses and 6 credits of approved electives. Because this is an interdisciplinary graduate level certificate, a maximum 6 credits can be earned at the 4000 level.

No more than one third of the certificate course credits may be transferred from another institution, provided they were not applied toward a degree.

Students must earn a grade B or higher in each course counting toward the certificate.

Credits earned for this certificate may also be applied toward a single graduate degree at Michigan Technological University.

Required Coursework (A) 6 credits

Required Coursework (B) 3 credits - one of the following:

Elective Coursework (C) - 6 Credits

Undergraduate Courses: (Only one course can be taken from this list. Only 3 credits will apply)

Graduate Courses (at least 3 credits from this list)

Online Delivery

All the core required courses and many of the approved elective courses are / will be offered online. This allows off-campus students to fully complete the Graduate Certificate in Automotive Systems and Controls online.

Typical Schedule

It is anticipated that degree-seeking students will take at a minimum one course each semester toward the certificate, since certificate credits can be counted towards a degree. It is expected that students will take additional courses each semester so that the certificate is completed within 3-4 semesters. It is also anticipated that the majority of non-degree seeking students will be online students who will take one course each semester toward the certificate, hence it is expected that these students will complete the certificate in 5-6 semesters.
