Robert A. Andersen

- 906-370-1886
- Adjunct Professor, Biological Sciences
- Senior Research Scientist, University of Washington
- Emeritus Director, Provasoli-Guillard National Center for Marine Algae and Microbiota (CCMP, now NCMA)
- BS, Botany, North Dakota State University
- MA, Aquatic Biology, St. Cloud State College
- PhD, Botany/Phycology, University of Arkansas
My primary interest is in the systematic biology (nomenclature, phylogeny, taxonomy) of golden algae (heterokont and haptophyte algae). I am also interested in growing both freshwater and marine species in culture. I collect algae from bogs, ponds, lakes and streams in the Keweenaw, including the open regions of Lake Superior.
Research Interests
- Chrysophyte algae
- Algal Systematics
- Algal Culturing