Quantify long-term trends in lake and/or stream water, precipitation, and snowpack
hydrology and chemistry.
Examine the role of vegetation, surface organic layers, and shallow soils in modifying
precipitation solute concentration and flux.
Define terrestrial-aquatic linkages for nutrient and energy transfers.
Examine the effects of global change, especially climate and precipitation, on terrestrial
carbon and nitrogen cycles.
Quantify terrestrial production of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen, and its
input to the aquatic ecosystem.
Quantify trends in above-ground vegetation diversity, biomass, and nutrient content.
Quantify long-term trends in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem production, and define
the major processes accounting for observed changes.
The Northern Watershed Ecosystem Project conducts long-term research, inventory, and
monitoring in a small network of legally-protected research sites located in National
Parks and Preserves. The project goal is to gain understanding of the structure and
function of representative ecosystems and their response to stressors. Most sites
have been under study for 20+ years. The network of sites represents a diverse set
of natural ecosystems from the northern hardwood-boreal ecotone to the taiga-tundra
tree line.
Ecological Systems as Interacting Units
Since the 1930's, scientists have recognized that ecological systems have richly detailed
energy and nutrient input and output budgets. Nutrient supply is generally the factor
most limiting to biological growth and production in temperate and high latitude ecosystems.
But without understanding of internal function or processes regulating nutrient and
energy transformations and movements within the system, it was difficult to quantitatively
separate the effects of different regulatory processes including human activity. The
biotic structure and diversity, geologic substrate, climate, and season control the
flux of water, nutrients, and energy in ecosystems. For some decades it was recognized
that to gain insight into such complex systems a new conceptual research approach
was necessary, one which would consider ecological systems as interacting units rather
than a set of individual components.
Conceptual Approach
Most human-induced ecosystem responses arise from a plethora of subtle, chronic, and
often synergistic stresses rather than the simpler "cause-effect" relationship. A
review of the literature for the last several decades suggests that to statistically
detect incipient change in terrestrial ecosystems, which can occur decades before
above-ground symptoms are apparent, one studies functions (processes). The principal
processes studied are production, decomposition, and biogeochemical cycles. Conversely,
in the aquatic system shifts in community composition, particularly plankton and benthic
crustaceans, often has the most potential to detect incipient change in response to
stress. In practical terms, a combination of both strategies is often applied. For
policy and perhaps political reasons early detection of incipient response, and the
statistical quantification of the magnitude of response, is essential. The ecosystem
approach evaluates not just potential responses in one or a few species, but assesses
the magnitude of effect throughout the system over the longer-term.
Ecosystem Models
In the 1950's, an ecosystem model was developed where major parameters could be directly
measured in the field. By linking hydrology with other ecosystem processes, the "small
watershed ecosystem" model permitted quantification of biogeochemical cycles, i.e.
the movement and transformation of nutrients and energy (carbon) between the biotic
and abiotic components, and other ecosystem processes sensitive to change. The comparison
of biogeochemistry among systems provides an index of their functional "health".
To measure nutrient and energy flux one must also understand water movement and the
sequential shifts in ecosystem water quality. Understanding hydrology is essential
to quantify system nutrient and energy flow, their variation with time, and to detect
trends in stream and lake physical and chemical character (Fig. 1). Most nutrient,
energy, and water flux occurs as shallow subsurface flow which is difficult, if not
impossible, to quantify outside of the watershed context. At least 90+% of surface
water in boreal ecosystems passes through the terrestrial component before entering
a stream, pond, or lake. In temperate watersheds, it is closer to 98+%.
The Northern Watershed Ecosystem Project also places emphasis on terrestrial below-ground
physicochemical and biological processes and functional biodiversity. Greater than
99% of ecosystem biodiversity usually occurs in the sub-surface organic and shallow
mineral soil layers. Typically half of the terrestrial system total production occurs
below-ground in the form of microbial (bacteria, fungi) biomass and small and fine
root growth. The below-ground microbial community regulates the quality and quantity
of most nutrients and almost half the energy available to the above-ground biota.
Higher latitude terrestrial ecosystems generally have greater than 90% of system carbon
and nitrogen in organic form below-ground. Factors affecting below-ground microbial
functional diversity, such as nutrient and energy quality or quantity, will in time
affect above-ground biomass and its diversity.
Site Descriptions
Calumet Watershed, Lake Superior Basin, MI
The 176 – ha Calumet watershed (47o 17' N, 88o 34' W) is adjacent the south shore
of Lake Superior 16 km north of Michigan Technological University (Fig. 2) The watershed
is in the sensitive ecotone between northern hardwood and boreal forest. It has a
NW aspect, uniform slope, moderate topographic relief with elevation from 190 m at
the mouth to 370 m in the headwaters. The bedrock is Cambrian Freda sandstones overlain
with alkaline till and old beach deposits. Soils are Typic Haplorthods, sandy, mixed,
frigid. The watershed is vegetated by sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marshall) and white birch (Betula papyrifera Marshall), and includes hardwood-dominated and white cedar (Thuja occidentalis) wetlands. Continuous monitoring of watershed hydrology, meteorology, precipitation
and stream chemistry began in autumn 1979. Instrumentation includes an upper and lower
stream gage; air, snowpack, stream and soil temperature; PAR; and weekly precipitation
and snowpack water equivalent (SWE) along an elevation gradient. In 1985, we added
replicated instrumented vegetation/soil plots to measure SWE, snowmelt, forest floor
and soil water; and instrumented wells to measure change in soil water height with
snowmelt (Fig. 3). Precipitation, snowpack, forest floor leachate, soil water, well
and stream water chemistry are monitored weekly for macro ions and dissolved organic
carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON).
Wallace Lake Watershed, Isle Royale National Park, MI
Continuous watershed-level monitoring and research began in 1982 (Fig. 4). The 115-ha
watershed is located in the northeastern third of Isle Royale National Park in northwestern
Lake Superior about 130 km north of Houghton, Michigan.
Included within the gauged first-order watershed is the 5-ha Wallace Lake (Fig. 5).
Watershed elevation ranges from 195 to 275 m above sea level, and the watershed has
a northern aspect. The watershed topography is broken by a series of small (<5 m elevation)
bedrock ridges exposed by glaciation. Wallace Lake is formed behind one such ridge.
Soils are sandy to coarse loamy, mixed, and frigid Alfic Haplorthods deposited during
the post-glacial Lake Nipissing stage about 3000 years ago. The overstory is dominated
by trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides), white birch (Betual papyrifera), balsam fir (Abies balsamea) and white spruce (Picea glauca). Half of the watershed is vegetated by birch-aspen
with the remainder in spruce-fir, tag alder (Alnus rugosa), northern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis), and wetlands.
Asik Watershed, Noatak National Preserve, AK
In 1990 we began continuous monitoring and study of the Asik watershed (lat 67° 58',
long 162° 15') located 95 km northeast of Kotzebue, Alaska.
The 800-ha watershed is one of few longer-term study sites located at the taiga-tundra
tree line (Fig. 6). The bedrock is sedimentary and metamorphic rock. About 5-7% of
the watershed consists of talus slopes. The Noatak River drainage was not glaciated
during the last ice age. The soil association is gravelly, hilly to steep Pergelic
Cryaquepts – Pergelic Cryorthents, and consists of poorly drained to well-drained
soils most with discontinuous permafrost. Upper elevation portions of the lower one-third
and most of the middle half of the watershed are dominated by white spruce (Picea glauca) (Fig. 7).
Forest understory consists primarily of Hylocomium splendens, Equisetum arvense, and Boykinia richardsonii, with shrubs of willow (Salix spp.) and Vaccinium uliginosum. The understory of the taiga-tundra transition zone and tundra is dominated by tussocks
of Eriophorum vaginatum, Vaccinium uliginosum, Potentilla fruticosa, and birch (Betula nana).
The upper 20% of the watershed area is dominated by shrubs as birch and scattered
alder (Alnus crispa) on more northern aspects, and mesic non-tussock tundra. The stream flood zone is
dominated by willow.
Selected Site Publications
Binkley, D., R. Stottlemyer, F. Suarez, and J. Cortina. 1994. Soil nitrogen availability
in some arctic ecosystems in Northwest Alaska: responses to temperature and moisture.
Ecoscience 1(1):64‑70.
Binkley, D., F. Suarez, C. Rhoades, R. Stottlemyer, and D. W. Valentine. 1995. Parent
material depth controls ecosystem composition and function on a riverside terrace
in northwestern Alaska. Ecoscience 2(4):377-381.
Binkley, D., F. Suarez, R. Stottlemyer, and B. Caldwell. 1997. Ecosystem development
on terraces along the Kugururok River, northwest Alaska. Ecoscience 4(3):311-318.
Rhoades, C. C., H. Oskarsson, D. Binkley, and R. Stottlemyer. 2001. Alder (Alnus crispa)
effects on soils in ecosystems of the Agashashok River valley, northwest Alaska. 8(1):89-95.
Rutkowski, D., and R. Stottlemyer. 1993. Composition, biomass and nutrient distribution
in mature northern hardwood and boreal forest stands, Michigan. Am. Midl. Nat. 130:13-30.
Stottlemyer, R. 1997. Streamwater chemistry in watersheds receiving different atmospheric
inputs of H+, NH4+, NO3-, and SO42-. J. Amer. Water Resour. Assoc. 33(4):767-780.
Stottlemyer, R. 2001. Biogeochemistry of a treeline watershed, Northwest Alaska. J.
Environ. Qual. 30(6):1990-1998.
Stottlemyer, R. 2002. Ecosystem processes and nitrogen export in northern U.S. watersheds.
In: Optimizing nitrogen management in food and energy production and environmental
protection, J. Galloway, E. Cowling, J. W. Erisman, J. Wisniewski, and C. Jordan (eds),
A.A. Balkema Publishers, Tokyo, pp. 581-588.
Stottlemyer, R., D. Binkley, and H. Steltzer. 2002. Treeline biogeochemistry and dynamics,
Noatak National Preserve. In: Studies by the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska, 2000,
F. H. Wilson and J. P. Galloway (eds), USGS Prof. Pap. 1662, pp. 113-122.
Stottlemyer, R., C. Rhoades, and H. Steltzer. 2003. Soil temperature, moisture, carbon
and nitrogen mineralization at treeline, Noatak National Preserve, Alaska. In: Studies
by the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska, 2001, Galloway, J. P. (ed), USGS Prof. Pap.
1678, pp. 127-137.
Stottlemyer, R., and Toczydlowski, D. 1991. Stream chemistry and hydrologic pathways
during snowmelt in a small watershed adjacent Lake Superior. Biogeochemistry 13:177-197.
Stottlemyer, R., and Toczydlowski, D. 1996 a. Modification of snowmelt chemistry by
forest floor and mineral soil, Northern Michigan. J. Environ. Qual. 25:828-836.
Stottlemyer, R., and Toczydlowski, D. 1996 b. Precipitation, snowpack, stream-water
ion chemistry, and flux in a northern Michigan watershed, 1982-1991. Can J. Fish.
Aquatic Sciences 53:2659-2672.
Stottlemyer, R., and Toczydlowski, D. 1999. Seasonal change in precipitation, snowpack,
snowmelt, soil water, and streamwater chemistry, northern Michigan. Hydrol. Process.
Stottlemyer, R., and D. Toczydlowski. 1999. Seasonal relationships between precipitation,
forest floor, and stream water nitrogen, Isle Royale, Michigan. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer.
J. 63(2):389-398. #2651
Stottlemyer, R., and D. Toczydlowski. 2006. Effect of reduced winter precipitation
and increased temperature on watershed solute flux, 1988-2002, Northern Michigan.
Biogeochemistry 77(3):409-440.
Stottlemyer, R., Toczydlowski, D. and Herrmann, R. 1998. Biogeochemistry of a mature
boreal ecosystem: Isle Royale National Park, Michigan. Scient. Monogr. NPS/NRUSGS/NRSM-98/01,
U.S. Dept. Interior, National Park Service, Washington, D.C., 116 pp.
Suarez, F., D. Binkley, M. Kaye, and R. Stottlemyer. 1999. Expansion of forest stands
into tundra in the Noatak National Preserve, northwest Alaska. Ecoscience 6(3):465-470.
Contact Information
R. Stottlemyer 970-498-1017 Robert_Stottlemyer@USGS.gov USGS Fort Collins Science Center 2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. C Ft. Collins, CO 80526-8118
Louise O'Deen Laboratory Manager USDA Forest Service 970-226-9190 Fax 970-226-9230 lodeen@fs.fed.us USGS Fort C Ft. Collins, CO 80526-8118