A master plan is an incredible tool that gives the university an opportunity to re-examine our strategic goals, institutional needs, and facility concerns every 10 to 20 years, and to prioritize near- and long-term capital improvement goals.
In October 2022, the University Board of Trustees adopted the new Campus Master Plan 2022 "Build The Future". This plan will guide the development of our campus through 2035, and provides a short- and long-term framework that is clear, flexible, and implementable. The Plan was crafted with great care and with input from a diverse group of students, researchers, faculty, staff, and community members over a nineteen-month period. Numerous town halls, focus group meetings, data analytics, and reviews were conducted to listen, learn, and discuss the university's needs and desires. The resulting plan is a living document that is bold, visionary, and capable of flexing to adjust to future initiatives without compromising its core values.