The following is a sample of recent publications and research being conducted by faculty in School of Business and Economics.

William Breffle

Journal of Sustainable Development; A Dynamic Model to Assess The Carrying Capacity of a Defined System
Sustainable Water Resources Management; A Sustainability-Based Project Selection Algorithm: Socio-Technical-Environmental Project Selection Algorithm

Mari Buche

Communications of the Association for Information Systems; To fear or not to fear? A critical review and analysis of fear appraisals in the information security context
Conference Proceeding; The Influence of Outcome-Oriented Security Policy on Security Perceptions and Intentions

John Eshleman

Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory; Business Strategy and Auditor Reporting
Accounting Horizons; Audit Market Structure and Audit Pricing
Advances in Accounting; Board Gender Diversity and Internal Control Weaknesses

Sonia Goltz

Journal of Organizational Behavior Management; The Mapping of Contingencies in Mental Models Found in Organizations
Saint Louis University Law Review; Big Data: Can the Attempt to Be More Discriminating be More Discriminatory Instead?

Peng Guo

Accounting and Finance Research; Business Strategy and Intra-Industry Information Transfers
Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory; Auditor size and Going Concern Reporting

Latika Gupta

Copper Country Today radio programs; Dakota Access Pipeline Controversy. This won the Michigan Association of Broadcasters award for Best Feature Programming.
NSF White Paper; Coupled Production-Consumption Systems for Climate Change Mitigation:Designing Equitable Food, Energy, and Water Conservation Strategies

Soonkwan Hong

Consuming Kitsch: Memetic Idolization of the Middlebrow Pleasure
Arts and the Market; Consuming the Korean: Memetic Kitschization of Unorthodox Aesthetics in Gangnam Style
Marketing Theory; Social class dynamics in AFC
Journal of Business Research; Re-Imagining The Utopian: Transformation Of A Sustainable Lifestyle In Ecovillages

Robert Hutchinson

Applied Economics; Main banks influence on financial reporting quality in Japan
Journal of Accounting and Finance; The Influence of External Auditors, Capital Markets, and Main Banks on Earnings Manipulations: Evidence from Japan

Dana Johnson

Energy; Cost, energy use and GHG emissions for forest biomass harvesting operations
Renewable Energy: An International Journal; Integrating multimodal transport into forest-delivered biofuel supply chain design with a case study based on Michigan
International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education; Facilitative learning model for instruction and student engagement: a case study
Renewable Energy: An International Journal: Decision support system integrating GIS with simulation and optimization for a biofuel supply chain
Quality Management Journal: SEM of Service Quality to Predict Overall Patient Satisfaction in Medical Clinics: A Case Study
International Journal of Operations and Production Management; Patient Perceptions of Quality: Analyzing Patient Satisfaction Surveys

Andre Laplume

International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology; Open-source, self-replicating 3-D printer factory for small-business manufacturing.
Research Policy; Where do spinouts come from? The role of technology relatedness and institutional context
International Journal of Emerging Markets; Informal Institutions and Technology Use by Entrepreneurs: An Empirical Study Across 18 Emerging Markets
Technovation; The organizational advantage in early inventing and patenting: Empirical evidence from interference proceedings.
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development; Inbound Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Entrepreneurial Activity

Junhong Min

Consumption as self-presentation: Empirical evidence from Extreme Sports Community
Promoting Consumer Repurchase Intention: The Role of Possession Identity
Asia Marketing Journal; The Moderating Effect of Network Openness and Interfirm Governance
Journal of Marketing Thought; The Effects of Uncertainties on Network Embeddedness and the Mediating Effect of Information Sharing

Emanuel Marcos R. Castro Oliveira

International Journal of Emerging Markets; Informal Institutions and Technology Use by Entrepreneurs: An Empirical Study Across 18 Emerging Markets
Journal of Technology Transfer; Technology Use and Availability in Entrepreneurship: Informal Economy as Moderator of Institutions in Emerging Economies
Resources Policy; The potash market and its future prospects
Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies; Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies: The Role of Corruption and Individual Attributes
Human Relations; What motivates entrepreneurial entry under economic inequality? The role of human and financial capital.

Karol Pelc

TRANSFORMATIONS; Adoption of innovation in interactive communication networks of Central Europe

Latha Poonamallee

Conference Proceeding; Entrepreneurial Venture Market and Social Orientation Influence on Technological Innovation Impact

Howard Qi

Applied Economics; Cost of Capital: Spot and Forward Rate
International Journal of Business, Accounting, and Finance; Equivalent, Incidental and Incremental Cash Flows
International Journal of Business, Accounting, and Finance; Effective Income Tax Rates by Structural Models of Bankruptcy

Joel Tuoriniemi

Pacific Accounting Review; Accounting Quality and Financial Contracts: Evidence from Bank Loan Contracts in Emerging Markets

Jeffrey Wall

The influence of outcome-oriented security policy on security perceptions and intentions
Journal of the Association for Information Systems; Organizational violations of externally governed privacy and security rules: Explaining and predicting selective violations under conditions of strain and excess
Communications of the Association for Information Systems; Critical discourse analysis as a review methodology: An empirical example
Journal of Information Systems Education; Learning computing topics in undergraduate information systems courses: Managing perceived difficulty

Michigan Technological University is an R1 public research university founded in 1885 in Houghton, and is home to nearly 7,500 students from more than 60 countries around the world. Consistently ranked among the best universities in the country for return on investment, Michigan's flagship technological university offers more than 120 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in science and technology, engineering, computing, forestry, business, health professions, humanities, mathematics, social sciences, and the arts. The rural campus is situated just miles from Lake Superior in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, offering year-round opportunities for outdoor adventure.