Transfer and Thrive
Are you currently enrolled in a nursing program at a regionally accredited college or university and looking to transfer? Then consider transferring to Michigan Tech's BSN program. Our transfer process keeps you on your path to a nursing career.
Michigan Tech's accredited nursing program offers benefits you will find nowhere else in the Upper Peninsula.
- Small class sizes: Most of your classes will have less than 16 students so your instructors will get to know you.
- Hands-on experience: You'll complete over 1,000 clinical hours throughout the program.
- Latest technology: Practice on our HAL Simulator and Anatomage tables when you're not in clinical.
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Transfer Requirements
To be considered for the nursing major, students must have:
- Met the general requirements for admission to Michigan Tech University.
- Achieved a cumulative pre-nursing grade point average of 2.85 or better.
- Submitted an application to the MTU Nursing Program for the following fall
semester. Applications are available from the nursing office ( starting
February 1st of each year. - Satisfactorily completed, or have reasonable expectations of completing all pre-nursing courses (or their equivalency) prior to admission into the Nursing Major. A minimum grade of "C" is required in all pre-nursing courses.
Admitted students are required to comply with, and provide documentation of, all Health Compliance expectation including, but not limited to: physical examination, verification of immunizations, TB testing, criminal background check and drug screen, and CPR certification. Students must not have been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor that will prevent them from becoming licensed as a registered nurse or from participating in a required clinical rotation.
Hands-On Learning
If you are a hands-on learner, this is your place. At Michigan Tech, you'll complete over 1,000 clinical hours throughout the program. And while Tech has the latest technology available for you to practice on with our HAL Simulations and Anatomage table, your most meaningful learning comes from hands-on actual patient care—not hands-on simulation mannequin practice care. Clinicals allow you to put what you have learned into practice. As you go through the program, clinical rotations increase in complexity and expose you to a variety of settings. These supervised direct practical experiences help you to develop into a professional, competent, and caring nurse.
0no wait list
5:1student-faculty ratio
Licensure Information
Students considering pursuing an academic program that leads to professional licensure are advised that the Michigan Tech Nursing program prepares students to practice in the state of Michigan and is not intended to prepare students for out-of-state licensure. Michigan Tech has not yet determined whether its curriculum prepares students for licensure in any other state.
Students enrolled in Michigan Tech's Nursing program seeking to practice outside the state of Michigan are advised to contact the appropriate licensing agency within their home state to seek information and additional guidance before beginning a program outside of their home state. Graduates who want to practice in other states should also review those requirements via the NCSBN website.
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Michigan Technological University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.
The Michigan State Board of Nursing Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, 611 W. Ottawa Street, P.O. Box 30670, Lansing MI 48909, 517-373-7484, approves the Michigan Technological University Nursing program.