Useful Budget Reports


WebFOCUS Reports

FZGDTL501 - Transaction Detail: Revenue, Payroll, Expense and Transfer Detail for Transaction Activity. Run for a specified fiscal year and range of fiscal periods.

FZBBUD001A - Original Budgets: Shows the amounts loaded into the departmental budget by pool code.

FZBOPL002 - Budget Worksheet: Provides a snapshot of the budget vs. expensed amounts for a selected fiscal year.

FZGOPL001B - Year to Date Budget vs Actual by Index: Run as of specified fiscal year and month for desired department or account index (note that there are other variations of this same report to fit a departments needs including by Financial Manager or Account Pool).

FZGOPL201B - Project to Date Budget vs Actual by Index: Run as of specified fiscal year and month for desired department or account index.

Oracle Reports

HYOPAYE001 – Gross Earnings – This report displays the earning codes used per employee, account code(s) charged, total hours charged and gross amount charged for a selected time period.