Our faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences are involved in cutting-edge research. They have authored and contributed to a number of publications—both in prior work and during their tenure at Michigan Tech.
Select a faculty member below for some of their most recent publications.
Rupali Datta
- Warke, M., Sarkar, D., Zhang, Z., Neve, S., Datta, R. 2023. Human health risk mitigation from arsenic in rice by crop rotation with a hyperaccumulator plant. Environ Sci Pollut Res 30, 12030–12040. Read more
- Saleh, H., Persaud, V., Datta, R., Sarkar, D. 2022. Assessment of geochemical forms of lead in lead-contaminated residential soils with varying physio-chemical characteristics.Read more
- Neve, S.; Sarkar, D.; Datta, R. 2022. Effects of Pyrolysis Temperature and Residence Time on Physicochemical Properties of Biochar Derived from Spent Vetiver Roots. In Proceedings of the ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA. Read more
- Warke M*, English M*, De Marchi L*, Sarkar RD*, Kannan S, Datta R, Rao s (2022) In-vitro cell culture model to determine toxic effects of soil Arsenic due to direct dermal exposure, Environ. Innov., 28: 102949. Read more
- Warke M*, Sarkar D, Zhang Z, Neve S*, Datta R (2022)Human health risk mitigation from arsenic in rice by crop rotation with a hyperaccumulator plant. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 30, 12030-12040. Read more
- Na Nagara V*, Sarkar D, Luo Q, Biswas JK, Datta R (2022) Health Risk Assessment of Exposure to Trace Elements from Drinking Black and Green Tea Marketed in Three Countries. Biol Trace Elem Res 200, 2970–2982. Read more
- Zhang Z, Sarkar D, Sidhu V, Warke M, Datta R (2022) Impact of EDDS Dosage on Lead Phytoextraction in Contaminated Urban Residential Soils. Front Sustain Cities 146. Read more
- Na Nagara V*, Sarkar D, Elzinga EJ, Datta R (2022) Removal of heavy metals from stormwater runoff using granulated drinking water treatment residuals. Environ Technol & Innov 28, 102636. Read more
- Sarkar RD*, Zhang Z, Warke M*, Datta R (2022) Health Risk from Toxic Metals in Wild Rice Grown in Copper Mining-Impacted Sediments. Applied Sciences 12(6): 2937. Read more
- Zhang Z, Sarkar D, Datta R, Deng Y (2021) Adsorption of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonic Acid (PFOS) by Aluminum-based Drinking Water Treatment Residuals. Hazard, Mater. Lett, 100034. Read more
- Roy S, Sarkar D, Datta R, Bhattacharya SS, Bhattacharya P (2021) Assessing the arsenic-saturated biochar recycling potential of vermitechnology: Insights on nutrient recovery, metal benignity, and microbial activity. Chemosphere, 131660. Read more
- Kiiskila J, Sarkar D, Datta R (2021) Differential protein abundance of vetiver grass in response to acid mine drainage. Physiol Plant. Read more
- RoyChowdhury A, Mukherjee P*, Panja S*, Datta R, Christodoulatos C, Sarkar D (2021) Evidence for Phytoremediation and Phytoexcretion of NTO from Industrial Wastewater by Vetiver Grass. Molecules 2021, 26, 74. Read more
- Kiiskila JD*, Li K*, Sarkar D, Datta R (2020) Metabolic response of vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides) to acid mine drainage. Chemosphere 240: 124961. Read more
- Kiiskila, J.D., Sarkar, D., Panja, S., Sahi, S.V., Datta, R. (2019) Remediation of acid mine drainage-impacted water by vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides): A multiscale long-term study. Ecol. Engineer. 129: 97-108. Read more
- Pidatala, V.R., Li, K., Sarkar, D., Wusirika, R., Datta, R. (2017) Comparative metabolic profiling of vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) and maize (Zea mays) under Lead stress. Chemosphere 193: 903-911. Read more
- Datta, R., Das, P., Tappero, R., Punamiya, P., Elzinga, E., Sahi, S., Feng, H., Kiiskila, J., Sarkar, D. (2017) Evidence for exocellular arsenic in fronds of Pteris vittata. Nature Scientific Reports 7: 2839. Read more
- Attinti R, Barrett KR, Datta R, Sarkar D (2017) Ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid (EDDS) enhances phytoextraction of lead by vetiver grass from contaminated residential soils in a panel study in the field. Environ. Pollut. 225: 524-533. Read more
Paul D. Goetsch
- Goetsch, Paul; University of Minnesota Duluth. Department of Biology. (2021). DREAM interrupted: Establishing a CRISPR/Cas9 functional genomics pipeline in Caenorhabditis elegans (2021-02-19). Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy. Read more
- Paul J. Vorster, Paul Goetsch, Tilini U. Wijeratne, Keelan Z. Guiley, Laura Andrejka, Sarvind Tripathi, Braden J. Larson, Seth M. Rubin, Susan Strome, Joseph S. Lipsick. 2020. A long lost key opens an ancient lock: Drosophila Myb causes a synthetic multivulval phenotype in nematodes. Biol Open; 9 (5). Read more
- Vorster, P. J., Goetsch, P., & Wijeratne, T. U. 2020. A long lost key opens an ancient lock: Drosophila Myb causes a synthetic multivulval. Biology open, 9 (5).
- Paul D Goetsch, Susan Strome. 2019. DREAM Interrupted: Severing LIN-35-MuvB association in Caenorhabditis elegans impairs DREAM function but not its chromatin localization, Genetics, Volume 221, Issue 3. Read more
- Goetsch, P. D., Garrigues, J. M., & Strome, S. 2017. Loss of the Caenorhabditis elegans pocket protein Lin-35 reveals MuvB's innate function as the repressor of Dream Target Genes. PLOS Genetics. Read more
- Marceau, A., Felthousen, J., Goetsch, P. et al. 2016. Structural basis for LIN54 recognition of CHR elements in cell cycle-regulated promoters. Nat Commun 7, 12301. Read more
- Mark B. Meyer, Paul D. Goetsch, J. Wesley Pike. 2012. VDR/RXR and TCF4/β-Catenin Cistromes in Colonic Cells of Colorectal Tumor Origin: Impact on c-FOS and c-MYC Gene Expression, Molecular Endocrinology, Volume 26, Issue 1, Pages 37–51. Read more
- J. Wesley Pike, Mark B. Meyer, Melissa L. Martowicz, Kathleen A. Bishop, Seong Min Lee, Robert D. Nerenz, Paul D. Goetsch. 2010. Emerging regulatory paradigms for control of gene expression by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Volume 121, Issues 1–2, Pages 130-135. Read more
- Mark B. Meyer, Paul D. Goetsch, J. Wesley Pike. 2010. Genome-wide analysis of the VDR/RXR cistrome in osteoblast cells provides new mechanistic insight into the actions of the vitamin D hormone, The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Volume 121, Issues 1–2, Pages 136-141. Read more
- Mark B. Meyer, Paul D. Goetsch, J. Wesley Pike. 2010. A Downstream Intergenic Cluster of Regulatory Enhancers Contributes to the Induction of CYP24A1 Expression by 1α,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3*, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Volume 285, Issue 20, Pages 15599-15610. Read more
- Meyer, M. B., P. D. Goetsch, and J. W. Pike. 2010. "Genome-wide analysis of the VDR." RXR cistrome in osteoblast.
- Junfa Zhu, Paul Goetsch, Nancy Ruzycki, and Charles T. Campbell. 2007. Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (20), 6432-6441 DOI: 10.1021/ja067437c. Read more
- Zhu, J., Goetsch, P., Ruzycki, N., & Campbell, C. T. (2006). COLL 553-Heat of adsorption and structure of calcium on poly (methyl methacrylate)(PMMA) surfaces. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 232). 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA: AMER CHEMICAL SOC.
- S.F. Diaz, J.F. Zhu, J.J.W. Harris, P. Goetsch, L.R. Merte, Charles T. Campbell. 2005. Heats of adsorption of Pb on pristine and electron-irradiated poly(methyl methacrylate) by microcalorimetry, Surface Science, Volume 598, Issues 1–3, 2005, Pages 22-34. Read more
Michael R. Gretz
- Domozych, D.S.,. Lambiasse, L., Kiemle, S.N.. and Gretz, M.R. 2009. Structure and biochemistry of charophycean cell walls. II. Cell wall development and bipolar growth in the desmid Penium margaritaceum. Asymmetry in a symmetric world. Journal of Phycology (in press)
- Bellinger, B.J., Underwood, G.J.C., Ziegler, S.E. and Gretz, M.R. 2009. The significance of diatom-derived polymers in carbon flow dynamics within estuarine biofilms determined through isotopic enrichment. Aquatic Microbial Ecology (in press).
- Domozych, D.S., Serfis, A., Kiemle, S. and Gretz, M.R. 2007. The structure and biochemistry of charophycean cell walls. I. Pectins of Penium margaritaceum. Protoplasma 230:99-115.
- Kiemle, S.N., Domozych, D.S. and Gretz, M.R. 2007. The exopolymers of desmids: Chemistry, structural analysis and implications in wetland biofilms. Phycologia 46:617-627.
- Domozych, D.S., Elliot, L, Kiemle, S.N. and Gretz, M.R. 2007. Pleurotaenium trabecula, a desmid of wetland biofilms: The extracellular matrix and adhesion mechanisms. Journal of Phycology 43:1022-1038.
- Abdullahi, A.S., Underwood, G.J.C., and Gretz, M.R. 2006. Extracellular matrix assembly in diatoms (Bacillariophyceae). V. Environmental effects on polysaccharide synthesis in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Journal of Phycology 42:363-378.
- Apoya, M.D., Liang, Y., Underwood, G.J.C. and Gretz, M.R. 2006. Movement modalities and responses to environmental changes of the mudflat diatom Cylindrotheca closterium. Journal of Phycology 42:379-390.
Erika I. Hersch-Green
- Walczyk, A.M. and Hersch-Green, E.I. (2022), Do water and soil nutrient scarcities differentially impact the performance of diploid and tetraploid Solidago gigantea (Giant Goldenrod, Asteraceae)?. Plant Biol J, 24: 1031-1042.
- Faizullah, L., Morton, J.A., Hersch-Green, E.I., Walczyk, A.M., Leitch, A.R., Leitch, I.J. 2021. Exploring environmental selection on genome size in angiosperms, Trends in Plant Science, Volume 26, Issue 10, Pages 1039-1049.
- Bothwell, H. M., Evans, L. M., Hersch-Green, E. I., Woolbright, S. A., Allan, G. J., and Whitham, T. G.. 2021. Genetic data improves niche model discrimination and alters the direction and magnitude of climate change forecasts. Ecological Applications 31( 3):e02254.
- Walczyk A, and Hersch-Green, E. 2019. Impacts of soil nitrogen and phosphorus levels on cytotype performance of the circumboreal herb, Chamerion angustifolium (Onagraceae): implications for polyploid establishment. American Journal of Botany 106(7): 906-921.
- Bales A, and Hersch-Green, E. 2019. Diploid disadvantage disappears under increased soil nitrogen availability in fireweed, Chamerion angustifolium (Onagraceae). Ecology and Evolution 9(3):1095-1109.
- Bothwell H, Cushman S, Woolbright S, Hersch-Green E, Evans L, Allan G, Whitham T. 2017. Conserving threatened riparian ecosystems in the American West: Precipitation gradients and river networks drive genetic connectivity and diversity in a foundation riparian tree (Populus angustifolia). Molecular Ecology 26(19): 5114-5132. Read More
- Grady K, Wood T, Kolb T, Hersch-Green E, Shuster S, Gehring C, Hart S, Allan G, Whitham T. 2017. Local biotic adaptation of trees and shrubs to plant neighbors. Oikos 126(4): 583-593.
- Fischer D, Wimp G, Hersch-Green E, Bangert R, LeRoy C, Schweitzer J, Bailey J, Dirks C, Hart S, and Whitham T. 2017. Tree genetics strongly affect forest productivity, but intraspecific diversity-productivity relationships do not. Functional Ecology 31(2): 520-529.
- Hersch-Green E, Allan G, and Whitham T. 2014. Genetic analysis of admixture and patterns of introgression in foundation cottonwood tree (Salicaceae) in southwestern Colorado, USA. Tree Genetics and Genomes 10(3): 527-539. Read More
- Bangert, R., Ferrier, S. M., Evans, L., Kennedy, K., Grady, K. C., Hersch-Green, E. I., Allan, G. J., and T. G. Whitham. In Press. The proportion of three foundation plant species and their genotypes influence an arthropod community: restoration implications for the endangered southwestern willow flycatcher. Restoration Ecology
- Hersch-Green, E. I., H. Myburg, and M. T. Johnson. 2012. Adaptive molecular evolution of a defence gene in sexual but not functionally asexual evening primroses. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25: 1576-1586.
- S.M. Ferrier, R.K. Bangert, E. I. Hersch-Green, J. K. Bailey, G.J. Allan, and T.G. Whitham. 2012. Unique arthropod communities on different host-plant genotypes results in greater arthropod diversity. Arthropod Plant Interactions 6: 187-195.
- Hersch-Green, E. I, N. Turley, and M. T. J. Johnson. 2011. Community genetics: what have we accomplished and where should we be headed? Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 366: 1453-1460.
- Hersch-Green, E.I., and R.C. Cronn. 2009. Tangled trios, or something entirely different? Characterizing a hybrid zone in Castilleja (Orobanchaceae). American Journal of Botany 96(8): 1519-1531.
- Hersch, E.I, and B. A. Roy. 2007. Context-dependant pollinator behavior: an explanation for patterns of hybridization among three species of Indian paintbrush. Evolution 61(1): 111- 124. Cover Photo.
- Hersch, E.I. 2006. Foliar damage to parental plants interacts to influence mating success of Ipomoea purpurea. Ecology 87(8): 2026-2036.
Casey J Huckins
- Brian M. Danhoff, Casey J Huckins. 2022. Associations between large wood and streambed complexity in headwater streams in the western Upper Peninsula, Michigan, Geomorphology, Volume 406. Read more
- Bouma-Gregson, K.; Power, M.E.; Furey, P.C.; Huckins, C.J.; Vadeboncoeur, Y. 2021. Taxon-specific photosynthetic responses of attached algal assemblages to experimental translocation between river habitats. Freshw. Sci. 40, 175–190. Read more
- Brooks, C., Marcarelli, A., Huckins, C., & Grimm, A. 2021. Water chemistry and aquatic vegetation data from Les Cheneaux Islands, Northern Lake Huron, Michigan, USA, 2016-2018.
- Van Goethem*, RR; Huckins, CJ; Marcarelli, AM. 2020. "Effects of Invasive Watermilfoil on Primary Production in Littoral Zones of North-Temperate Lakes." Diversity 12, no. 2: 82.
- Danhoff*, BM., and Huckins CJ. 2020. Modelling submerged fluvial substrates with structure-from-motion photogrammetry. River Research and Applications 36:128-137.
- Ortiz* JE, Marcarelli AM, Juneau KJ, Huckins CJ. 2019. Invasive Myriophyllum spicatum and nutrients interact to influence algal assemblages. Aquatic Botany 156:1-9. Read more (Great Lakes Research Center Contribution no. 52).
- Marcarelli AM, Coble AA, Meingast KM, Kane ES, Brooks CN, Buffam I, Green SA, Huckins CJ, Toczydlowski D, Stottlemyer R. Early View (2019). Of small streams and Great Lakes: Integrating tributaries to understand the ecology and biogeochemistry of Lake Superior. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. Read more.
- Goble*, CW., Auer, NA., Huckins, CJ, Danhoff*, BM., Holtgren, JM. and Ogren, SA. 2018. Fish Distributions and Habitat Associations in Manistee River, Michigan, Tributaries: Implications for Arctic Grayling Restoration. North Am J Fish Manage, 38: 469-486. doi:10.1002/nafm.10049.
- Danhoff*, BM., CJ Huckins, NA. Auer, CW. Goble, SA. Ogren, and JM. Holtgren. 2017. Abiotic Habitat Assessment for Arctic Grayling in a Portion of the Big Manistee River, Michigan. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146:645-662.
- Coble AA*, Marcarelli AM, Kane ES, Huckins CJ. 2016. Uptake of ammonium and soluble reactive phosphorus in forested streams: influence of dissolved organic matter composition. Biogeochemistry 131:355-372.
- Feringa, M., C. Huckins, W. Mattes, E. Baker, T. Zorn, J. Littlefield, K. Scribner. 2016. "Genetic and phenotypic evidence for splake presence in brook trout and lake trout spawning habitats." Journal of Great Lakes Research 42(3): 738-742. Read more
- Marcarelli AM, Huckins CJ & Eggert SL. 2015. Sand aggradation alters biofilm standing crop and metabolism in a low-gradient Lake Superior tributary. Journal of Great Lakes Research 41: 1052-1059. doi:10.1016/j.jglr.2015.09.004.
- Ogren, S. A. and C. J. Huckins 2015 Culvert replacements: improvement of stream biotic integrity? Restoration Ecology 23(6): 821-828.
- Ogren, S.A., and C.J Huckins. 2015. Awareness of bias in fish indices of biotic integrity improves interpretation of bioassessment. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. (in Press)
- Ogren*, S. and C.J Huckins. 2014. Evaluation of suitability and comparability of stream assessment indices using macroinvertebrate data sets from the Northern Lakes and Forests Ecoregion. Ecological Indicators. Volume 40, May 2014, Pages 117–126
- Mirchi*, A., D.W. Watkins, Jr., C. J Huckins, K. Madani and P. Hjorth. 2014. Water resources management in a homogenizing world: Averting the growth and underinvestment trajectory. Water Resources Research (in press) Read more
- Scribner, K., Huckins, C. J., Baker, E., Kanefsky, J. 2012. Genetic relationships and gene flow between resident and migratory brook trout in the Salmon Trout River. Journal of Great Lakes Research.
- Barkdoll, B.D. and C.J Huckins, 2012. The role of bridge scour in relation to stream restoration, Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, (pp. 2546-2555).
- Harless, M. L., Huckins, C. J., Grant, J. B., Pypker, T. G. (2011). "Effects of six chemical deicers on larval wood frogs", Environmental Toxicity and Chemistry, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(7):1637–1641.
- Van Grinsven, M., Mayer, A. and Huckins, C. (2011), Estimation of Streambed Groundwater Fluxes Associated with Coaster Brook Trout Spawning Habitat. Ground Water. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00856.x
- Huckins, C. J, .E. A. Baker, K. D. Fausch and J. B. K. Leonard. 2008. Ecology and Life History of Coaster Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis and Potential Bottlenecks in Their Rehabilitation. North American Journal of Fish Management. 28:1321–1342.
- Huckins, C. J., and E. A. Baker. 2008. Migrations and Biological Characteristics of Adfluvial Coaster Brook Trout in a South Shore Lake Superior Tributary. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 137:1229-1243.
- Webster, C. W., C. J F. Huckins, J. M. Shields. 2008. Spatial Distribution of Riparian Zone Coarse Woody Debris in a Managed Northern Temperate Watershed. American Midland Naturalist. in press.
- VanDusen, P. J., C. J Huckins, D. J. Flaspohler. 2005. Associations among selection logging history, brook trout, macroinvertebrates and habitat in Northern Michigan headwater streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 134:762-774.
- Osenberg, C. W., C. J F. Huckins, A. Kaltenberg, and A. Martinez. 2004. Resolving within and between population variation in feeding ecology with a biomechanical model of crushing force. Oecologia. 141:57-65
- Flaspohler, D. J., C. J F. Huckins, B. R. Bub, and P. J. VanDusen. 2002. Temporal patterns in aquatic and avian communities following selective logging. Forest Science 48:339-350.
- Klinger, R.C., R.F. Floyd, V.S. Blazer, and C.J Huckins. 2001. Nutritional disease of a Lake Victorian cichlid, haplochromis (Prognathrochromis perrieri); a clinical assessment. Journal of Aquariculture and Aquatic Sciences 9:228-236.
- Huckins, C. J F., C. W. Osenberg, and G. G. Mittelbach. 2000. Species introductions and ecological consequences: an example with congeneric sunfish. Ecological Applications 10:612:625.
- Huckins, C.JF. 1997. Linkages between morphology, feeding performance, diet, and competitive ability of molluscivorous sunfish. Ecology 78:2401-2414.
Robert A. Larson
- Larson, R. A. and Chapleau, M. W. (2023). Differential engagement of inhibitory and excitatory cardiopulmonary reflexes by capsaicin and phenylbiguanide in C57BL/6 mice. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 2023 324:3, R336-R344.
- Vyas, A. P., Thivierge, G. S., Toorongian, C. A., Larson, R. A. and Durocher, J. J. (2022), Mental Stress Pressor Response and Post-Stress Aortic Wave Reflection. The FASEB Journal, 36.
- Larson, R. A., Chen, X., Gu, M., Shan, Z. and Chen, Q. (2022), SK Channel Dysfunction in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus Contributes to Sympathoexcitation in Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats. The FASEB Journal, 36.
- Larson, R. A., Lu, Y. and Chapleau, M. W. (2020), Evidence that Sympathetic Activity is Increased Selectively to the Heart in a Mouse Model of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. The FASEB Journal, 34: 1-1.
- Chapp, A. D., Huber, M. J., Collins, A. R., Driscoll, K. M., Behnke, J. E., Larson, R. A., Shan, Z., Zhang, L., Chen, Q. (2020). Local Metabolism of Ethanol to Acetic Acid/Acetate in the Central Nucleus of Amygdala Elicits Sympathoexcitatory Responses through Activation of NMDAR in Sprague Dawley Rats. bioRxiv 2020.07.20.212597
- Larson, R. A., Lu, Y., Benson, C. J. and Chapleau, M. W. (2019), Sensitization of the Cardiac Sympathetic Afferent Reflex Contributes to Increased Sympathetic Tone in a Mouse Model of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. The FASEB Journal, 33: 745.4-745.4.
- Larson, R. A., Lu, Y., Benson, C. J., Chapleau, M. W. (2018). Abstract P202: Targeting the Cardiac Sympathetic Afferent Reflex in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Hypertension. 2018;72:AP202.
- Larson, R. A., & Chapleau, M. W. (2018). Increased cardiac sympathetic activity: Cause or compensation in vasovagal syncope?. Clinical Autonomic Research, 28(3), 265-266.
- Larson, R. A. and Chapleau, M. W. (2018), Chemosensitive Cardiac Afferent Reflexes in Mice: Are they Altered in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy?. The FASEB Journal, 32: 591.4-591.4.
- Chapp, A.D., Schum, S., Behnke, J.E., Huber, M.J., Jiang, E., Larson, R. A., Shan, Z. and Chen, Q. (2018), Measurement of Electrolytes, Including Acetate in Various Physiological Samples Using Ion Chromatography. The FASEB Journal, 32: 844.3-844.3.
- Chapp, A. D., Schum, S., Behnke, J. E., Hahka, T., Huber, M. J., Jiang, E., Larson, R. A., Shan, Z., Chen, Q; (2018). Measurement of cations, anions, and acetate in serum, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, and tissue by ion chromatography. Physiol Rep, 6 ( 7), 2018, e13666,
- Jiang, E., Chapp A. D., Fan, Y., Larson, R. A., Hahka, T., Huber, M. J., Yan, J., Chen, Q., Shan, Z. (2018). Expression of Proinflammatory Cytokines Is Upregulated in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus of Dahl Salt-Sensitive Hypertensive Rats. Frontiers in Physiology, Vol. 9.
- Huber, M. J., Fan, Y., Jiang, E., Zhu, F., Larson, R. A., Yan, J., Li, N., Chen, Q., Shan, Z. (2017). Increased activity of the orexin system in the paraventricular nucleus contributes to salt-sensitive hypertension. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 2017 313:6, H1075-H1086.
- Larson, R. A., Chapp, A. D., Gui, L., Huber, M. J., Cheng, Z. J., Shan, Z., & Chen, Q. (2017). High salt intake augments excitability of PVN neurons in rats: role of the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ store. Frontiers in Neuroscience,11, 182.
- Larson, R. A., Purnell, B. S., Davis, M. K., Weiss, R. M., Cicha, M. Z., Sabharwal, R. and Chapleau, M. W. (2017), Age-Related Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction in a Mouse Model of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. The FASEB Journal, 31: lb676-lb676.
- Larson, R. A., & Carter, J. R. (2016). Total sleep deprivation and pain perception during cold noxious stimuli in humans. Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 13(1), 12-16.
- Huber, M. J., Zhu, F., Larson, R. A., Chen, Q. (2016), Abstract P327: Increased Brain iNOS Contributes to Hypertension in Dahl Salt Sensitive Rats. Hypertension. 2016; 68:AP327.
- Zhu, F., Larson, R. A., Shi, P., Li, N., Chen, Q. and Shan, Z. (2016), High Salt Challenge Augments Expression of Proinflammatory Cytokines and Contributes to Elevated Neuronal Activity in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus. The FASEB Journal, 30: 757.14-757.14.
- Larson, R. A., Chapp, A. D., Cheng, Z., Shan, Z. and Chen, Q. (2016), Diminished Intracellular Calcium in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus Augments Neuronal Excitability and Sympathetic Nerve Activity. The FASEB Journal, 30: 757.13-757.13.
- Larson, R. A. (2016). Central neural mechanisms of salt-sensitive hypertension (Order No. 10168415). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Michigan Technological University; SciTech Premium Collection.
- Larson, R. A., Gui, L., Huber, M. J., Chapp, A. D., Zhu, J., LaGrange, L. P., ... & Chen, Q. (2015). Sympathoexcitation in ANG II-salt hypertension involves reduced SK channel function in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 308(12), H1547-H1555.
Amy M Marcarelli
- Brooks, C., Grimm, A., Marcarelli, A. M., Marion, N. P., Shuchman, R., & Sayers, M. (2022). Classification of Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) Using Drone-Enabled Multispectral Imagery Analysis. Remote Sensing, 14(10), 2336. Read more
- Marcarelli, A.M., Fulweiler, R.W. and Scott, J.T. (2022), Nitrogen fixation: A poorly understood process along the freshwater-marine continuum. Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 7: 1-10. Read more
- Nevorski K.C. and Marcarelli, A.M. (2022), High daily and year-round variability in denitrification and nitrogen fixation in a northern temperate river. Read more
- Mebane CA, Ray AM, Marcarelli AM (2021) Nutrient limitation of algae and macrophytes in streams: Integrating laboratory bioassays, field experiments, and field data. PLOS ONE 16(6): e0252904. Read more
- Fulweiler RW, Davies SW, Biddle JF, Burgin AJ, Cooperdock EHG, et al. (2021) Rebuild the Academy: Supporting academic mothers during COVID-19 and beyond. PLOS Biology 19(3): e3001100. Read more
- Meingast, K. M., Kane, E. S., Coble, A. A., Marcarelli, A. M., & Toczydlowski, D. (2020). Climate, snowmelt dynamics and atmospheric deposition interact to control dissolved organic carbon export from a northern forest stream over 26 years. Environmental Research Letters, 15(10), 104034. Read more
- Marcarelli, A. M., Baxter, C. V., Benjamin, J. R., Miyake, Y., Murakami, M., Fausch, K. D., & Nakano, S. (2020). Magnitude and direction of stream–forest community interactions change with timescale. Ecology, 101(8), e03064. Read more
Jill A. Olin
(graduate student; *undergraduate student)
- Keppeler FW, Junker JR, Shaw MJ, Alford SB, Engel AE, Hooper-Bui LM, Jensen OP, Lamb K, López-Duarte P, Martin CW, McDonald AM, Olin JA, Paterson AT, Polito MJ, Rabalais NN, Roberts BJ, Rossi RE, Swenson EM. (2023). Can created saltmarshes match biodiversity of pre-existing ones across scales? An assessment from microbes to fishes. Ecosphere 14 (3):e4461.
- Saavedra NE, Rush SA, Olin JA, Paterson G. (2023). Resolving resource partitioning among sympatric forage fish: Insights from a multi-tracer approach. Freshwater Biology 68 (2): 288‒300.
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Gord Paterson
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Irina Sergeyeva
- "Technology Management as a Tool for Learning Outcomes Improvement", I. Sergeyeva & A. Sergeyev Fall/Winter 2016, vol. 17, no.1 issue of the TIIJ (Technology Interface International Journal)
Guiliang Tang
- Ruimin Tang, Cailiang Zhao, Jingjian Dong, Xiayu Liu, Lu Chang, Jianghui Li, Haitao Dong, Yuntao Lv, Zhuang Luo, Meiling Wu, Shan Shen, Qianwen Shan, Yuan Li, Qijun Chen, Runzhi Li, Liheng He, Qinghe Cao, Guiliang Tang, Xiaoyun Jia (2025) Post-transcriptional and post-translational regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis in sweetpotato by Ib-miR2111 and IbKFB: Implications for health promotion. Journal of Advanced Research. Online 2025/1/16
- Zhanhui Zhang, Tianxiao Yang, Na Li, Guiliang Tang, Jihua Tang (2024) MicroRNA166: Old Players and New Insights into Crop Agronomic Traits Improvement. Genes 15(7), 944
- Juan Meng, Weiya Li, Feiyan Qi, Tianxiao Yang, Na Li, Jiong Wan, Xiaoqi Li, Yajuan Jiang, Chenhui Wang, Meilian Huang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Yongqiang Chen, Sachin Teotia, Guiliang Tang, Zhanhui Zhang, Jihua Tang (2024) Knockdown of microRNA390 Enhances Maize Brace Root Growth. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25(12), 6791
- H Li, S Wang, L Zhai, Y Cui, G Tang, J Huo, X Li, S Bian (2024) The miR156/SPL12 Module Orchestrates Fruit Colour Change through Directly Regulating Ethylene Production Pathway in Blueberry. Plant Biotechnology Journal 22(2), 386-400
- C Xu, Z Zhang, J He, Y Bai, J Cui, L Liu, J Tang, G Tang, X Chen, B Mo (2023) The DEAD‐Box Helicase RCF1 Plays Roles in miRNA Biogenesis and RNA Splicing in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 116(1), 144-160
- Y Zhao, X Zhang, Y Cheng, X Du, S Teotia, C Miao, H Sun, G Fan,Guiliang Tang, Hongwei Xue, Quanzhi Zhao, Ting Peng (2023) The miR167-OsARF12 Module Regulates Rice Grain Filling and Grain Size Downstream of miR159. Plant Communications 4(5)
- Teotia S, Wang X, Zhou N, Wang M, Liu H, Qin J, Han D, Li C, Li CE, Pan S, Tang H, Kang W, Zhang Z, Tang X, Peng T, Tang G. (2023) A high-efficiency gene silencing in plants using two-hit asymmetrical artificial MicroRNAs. Plant Biotechnol J. 2023 Jul 1. doi: 10.1111/pbi.14091. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37392408 Free article.
- Dongjie Zhao, Qinghui Chen, Ziyang Wang, Lucy Arbanas, Guiliang Tang (2023) Investigation of temperature stress tolerance in Arabidopsis STTM165/166 using electrophysiology and RNA-Seq. arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.04107.
- Li J, Cao Y, Zhang J, Zhu C, Tang G, Yan J. (2023) The miR165/166-PHABULOSA module promotes thermotolerance by transcriptionally and post-translationally regulating HSFA1. Plant Cell. 2023 May 3:koad121. doi: 10.1093/plcell/koad121. Online ahead of print.PMID: 3713247
- Scarpin MR, Busche M, Martinez RE, Harper LC, Reiser L, Szakonyi D, Merchante C, Lan T, Xiong W, Mo B, Tang Guiliang, Chen X, Bailey-Serres J, Browning KS, Brunkard JO. An updated nomenclature for plant ribosomal protein genes. Plant Cell. 2022 Nov 25:koac333. doi: 10.1093/plcell/koac333. Online ahead of print.
- Ting Lan, Xiaoyu Yang, Jiwei Chen, Peng Tian, Lina Shi, Yu Yu, Lin Liu, Lei Gao, Beixin Mo, Xuemei Chen, Guiliang Tang (2022) Mechanism for the genomic and functional evolution of the MIR2118 family in the grass lineage. New Phytologist 233 (4), 1915-1930
- Ting Lan, Wei Xiong, Xuemei Chen, Beixin Mo, Guiliang Tang (2022) Plant cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins: an update on classification, nomenclature, evolution and resources. The Plant Journal doi: 10.1111/tpj.15667
- Guiliang Tang, Sachin Teotia, Xiaoqing Tang, Deepali Singh (2021) RNA-Based Technologies for Functional Genomics in Plants. Springer (Book Editor).
- Jiwei Chen, Sachin Teotia, Ting Lan, Guiliang Tang (2021) MicroRNA Techniques: Valuable Tools for Agronomic Trait Analyses and Breeding in Rice. Frontiers in Plant Science, 1929
- T Yang, Y Wang, H Liu, W Zhang, M Chai, G Tang, Z Zhang (2020) MicroRNA1917-CTR1-LIKE PROTEIN KINASE 4 impacts fruit development via tuning ethylene synthesis and response. Plant Science 291, 110334
- S Teotia, D Singh, G Tang (2020) Technologies to Address Plant microRNA Functions. Plant microRNAs (Book), Springer, Cham pp25-43
- W Liu, Y Mao, J Schoenborn, Z Wang, G Tang, X Tang (2019) Whole blueberry protects pancreatic beta-cells in diet-induced obese mouse. Nutrition & metabolism 16 (1), 1-9
- T Peng, S Teotia, G Tang, Q Zhao (2019) MicroRNAs meet with quantitative trait loci: Small powerful players in regulating quantitative yield traits in rice. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA 10 (6), e1556
- G Tang (2019) Modulating Plant MicroRNAs by Short tandem Target Mimic (STTM) For Crop Improvement. PAG ASIA 2019 (Conference)
- Z Zhang, S Teotia, J Tang, G Tang (2019) Perspectives on microRNAs and phased small interfering RNAs in maize (Zea mays L.): functions and big impact on agronomic traits enhancement. Plants 8 (6), 170
- Y Wang, Z Wang, W Yang, X Xie, H Cheng, L Qin, G Tang, B Huang (2019) Degradation of fungal microRNAs triggered by short tandem target mimics is via the small-RNA-degrading nuclease. Applied and environmental microbiology 85 (9)
- Ya‐Fan Zhao, Ting Peng, Hong‐Zheng Sun, Sachin Teotia, Hui‐Li Wen, Yan‐Xiu Du, Jing Zhang, Jun‐Zhou Li, Guiliang Tang, Hong‐Wei Xue, Quan‐Zhi Zhao (2019) miR1432‐OsACOT (Acyl‐CoA thioesterase) module determines grain yield via enhancing grain filling rate in rice. Plant biotechnology journal 17 (4), 712-723
- T Yang, Y Wang, S Teotia, Z Wang, C Shi, H Sun, Y Gu, Z Zhang, G Tang (2019) The interaction between miR160 and miR165/166 in the control of leaf development and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-13
- Peng T, Qiao M, Liu H, Teotia S, Zhang Z, Zhao Y, Wang B, Zhao D, Shi L, Zhang C, Le B, Rogers K, Gunasekara C, Duan H, Gu Y, Tian L, Nie J, Qi J, Meng F, Huang L, Chen Q, Wang Z, Tang J, Tang X, Wei H, Chen X, Zhao Q, Tang G. (2018) A Resource for Inactivation of microRNAs Using Short Tandem Target Mimic Technology in Model and Crop Plants. Mol Plant. 11(11): 1400-1417.
- Ya‐Fan Zhao, Ting Peng, Hong‐Zheng Sun, Sachin Teotia, Hui‐Li Wen, Yan‐Xiu Du, Jing Zhang, Jun‐Zhou Li, Gui-liang Tang, Hong‐Wei Xue, Quan‐Zhi Zhao. (2018) miR1432‐OsACOT (Acyl‐CoA thioesterase) module determines grain yield via enhancing grain filling rate in rice. Plant biotechnology journal doi: 10.1111/pbi.13009. [Epub ahead of print]
- Lei Tian, Haiping Liu, Ligang Ren, Lixia Ku, Liuji Wu, Mingna Li, Shunxi Wang, Jinlong Zhou, Xiaoheng Song, Jun Zhang, Dandan Dou, Huafeng Liu, Guiliang Tang, Yanhui Chen. (2018) MicroRNA 399 as a potential integrator of photo-response, phosphate homeostasis, and sucrose signaling under long day condition. BMC plant biology 18 (1), 290.
- Chao Song, Xiao-Huang Qin, Qiao Zhou, Zi-Yang Wang, Wei-He Liu, Jun Li, Lan Huang, Yang Chen, Guiliang Tang, Dong-Jie Zhao, Zhong-Yi Wang. (2018) PlantES: A Plant Electrophysiological Multi-Source Data Online Analysis and Sharing Platform. Applied Sciences 8 (11), 2269.
- Wang Y, Shi C, Yang T, Zhao L, Chen J, Zhang N, Ren Y, Tang G, Cui D, Chen F. (2018) High-throughput sequencing revealed that microRNAs were involved in the development of superior and inferior grains in bread wheat. Sci Rep. 14;8(1): 13854.
- Yang, T., Wang, Y., Teotia, S., Zhang, Z., & Tang, G. (2018). The making of leaves: how small RNA networks modulate leaf development. Frontiers in plant science, 9, 824. Read More
- Liu, H., Yu, H., Tang, G., & Huang, T. (2018). Small but powerful: function of microRNAs in plant development. Plant cell reports, 1-14. Ream More
- Zhao, Y., Wen, H., Teotia, S., Du, Y., Zhang, J., Li, J., ... & Zhao, Q. (2017). Suppression of microRNA159 impacts multiple agronomic traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.). BMC plant biology, 17(1), 215. Read More
- Teotia, S., Zhang, D., & Tang, G. (2017). Knockdown of Rice microRNA166 by Short Tandem Target Mimic (STTM). In Functional Genomics (pp. 337-349). Humana Press, New York, NY. Read More
- Tian, B., Wang, S., Todd, T. C., Johnson, C. D., Tang, G., & Trick, H. N. (2017). Genome-wide identification of soybean microRNA responsive to soybean cyst nematodes infection by deep sequencing. BMC genomics, 18(1), 572. Read More
- Teotia, S., & Tang, G. (2017). Silencing of Stress-Regulated miRNAs in Plants by Short Tandem Target Mimic (STTM) Approach. In Plant Stress Tolerance (pp. 337-348). Humana Press, New York, NY. Read More
- Yang M, Li C, Cai Z, Hu Y, Nolan T, Yu F, Yin Y, Xie Q, Tang G, Wang X. (2017) SINAT E3 Ligases Control the Light-Mediated Stability of the Brassinosteroid-Activated Transcription Factor BES1 in Arabidopsis. Dev Cell . 41(1): 47-58. DOI:10.1016/j.devcel.2017.03.014. Read More
- Zhang Z, Hu F, Sung MW, Shu C, Castillo-González C, Koiwa H, Tang G, Dickman M, Li P, Zhang X (2017) RISC-Interacting Clearing 3'- 5' Exoribonucleases (RICEs) degrade uridylated cleavage fragments to maintain functional RISC in Arabidopsis. Elife DOI:10.7554/eLife.24466. Read More
- Zhang H, Zhang J, Yan J, Gou F, Mao Y, Tang G, Botella JR, Jian-Kang Zhu (2017) Short tandem target mimic rice lines uncover functions of miRNAs in regulating important agronomic traits. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1703752114. Read More
- Wanzhen LI, Yulong WANG, Jianyu ZHU, Zhangxun WANG, Guiliang TANG, Bo HUANG (2017)Differential DNA methylation may contribute to temporal and spatial regulation of gene expression and the development of mycelia and conidia in entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium robertsii. Fungal Biology (Online) Read More
- Jun Yan, Chunzhao Zhao, Jianping Zhou, Yu Yang, Pengcheng Wang, Xiaohong Zhu, Guiliang Tang, Ray A. Bressan, Jian-Kang Zhu (2016) The miR165/166 Mediated Regulatory Module Plays Critical Roles in ABA Homeostasis and Response in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plos Genetics DOI:10.1371/journal.pgen.1006416. Read More
- Yang Chen, Dong-Jie Zhao, Zi-Yang Wang, Zhong-Yi Wang, Guiliang Tang, and Lan Huang (2016) Plant Electrical Signal Classification Based on Waveform Similarity. Algorithms 9(4), 70. Read More
- Lina Shi, Xiaoqing Tang, Guiliang Tang (2016) GUIDE-seq to Detect Genome-wide Double-Stranded Breaks in Plants. Trends in Plant Science 21(10): 815-818. Read More
- Sachin Teotia, Deepali Singh, Xiaoqing Tang, Guiliang Tang (2016) Essential RNA-Based Technologies and Their Applications in Plant Functional Genomics. Trends in Biotechnology. 34(2):106-23. Read More
- Wu X, Ding D, Shi C, Xue Y, Zhang Z, Tang G, Tang J. (2016) microRNA-dependent gene regulatory networks in maize leaf senescence. BMC Plant Biol. 16:73. doi: 10.1186/s12870-016-0755-y. Read More
- Wang X, Chen L, Jin H, Wang S, Zhang Y, Tang X, Tang G (2016) Screening miRNAs for early diagnosis of colorectal cancer by small RNA deep sequencing and evaluation in a Chinese patient population. OncoTargets and Therapy. 9: 1159-1166. Read More
- Zhang Z, Wu X, Shi C, Wang R, Li S, Wang Z, Liu Z, Xue Y, Tang G, Tang J. (2016) Genetic dissection of the maize kernel development process via conditional QTL mapping for three developing kernel-related traits in an immortalized F2 population. Mol Genet Genomics. 291(1):437-54. Read More
- Chi M, Bhagwat B, Tang G, Xiang Y. (2016) Knockdown of Polyphenol Oxidase Gene Expression in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) with Artificial MicroRNAs. Methods Mol Biol. 1405:163-78. Read More
- Bhagwat B, Chi M, Han D, Tang H, Tang G, Xiang Y. (2016) Design, Construction, and Validation of Artificial MicroRNA Vectors Using Agrobacterium-Mediated Transient Expression System. Methods Mol Biol. 1405:149-62. Read More
- Sachin Teotia and Guiliang Tang (2015) To bloom or not to bloom: Role of microRNAs in plant flowering. Molecular Plant 8(3): 359-377 (Highly Cited) Read More
- Xiaoyun Jia, Na Ding, Weixin Fan, Jun Yan, Yiyou Gu, Xiaoqing Tang, Runzhi Li, Guiliang Tang (2015) Functional plasticity of miR165/166 in plant development revealed by small tandem target mimic. Plant Science, 233: 11-21. Read More
- Zhenying Cai, Jingjing Liu, Haijiao Wang, Cangjing Yang, Yuxiao Chen, Yongchi Li, Shanjin Pan, Rui Dong, Guiliang Tang, Juan de Dios Barajas-Lopez, Hiroaki Fujii, and Xuelu Wang (2014) GSK3-like kinases positively modulate abscisic acid signaling through phosphorylating subgroup III SnRK2s in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(26): 9651-6 Read More
- Peng T, Sun H, Qiao M, Zhao Y, Du Y, Zhang J, Li J, Tang G, Zhao Q. (2014) Differentially expressed microRNA cohorts in seed development may contribute to poor grain filling of inferior spikelets in rice. BMC Plant Biol. 2014 Jul 23;14(1):196. Read More
- James Wong, Lei Gao, Yang Yang, Jixian Zhai, Siwaret Arikit, Yu Yu, Shuyi Duan, Vicky Chan, Qin Xiong, Jun Yan, Shengben Li, Renyi Liu, Yuanchao Wang, Guiliang Tang, Blake C. Meyers, Xuemei Chen and Wenbo Ma (2014) Roles of Small RNAs in Soybean Defense against Phytophthora sojae Infection. Plant J. 2014 Jun 18. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12590. [Epub ahead of print] Read More
- Chi M, Bhagwat B, Lane WD, Tang G, Su Y, Sun R, Oomah BD, Wiersma PA, Xiang Y. (2014) Reduced polyphenol oxidase gene expression and enzymatic browning in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) with artificial microRNAs. BMC Plant Biol. 11;14(1):62. Read More
- Tang G and Tang X. (2013) Short Tandem Target Mimic: A Long Journey to the Engineered Molecular Landmine for Selective Destruction/Blockage of microRNAs in Plants and Animals. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 40 (6): 291–296. Read More
- Bhagwata B, Chia M, Su L, Tang H, Tang G., Xiang Y. (2013) An in vivo Transient Expression System Can Be Applied for Rapid and Effective Selection of Artificial microRNA Constructs for Plant Stable Genetic Transformation. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 40(5): 261-70. Read More
- Tang G, Yan J, Gu Y, Qiao M, Fan R, Mao Y, Tang X*. (2012) Construction of short tandem target mimic (STTM) to block the functions of plant and animal microRNAs. Methods 58(2):118-25.(*Corresponding authors) Read More
- Yan J, Gu Y, Jia X, Kang W, Pan S, Tang X, Chen X, Tang G. (2012) Effective small RNA destruction by the expression of a short tandem target mimic in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 24(2):415-27. (Highly Cited)
- Lewis RW, Tang G, McNear DH Jr. (2012) Morphological and genetic changes induced by excess Zn in roots of Medicago truncatula A17 and a Zn accumulating mutant. BMC Res Notes. 5(1):657 Read More
- Ren L. and Tang G. (2012) Identification of sucrose-responsive microRNAs reveals sucrose-regulated copper accumulations in an SPL7-dependent and independent manner in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Science, 187: 59-68 Read More
- Dianwei Han, Jun Zhang, and Guiliang Tang (2012) MicroRNAfold: pre-microRNA secondary structure prediction based on Modified NCM model with thermodynamics-based scoring strategy. International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 6(3):272-91 Read More
- Iyer NJ, Jia X, Sunkar R, Tang G, Mahalingam R. (2012) microRNAs responsive to ozone-induced oxidative stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Signal Behav 7(4):484 - 491. Read More
- Lijuan Ji, Xigang Liu, Jun Yan, Wenming Wang, Rae Eden Yumul, Yu Ju Kim, Thanh Theresa Dinh, Jun Liu, Xia Cui, Binglian Zheng, Manu Agarwal, Chunyan Liu, Xiaofeng Cao, Guiliang Tang, and Xuemei Chen* (2011) ARGONAUTE10 and ARGONAUTE1 Regulate the Termination of Floral Stem Cells through Two microRNAs in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genet. 7(3):e1001358. Epub 2011 Mar 31. Read More
- Xiaoyun Jia, Jun Yan, and Guiliang Tang (2011) MicroRNA-mediated DNA methylation in plants. Frontiers in Biology 6(2):133-139 Read More
- Tang X, Tang X, Gal J, Kyprianou N, Zhu H, Tang G. (2011) Detection of microRNAs in prostate cancer cells by microRNA array. Methods Mol Biol. 732:69-88. Read More
- Dianwei Han, Guiliang Tang, and Jun Zhang (2011) A Parallel Strategy for Predicting the Secondary Structure of Polycistronic MicroRNAs. Int. J. Bioinformatics Research and Applications (In press)
- Guiliang Tang (2010) Plant microRNAs: An insight into their gene structures and evolution. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 21:782-789. Read More
- Wang WX, Wilfred BR, Madathil SK, Tang G, Hu Y, Dimayuga J, Stromberg AJ, Huang Q, Saatman KE, Nelson PT (2010) MiR-107 Regulates Granulin/Progranulin with Implications for Traumatic Brain Injury and Neurodegenerative Disease. Am J Pathol. 177(1):334-45 Read More
Xiaohu (Mark) Tang
- Tang, X., Alothaim, T., & Charbonneau, M. (2022). Recurrent triple-negative breast cancer from cysteine deprivation loses tumorigenicity via downregulation of the CST4 signaling. Read more
- Mao, Y., Schoenborn, J., Wang, Z., Chen, X., Matson, K., Mohan, R., ... & Tang, X. (2022). Transgenic overexpression of microRNA-30d in pancreatic beta-cells progressively regulates beta-cell function and identity. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-12. Read more
- Amer, A., Alothaim, T., & Tang, X. (2022). Selenoprotein Sepp1 determines cysteine dependence in pancreatic cancer. Cancer Research, 82(12_Supplement), 3032-3032. Read more
- Coleman, M. F., Liu, K. A., Etigunta, S. K., Pfeil, A. J., Tang, X., Fabela, S., ... & Hursting, S. D. (2021). β Hydroxy β Methylbutyrate synergizes with cytotoxic chemotherapy and immunotherapy in a mouse model of pancreatic cancer. Cancer Research, 81(13_Supplement), 3151-3151. Read more
- Tahiyat Alothaim, Morgan Charbonneau, Xiaohu Tang. The HDAC6 inhibitors promote the synthetic lethality of cysteine in breast cancer. Sci Rep 11, 10956 (2021). Read more
Zhihong Wang, Ramkumar Mohan, Xinqian Chen, Katy Matson, Jackson Waugh, Yiping Mao, Shungang Zhang, Wanzhen Li, Xiaohu Tang, Leslie S Satin, Xiaoqing Tang. microRNA-483 Protects Pancreatic β-Cells by Targeting ALDH1A3. Endocrinology 2021 May 1;162(5). Read more
- Lin, CC., Yang, WH., Lin, YT. et al. DDR2 upregulation confers ferroptosis susceptibility of recurrent breast tumors through the Hippo pathway. Oncogene 40, 2018–2034 (2021). Read more
- Yiping Mao, Jacob Schoenborn, Zhihong Wang, Xinqian Chen, Ramkumar Mohan, Shungang Zhang, Xiaohu Tang. Anoop Arunagiri, Peter Arvan, Xiaoqing Tang. Overexpression of microRNA-30d in pancreatic beta-cells leads to a progressive beta-cell failure. Submitted
- Lin CC, Mabe NW, Lin YT, Yang WH, Tang X, Hong L et al. RIPK3 upregulation confers robust proliferation and collateral cystine-dependence on breast cancer recurrence. Cell Death Differ 2020; 27: 2234-2247
- β-Hydroxy-β-Methylbutyrate supplementation preserves muscle mass and reduces tumor growth in obese mice. MF Coleman, KA Liu, X Tang, S Fabela, LM Lashinger, Z Cui, SD Hursting. Cancer Research 2019; 79 S13, 1090-1090
- Walzer KA, Kubicki DM, Tang X, Chi JT. Single-Cell Analysis Reveals Distinct Gene Expression and Heterogeneity in Male and Female Plasmodium falciparum Gametocytes. mSphere 2018; 3.
- Lin CC, Kitagawa M, Tang X, Hou MH, Wu J, Qu DC et al. CoA synthase regulates mitotic fidelity via CBP-mediated acetylation. Nat Commun 2018; 9: 1039.
- Bowers LW, Rossi EL, McDonell SB, Doerstling SS, Khatib SA, Lineberger CG et al. Leptin Signaling Mediates Obesity-Associated CSC Enrichment and EMT in Preclinical TNBC Models. Mol Cancer Res 2018; 16: 869-879.
- Tang X, Ding CK, Wu J, Sjol J, Wardell S, Spasojevic I et al. Cystine addiction of triple-negative breast cancer associated with EMT augmented death signaling. Oncogene 2017; 36: 4235-4242.
- Tang X, Ding CK, Wu J, Sjol J, Wardell S, Spasojevic I et al. Cystine addiction of triple-negative breast cancer associated with EMT augmented death signaling. Oncogene 2017; 36: 4379.
- Tang X, Wu J, Ding CK, Lu M, Keenan MM, Lin CC et al. Cystine Deprivation Triggers Programmed Necrosis in VHL-Deficient Renal Cell Carcinomas. Cancer Res 2016; 76: 1892-1903.
- Tang X, Keenan MM, Wu J, Lin CA, Dubois L, Thompson JW et al. Comprehensive profiling of amino acid response uncovers unique methionine-deprived response dependent on intact creatine biosynthesis. PLoS Genet 2015; 11: e1005158.
- Keenan MM, Liu B, Tang X, Wu J, Cyr D, Stevens RD et al. ACLY and ACC1 Regulate Hypoxia-Induced Apoptosis by Modulating ETV4 via α-ketoglutarate. PLoS Genet 2015; 11: e1005599.
- Tang X, Lin CC, Spasojevic I, Iversen ES, Chi JT, Marks JR. A joint analysis of metabolomics and genetics of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res 2014; 16: 415.
- Lamonte G, Tang X, Chen JL, Wu J, Ding CK, Keenan MM et al. Acidosis induces reprogramming of cellular metabolism to mitigate oxidative stress. Cancer Metab 2013; 1: 23.
- Tang X, Seyb KI, Huang M, Schuman ER, Shi P, Zhu H et al. A high-throughput screening method for small-molecule inhibitors of the aberrant mutant SOD1 and dynein complex interaction. J Biomol Screen 2012; 17: 314-326.
- Tang X, Lucas JE, Chen JL, LaMonte G, Wu J, Wang MC et al. Functional interaction between responses to lactic acidosis and hypoxia regulates genomic transcriptional outputs. Cancer Res 2012; 72: 491-502.
Xiaoqing Tang
- Matson K, Macleod A, Mehta N, Sempek E, Tang X (2023) Impacts of MicroRNA-483 on Human Diseases. Non-Coding RNA, 2023, 9(4), 37. Link
- Pinnaratip R, Zhang Z, Smies A, Forooshani PK, Tang X, Rajachar R, Lee BP (2023) Utilizing Robust Design to Optimize Composite Bioadhesive for Promoting Dermal Wound Repair. Polymers, 2023, 15(8), 1905. Link
- Mao Y, Schoenborn J, Wang Z, Chen X, Mohan R, Zhang S, Tang XH, Arunagiri A, Arvan P and Tang X (2022) Overexpression of microRNA-30d in pancreatic beta-cells progressively impairs beta-cell identity. Sci Rep. 12(1):11969. Link
- Marinelli I, Parekh V, Fletcher P, Thompson B, Ren J, Tang X, Saunders TL, Ha J, Sherman A, Bertram R, Satin LS. (2022) Slow oscillations persist in pancreatic beta cells lacking phosphofructokinase M. Biophys J. 2022 Mar 1;121(5):692-704.Link
- Wang Z, Mohan R, Chen X, Matson K, Waugh J, Mao Y, Zhang S, Li W, Tang X, Satin LS, Tang X. (2021) microRNA-483 Protects Pancreatic β-Cells by Targeting ALDH1A3. Endocrinology. 162(5) PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7951052. Link
- Liu W, Mao Y, Schoenborn J, Wang Z, Tang G, Tang X (2019) Whole blueberry protects pancreatic beta-cells in diet-induced obese mouse. Nutrition & metabolism 16 (1), 1-9. Link
- Mohan R, Mao Y, Zhang S, Zhang YW, Xu CR, Gradwohl G, Tang X. (2015) Differentially Expressed MicroRNA-483 Confers Distinct Functions in Pancreatic β- and α-Cells. J Biol Chem. 290(32):19955-19966. Link
- Mao Y, Mohan R, Zhang S, Tang X. (2013) MicroRNAs as pharmacological targets in diabetes. Pharmacol Res. 75:37-47. Link
- Zhao X, Mohan R, Ozcan S, Tang X. (2012) MicroRNA-30d Induces Insulin Transcription Factor MafA and Insulin Production by Targeting Mitogen-activated Protein 4 Kinase 4 (MAP4K4) in Pancreatic β-Cells. J Biol Chem. 287(37):31155-31164. Link
- Tang, X, Muniappan, L, Tang, G, and Ozcan, S. (2009) Identification of glucose-regulated miRNAs from pancreatic beta cells reveals a role for miR-30d in insulin transcription. RNA 15:287-293. Link
Stephen Techtmann
- Techtmann, S. M., Santo Domingo, J., Conmy, R., & Barron, M. (2023). Impacts of dispersants on microbial communities and ecological systems. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1-12. Link
- Golob, J. L., Oskotsky, T. T., Tang, A., Roldan, A., Chung, V., Ha, C. W., ... & Sirota, M. (2023). Microbiome Preterm Birth DREAM Challenge: Crowdsourcing Machine Learning Approaches to Advance Preterm Birth Research. medRxiv, 2023-03. Link
- Campa, M. F., Chen See, J. R., Unverdorben, L. V., Wright, O. G., Roth, K. A., Niles, J. M., ... & Lamendella, R. (2022). Geochemistry and Multiomics Data Differentiate Streams in Pennsylvania Based on Unconventional Oil and Gas Activity. Microbiology spectrum, 10(5), e00770-22. Link
- Schaerer, L. G., Wu, R., Putman, L. I., Pearce, J. M., Lu, T., Shonnard, D. R., ... & Techtmann, S. M. (2022). Killing two birds with one stone: Chemical and biological upcycling of polyethylene terephthalate plastics into food. Trends in biotechnology. Link
- Alhajjar, R. K., Roche, K. M., & Techtmann, S. M. (2022). Comparative Analysis of the Mechanism of Resistance to Silver Nanoparticles and the Biocide 2, 2-Dibromo-3-Nitrilopropionamide. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 66(6), e02031-21. Link
- Basili, M., Techtmann, S. M., Zaggia, L., Luna, G. M., & Quero, G. M. (2022). Partitioning and sources of microbial pollution in the Venice Lagoon. Science of The Total Environment, 818, 151755. Link
- Techtmann, S. M., Baldwin, A. L., Aluko, D., Andersen, J., Becker, C., Chandler, G., ... & Schroeder, L. (2022). Draft Genome Sequencing of Three Glutaraldehyde-Tolerant Bacteria from Produced Water from Hydraulic Fracturing. Microbiology resource announcements, 11(2), e01232-21. Link
- Byrne, E., Schaerer, L. G., Kulas, D. G., Ankathi, S. K., Putman, L. I., Codere, K. R., ... & Techtmann, S. M. (2022). Pyrolysis-aided microbial biodegradation of high-density polyethylene plastic by environmental inocula enrichment cultures. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 10(6), 2022-2033. Link
- Alhajjar, R. K., Ghannam, R. B., See, J. R. C., Wright, O. G., Campa, M. F., Hazen, T. C., ... & Techtmann, S. M. (2021). Comparative study of the effects of biocides and metal oxide nanoparticles on microbial community structure in a stream impacted by hydraulic fracturing. Chemosphere, 284, 131255. Link
- Byrne, E. R., Roche, K. M., Schaerer, L. G., & Techtmann, S. M. (2021). Temporal variation of crude and refined oil biodegradation rates and microbial community composition in freshwater systems. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 47(5), 1376-1385. Link
- Kokate, P. P., Techtmann, S. M., & Werner, T. (2021). Codon usage bias and dinucleotide preference in 29 Drosophila species. G3, 11(8), jkab191. Link
- Schaerer, L. G., Webb, P. N., Corazzola, A., Christian, W. C., & Techtmann, S. M. (2021). Impact of air, water and dock microbial communities on boat microbial community composition. Link
- Rupp, D. L., Lamit, L. J., Techtmann, S. M., Kane, E. S., Lilleskov, E. A., & Turetsky, M. R. (2021). The Rhizosphere Responds: Rich Fen Peat and Root Microbial Ecology after Long-Term Water Table Manipulation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 87(12). Link
- Hubbard, B. R., Putman, L. I., Techtmann, S., & Pearce, J. M. (2021). Open Source Vacuum Oven Design for Low-Temperature Drying: Performance Evaluation for Recycled PET and Biomass. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 5(2), 52. Link
- Chen See, J. R., Wright, O., Unverdorben, L. V., Heibeck, N., Techtmann, S. M., Hazen, T. C., & Lamendella, R. (2021). Evaluating the Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on Streams using Microbial Molecular Signatures. JoVE, 170. Link
- Ghannam, R. B., & Techtmann, S. M. (2021). Machine learning applications in microbial ecology, human microbiome studies, and environmental monitoring. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. Link
- Christian, W. C., Butler, T. M., Ghannam, R. B., Webb, P. N., & Techtmann, S. M. (2020). Phylogeny and diversity of alkane-degrading enzyme gene variants in the laurentian great lakes and western atlantic. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 367(23), fnaa182. Link
- Schaerer, L. G., Webb, P. N., Corazzola, A., Christian, W. C., & Techtmann, S. M. (2020). Impact of air, water, and dock microbial communities on boat microbial community composition. Journal of Applied Microbiology. Link
- Miller JI, Techtmann S, Joyner D, Mahmoudi N, Fortney J, Fordyce JA, GaraJayeva N, Askerov FS, Cravid C, Kuijper M, Pelz O, Hazen TC.2020. Microbial Communities across Global Marine Basins Show Important Compositional Similarities by Depth. mBio 11:e01448-20. Link
- Ghannam, R. B., Schaerer, L. G., Butler, T. M., & Techtmann, S. M. (2020). Biogeographic Patterns in Members of Globally Distributed and Dominant Taxa Found in Port Microbial Communities. Msphere, 5(1). Link
- Schaerer, L. G., Ghannam, R. B., Butler, T. M., & Techtmann, S. M. (2019). Global comparison of the bacterial communities of bilge water, boat surfaces, and external port water. Applied and environmental microbiology, 85(24). Link
- Campa, M. F., Wolfe, A. K., Techtmann, S. M., Harik, A. M., & Hazen, T. C. (2019). Unconventional Oil and Gas Energy Systems: An Unidentified Hotspot of Antimicrobial Resistance?. Frontiers in microbiology, 10, 2392. Link
- Butler, T. M., Wilhelm, A. C., Dwyer, A. C., Webb, P. N., Baldwin, A. L., & Techtmann, S. M. (2019). Microbial community dynamics during lake ice freezing. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-11. Link
- Campa, M.F., Techtmann, S.M., Gibson, C.M., Zhu, X., Patterson, M., Garcia de Matos Amaral, A., Ulrich, N., Campagna, S.R., Grant, C.J., Lamendella, R. and Hazen, T.C., 2018. Impacts of glutaraldehyde on microbial community structure and degradation potential in streams impacted by hydraulic fracturing. Environmental science & technology, 52(10), pp.5989-5999 Link
- Smith, M.B; Rocha. A.M.; Oleson, S.W.; Paradis, C.; Smillie, C.S.; Campbell. J.H.; Fortney, J.L.; Mehlhorn, T.L.; Lowe. K.A.; Earles, J.E.; Phillips, J.; Techtmann, S.M.; Joyner, D.C.; Preheim, S.P.; Sanders, M.S.; Mueller, M.A; Brooks, S.; Watson, D.B.; Wu, L; Zhang, P.; He, Z.; Zhou, J.; Adams, M.W.W.; Lancaster, A.; Poole, F.; Adams, P.D.; Arkin, A.P.; Fields, M.; Alm, E.J.; Hazen, T.C. (2015) Natural bacterial communities as quantitative biosensors. 6.3 (2015): e00326-15. Link
- Techtmann, S.M.; Lebedinsky, A.V.; Colman, A.S.; Sokolova, T.G.; Woyke, T.; Goodwin, L; Robb, F.T. (2012) Evidence for Horizontal Gene Transfer of Anaerobic Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenases. Front. Microbio. - Evolutionary and Genomic Microbiology 3:132 Link
- Techtmann, S.M.; Ghirlando, R.; Kao, S.; Strebel, K; Maynard, E. (2012) Hydrodynamic and Functional Analysis of HIV-1 Vif Oligomerization, Biochemistry. 2012 Feb 27. Link
- Techtmann S.M., Colman A.S., Murphy M.B., Schackwitz W., Goodwin L., Robb F.T. (2011) Regulation of multiple carbon monoxide consumption pathways in anaerobic bacteria. Front. Microbio. - Evolutionary and Genomic Microbiology 2: 147 Epub 2011 Jul 11 Link
- Techtmann S.M., Robb, F.T. (2010) Archaeal-like Chaperonins in Bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(47):20269-74. Epub 2010 Nov 5. Link
- Techtmann, S.M., Colman, A.S., Robb, F.T. (2009) “That Which Does Not Kill Us Only Makes Us Stronger”: The Role of Carbon Monoxide in Thermophilic Microbial Consortia, Environmental Microbiology 11(5); 1027 - 1037 Link
Trista Vick-Majors
- Venturelli, R. A., Boehman, B., Davis, C., Hawkings, J. R., Johnston, S. E., Gustafson, C. D., Michaud, A. B., Mosbeux, C., Siegfried, M. R., Vick-Majors, T. J., Galy, V., Spencer, R. G. M., Warny, S., Christner, B. C., Fricker, H. A., Harwood, D. M., Leventer, A., Priscu, J. C., Rosenheim, B. E. 2023. Constraints on the Timing and Extent of Deglacial Grounding Line Retreat in West Antarctica from Subglacial Sediments. AGU Advances. In Press.
- Davis C. L., Venturelli R. A., Michaud A.B., Hawkings J. R., Achberger A. M., Vick-Majors T. J., Rosenheim B. E., Dore J. E., Steigmeyer A., Skidmore M. L., Barker J. D., Benning L.G., Siegfried, M. R., Priscu, J. C., Christner, B. C. 2023. Biogeochemical and historical drivers of microbial community composition and structure in sediments from Mercer Subglacial Lake, West Antarctica. ISME Comm. 3:8.
- Elser, J. J., Devlin, S.P., Yu, J., Baumann, A., Church, M.J., Dore, J.E., Hall Jr., R.O., Hollar, M., Johnson, T., Vick-Majors, T.J., White, C. (2022). Sustained stoichiometric imbalance and its ecological consequences in a large oligotrophic lake. PNAS. 119:30 e2202268119.
- Venturelli, R.A., Vick-Majors, T.J., Collins, B., Gagnon, A., Kasic, K., Kurz, M.D., Li, W., Priscu, J.C., Roberts, M., Rosenheim, B.E. (2021). A Framework for Transdisciplinary Radiocarbon Research: Use of Natural-Level and Elevated-Level 14C in Antarctic Field Research. Radiocarbon. 63:5. doi:10.1017/RDC.2021.55
- Priscu, J.C., Kalin, J., Winans, J., Campbell, T., Siegfried, M.R., Vick-Majors, T.J., Elsworth, C., SALSA Science Team. (2021). Scientific access into Mercer Subglacial Lake: scientific objectives, drilling operations, and initial observations. Annals of Glaciology. 1-13. doi:10.1017/aog.2021.10
- Michaud, A.B., Vick-Majors, T.J., Achberger, A.A., Skidmore, M.L., Christner, B.C., Tranter, M., Priscu, J.C. (2020). Environmentally clean access to Antarctic subglacial aquatic environments. Antarctic Science. 1-12. doi: 10.1017/S0954102020000231
- Vick-Majors, T.J., Michaud, A.B., Skidmore, M.L., Turetta, C., Barbante, C., Christner, B.C., Dore, J.E., Christianson, K., Mitchell, A.C., Achberger, A.A., Mikucki, J.A., Priscu, J.C. (2020). Biogeochemical connectivity between freshwater ecosystems beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and the sub-ice marine environment. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 34:e2019GB006446. doi:10.1029%2F2019gb006446
- Santibáñez, P., Michaud, A.B., Vick-Majors, T.J., D’Andrilli, J., Chiuchiolo, A., Hand, K.P., Priscu, J.C. (2019). Preferential incorporation of bacteria into lake ice covers during freezing. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences. 124:585-600. doi: 10.1029/2018JG004825
- Vick-Majors, T.J. and Priscu, J.C. (2019). Inorganic carbon fixation in lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys. Antarctic Science. 31:123-132. doi:10.1017/S0954102019000075
- Stelmach, K.B., Neveu, M., Vick-Majors, T.J., Mickol, R., Chou, L., Webster, K.D., Tilley, M., Zacchei, F., Escudero, C., Flores, Martinez, C.L., Labrado, A., Fernandez, E.J.G. (2018). Secondary electrons as an energy source for life. Astrobiology. 18:73-85. doi: 10.1089/ast.2016.1510
- Vick-Majors, T.J., Mitchell, A.C., Achberger, A.M., Christner, B.C., Dore, J.E., Michaud, A.B., Mikucki, J.A., Purcell, A.M., Skidmore, M.L. and Priscu, J.C. (2016). Physiological ecology of microorganisms in Subglacial Lake Whillans. Frontiers in Microbiology. 7:1705. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01705
Thomas Werner
* my undergraduate student, ** my graduate student *** corresponding author
- Dwivedi, S.K., Arachchige, D.L., Olowolagba, A., Mahmoud, M., Cunnien, J., Tucker, D., Fritz*, D., Werner, T., Luck, R.L., Liu, H. (2023) Thiophene-based organic dye with large stokes shift and deep red emission for live cell NADH detection under varying chemical stimuli. Submitted to Journal of Materials Chemistry B.
- Kokate, P.P.**, Werner, T.***. (2023) Mycotoxin tolerance affects larval competitive ability in Drosophila recens. Submitted to J Insect Sci
- Dwivedi, S.K., Arachchige, D.L., Vohs, T., Tang, J., Usimaki, K., Olowolagba, A.M., Fritz*, D.R., Luck, R.L., Werner, T.***, Liu, H. (2023) Near-infrared rhodol dyes bearing salicylaldehyde moieties for ratiometric pH sensing in live cells during mitophagy and under hypoxia conditions. J Mater Chem B 11(13), 2852-2861. ("hot paper" collection)
- Raja, K.K.**, Bachman, E.A.*, Fernholz, C.*, Trine, D.*, Hobmeier, R.E.*, Maki, N.*, Massoglia, T.*, Werner, T.*** (2023) The genetic mechanisms underlying the concerted expression of the yellow and tan genes in complex patterns on the abdomen and wings of Drosophila guttifera. Genes 2023(14), 304.
- Steenwinkel, T.E.**, Hamre, K.K.*, Werner, T.*** (2022) The use of non-model Drosophila species to study natural variation in TOR pathway signaling. PLoS One 17(9), e0270436.
- Murugesan, S.N., Connahs, H., Matsuoka, Y., das Gupta, M., Huq, M., Gowri, V., Monroe, S., Deem, K.D., Werner, T., Tomoyasu, Y., Monteiro, A. (2022) Butterfly eyespots evolved via co-option of the antennal gene-regulatory network. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 119(8), e2108661119.
- Wan, S., Vohs, T., Steenwinkel, T.E.**, Lara-Ramirez, A., White, R., Luck, R.L., Werner, T.***, Tanasova, M., Liu, H. (2022) Near-infrared fluorescent probes with new amine-incorporated xanthene platforms for detection of hypoxia. ACS Applied Bio Materials 5(9), 4294-4300.
- Kokate, P.**, Smith, M.*, Hall, L.*, Zhang, K., Werner, T.*** (2022) Inter- and intra-specific variation in mycotoxin tolerance: A study of four Drosophila species. Ecol Evol 12(7), e9126.
- Raja, K.K.B.**, Shittu, M.O.**, Nouhan, P.M.E.*, Steenwinkel, T.E.*, Bachman, E.A.*, Kokate, P.P.**, McQueeney, A. H.*, Mundell, E. A.*, Armentrout, A. A.*, Peabody, A. M.*, Werner, T.*** (2022) The regulation of a pigmentation gene in the formation of complex color patterns in Drosophila abdomens. PLoS One 17(12), e0279061.
- Monteiro, A., Werner, T.*** (2021) Editorial Overview: Cool, colorful, and complex animal systems. Curr Opin Genet Dev 69, 3-5.
- Finet, C., Kassner, V.A., Carvalho, A.B., Chung, H., Day, J.P., Day, S., Delaney, E.K., De R., Francine C., Dufour, H.D., Dupim, E., Izumitani, H.F., Gautério, T.B., Justen, J., Katoh, T., Kopp, A., Koshikawa, S., Longdon, B., Loreto, E.L., Nunes, M.D. S., Raja, K.K.B., Rebeiz, M., Ritchie, M.G., Saakyan, G., Sneddon, T., Teramoto, M., Tyukmaeva, V., Vanderlinde, T., Wey, E.E., Werner, T., Williams, T.M., Robe, L.J. Toda, Masanori J., Marlétaz, F. (2021) DrosoPhyla: genomic resources for drosophilid phylogeny and systematics. Genome Biol Evol 13(8), 179.
- Kokate, P.**, Techtmann, S.M., Werner, T.*** (2021) Codon usage bias and dinucleotide preference in 29 Drosophila species. G3-Genes Genom Genet 11(8), p.jkab 191.
- Shittu, M.O.**, Steenwinkel, T.E**., Dion, W.A.**, Ostlund*, N. Raja, K.K.B.**, Werner, T.*** (2021) RNA in situ hybridization for detecting gene expression patterns in the abdomens and wings of Drosophila species. MDPI Methods and Protocols 4 (1), 20.
- Wan, S., Xia, S., Medford, J. Durocher, E., Steenwinkel**, T.E., Rule, L., Luck, R.L., Werner, T.***, Liu, H. (2021) Near-infrared fluorescent probes based on a reactive cyanine dye for mitochondrial pH detection. J Mater Chem B 9, 5150-5161.
- Dion, W.A., Steenwinkel, T.E.*, Werner, T.*** (2021) From Aedes to Zeugodacus: A review of dipteran body coloration studies regarding evolutionary developmental biology, pest control, and species discovery. Curr Opin Genet Dev 69, 35-41.
- Werner, T.***, Steenwinkel, T.E.*, Jaenike, J. (2020) The Encyclopedia of North American Drosophilids: Volume 1: Drosophilids of the Midwest and Northeast. (Version 3) J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library, Michigan Technological University. Houghton, Michigan. ISBN: 978-1-7326524-1-5 (Book, 351 pages) Read more
- Werner, T.***, Steenwinkel, T.E.*, Jaenike, J. (2020) The Encyclopedia of North American Drosophilids: Volume 2: Drosophilids of the Southeast. (Version 1) J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library, Michigan Technological University. Houghton, Michigan. ISBN: 978-1-7326524-2-2 (Book, 334 pages) Read more
- Shittu, M.O.**, Steenwinkel, T.E.*, Koshikawa, S., Werner, T.*** (2020) The making of transgenic Drosophila guttifera. MDPI Methods and Protocols 3 (2), 31.
- Dion, W.A.**, Shittu, M.O.**, Steenwinkel, T.E.*, Raja, K.K.B.**, Kokate, P.P.**, Werner, T.*** (2020) The modular expression patterns of three pigmentation genes prefigure unique abdominal morphologies seen among three Drosophila species. Gene Expr Patterns 38, 119132.
- Zhang, Y., Yan, Y., Xia, S., Wan, S., Steenwinkel, T.E.*, Medford, J., Durocher, E., Luck, R.L., Werner, T.***, Liu, H. (2020) Cell membrane-specific fluorescent probe featuring dual and aggregation-induced emissions. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 12 (18), 20172-20179.
- Zhang, Y., Xia, S., Mikesell, L., Steenwinkel, T.E.*, Whisman, N., Medford, J., Wan, S., Tajiri, M., Luck, R.L., Werner, T.***, Liu, H. (2020) Ratiometric detection of glutathione using a near-infrared fluorescent probe based on disulfide linkage rupture between a FRET coumarin donor and a near-infrared rhodamine acceptor. Chembiochem 22 (13), 2282-2291.
- Xia, S., Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Whisman, N., Bi, J., Steenwinkel, T.E.*, Wan, S., Medford, J., Tajiri, M., Luck, R.L., Werner, T.***, Liu, H. (2020) Ratiometric fluorescent probes based on through-bond energy transfer of cyanine donors to near-infrared hemicyanine acceptors for mitochondrial pH detection and monitoring of mitophagy. J Mater Chem B 8, 1603-1615.
- Zhang, Y., Xia, S., Mikesell, L., Whisman, N., Fang, M., Steenwinkel, T.E.*, Chen, K., Luck, R.L., Werner, T.***, Liu, H. (2019) Near-infrared hybrid rhodol dyes with spiropyran switches for sensitive ratiometric sensing of pH changes in mitochondria and Drosophila melanogaster first-instar larvae. ACS Applied Bio Materials 2 (11), 4986-4997.
- Xia, S., Zhang, Y., Fang, M., Miksell, L., Steenwinkel, T.E.*, Wan, S., Phillips, T., Luck, R.L., Werner, T.***, Liu, H. (2019) A FRET-based near-infrared fluorescent probe for ratiometric detection of cysteine in mitochondria. Chembiochem 20 (15),1986-1994.
- Werner, T.***, Steenwinkel, T.*, Jaenike, J. (2018) Drosophilids of the Midwest and Northeast. (Version 2) J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library, Michigan Technological University. Houghton, Michigan. ISBN: 978-1-7326524-0-8 (Book, 345 pages) Read more
- Scott-Chialvo C.H. and Werner, T.*** (2018) Drosophila, destroying angels, and deathcaps! Oh my! A review of mycotoxin tolerance in the genus Drosophila. Front Biol. April 24, 1-12.
- Werner, T.*** (2018) The drosophilids of a pristine old-growth northern hardwood forest. Great Lakes Entomol, 50 (2), 68-78. (Cover)
- Werner, T.*** and Jaenike, J. (2017) Drosophilids of the Midwest and Northeast. (Version 1) River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester. Rochester, New York. ISBN: 978-0-9988372-0-8 (Book, 256 pages)
- Zhang, J., Li, C., Dutta, C., Zhang, S., Tiwari, A., Werner, T.***, Luoc, F.-T., Liu, H. (2017) A novel near-infrared fluorescent probe for sensitive detection of β-Galactosidase. Anal Chim Acta, 968, 97-104.
- Mitchell, C.M.**, Latuszek, C.E.*, Vogel, K.R., Greenlund, I.M.*, Hobmeier, R.E.*, Ingram, O.K.*, Dufek, S.R.*, Pecore, J.L.*, Nip, F.R.*, Johnson, Z.J.*, Ji, X., Wei, H., Gailing, O., Werner, T.*** (2017) Alpha-amanitin resistance in Drosophila melanogaster: a genome-wide association approach. PLoS One, Feb 27;12(2):e0173162. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0173162. eCollection 2017.
- Koshikawa, S., Giorgianni, M.W., Vaccaro, K., Yoder, J.H., Werner, T., Carroll, S.B. (2015) Gain of cis-regulatory activities underlies novel domains of wingless gene expression in Drosophila. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 112 (24), 7524-7529.
- Werner, T. *** (2015) Leopard Spots and Zebra Stripes on Fruit Fly Wings. Nature Education, 8 (2), 1-3.
- Mitchell, C.M.**, Yeager, R.D.*, Johnson, Z.J.*, D'Annunzio*, S.E., Vogel, K.R., Werner, T.*** (2015) Long-term resistance of Drosophila melanogaster to the mushroom toxin alpha-amanitin. PLoS One, May 15; 10 (5), e0127569. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127569
- Mitchell, C.M.*, Saul, M.C., Lei, L., Wei, H., Werner, T.*** (2014) The mechanisms underlying a-amanitin resistance in Drosophila melanogaster: A microarray analysis. PLoS One, Apr 2; 9 (4), e93489. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093489
- Bray, M.J., Werner, T., Dyer, K.A. (2014) Two genomic regions together cause dark abdominal pigmentation in Drosophila tenebrosa. Heredity, 112, 454-462. doi:10.1038/hdy.2013.124 (published ahead of print in 2013)
- Werner, T., Koshikawa, S., Williams, T.M., Carroll, S.B. (2010) Generation of a novel wing color pattern by the Wingless morphogen. Nature, 464 (7292), 1143-1148. (Cover)
- Rebeiz, M., Ramos-Womack, M., Jeong, S., Andolfatto, P., Werner, T., True, J., Stern, D.L., Carroll, S.B. (2009) Evolution of the tan locus contributed to pigment loss in Drosophila santomea: A response to Matute et al. Cell, 139 (6), 1189-1196.
- Williams, T.M., Selegue, J.E., Werner, T., Gompel, N., Kopp, A., and Carroll, S.B. (2008) The regulation and evolution of a genetic switch controlling sexually dimorphic traits in Drosophila. Cell, 134 (4), 610-623. (Cover)
- Jeong, S., Rebeiz, M., Andolfatto, P., Werner, T., True J., Carroll, S.B. (2008) The Evolution of Gene Regulation Underlies a morphological difference between two Drosophila sister species. Cell, 132 (5), 783-93.
- Werner, T., Borge-Renberg, K., Mellroth, P., Steiner, H. and Hultmark, D. (2003) Functional diversity of the Drosophila PGRP-LC gene cluster in the response to LPS and peptidoglycan. J Biol Chem, 278 (29), 26319-26322.
- Choe, K.M., Werner, T., Stoven, S., Hultmark, D., Anderson, K.V. (2002). Requirement for a Peptidoglycan Recognition Protein (PGRP) in Relish activation and antibacterial immune responses in Drosophila. Science, 296 (5566), pp. 359-362.
- Werner, T., Liu, G., Kang, D., Ekengren, S., Steiner, H. and Hultmark, D. (2000). A family of peptidoglycan recognition proteins in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 97 (25), 13772-13777.
Yan Zhang
- Parnell, S.C., Raman, A., Zhang Y., Daniel, E.A., Dai, Y., Khanna, A., and others (2022) Expression of active B-Raf proto-oncogene in kidney collecting ducts induces cyst formation in normal mice and accelerates cyst growth in mice with polycystic kidney disease. Kidney International, 102 (5) 1103-1114 Read more
- Zhang, Y., Daniel, E. A., Metcalf, J., Dai, Y., Reif, G. A., & Wallace, D. P. (2022). CaMK4 overexpression in polycystic kidney disease promotes mTOR-mediated cell proliferation. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 14(7), mjac050. Read more
- Zhang, Y., Dai, Y., Raman, A., Daniel, E., Metcalf, J., Reif, G., ... & Wallace, D. P. (2020). Overexpression of TGF-β1 induces renal fibrosis and accelerates the decline in kidney function in polycystic kidney disease. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 319(6), F1135-F1148. Read more
- Zhang, Y., Reif, G., & Wallace, D. P. (2020). Extracellular matrix, integrins, and focal adhesion signaling in polycystic kidney disease. Cellular signalling, 72, 109646. Read more
- Omede, F., Zhang, S., Johnson, C., Daniel, E., Zhang, Y., Fields, T. A., ... & Stubbs, J. R. (2020). Dietary phosphate restriction attenuates polycystic kidney disease in mice. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 318(1), F35-F42. Read more