Ordinance 3—Control of Pets

Effective Date: 08/07/2014

A regulation regarding the bringing or keeping of animals on university property.

No person shall bring, keep, or possess any animal, including but not limited to, dog, cat, bird, rat, mouse, monkey, gerbil, reptile, or rabbit, into any property owned, possessed, held, or controlled by the Michigan Technological University Board of Trustees in Houghton County except:

  1. Guide, Leader, Hearing, or Service Dogs or Animals trained to perform the work or task required by the user's disability when used by a qualified individual with a disability or a trained handler, in compliance with State or Federal law;
  2. Animals owned or possessed and maintained by Michigan Technological University for educational or research purposes; or
  3. Specific exceptions authorized according to Board of Trustees Policy 12.2.

Animals on any property owned, possessed, held, or controlled by the Michigan Technological University Board of Trustees must be licensed (if appropriate), have a record of compliance with required vaccinations, be under the owners’ control at all times, and not be allowed to leave behind any wastes.

This Ordinance shall become effective on its publication in The Daily Mining Gazette, Houghton, Michigan. Copies of the said Ordinance shall be made available at the Department of Public Safety and Police Services and at the office of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Michigan Technological University.



  • 03/20/1981
  • 01/28/1982
  • 01/28/1983
  • 09/18/1992
  • 08/03/2000: Changed Executive Vice President and Provost title to Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
  • 05/04/2007: Replaced the reference to Guide Dogs with one including other Service Animals as defined by Michigan and Federal laws, regulations and guidelines, and changed Provost title.


  • 08/07/2014: Revised language in item #1.
  • 03/01/2019: Revised language in item #1, #3, and added paragraph two.