Grade Policies

Final grades are maintained by the University as a permanent record. Students who wish to receive an official record of their final grades may do so by requesting a transcript from the Registrar's Office.

Mid-Semester Grades

Grades of "satisfactory" (C or better) or "unsatisfactory" are given to all first-year students enrolled in a course offered for credit at mid-semester. Final letter grades are provided at the end of each semester.

Semester Grades

Students may access final semester grades and cumulative grades through Michigan Tech Experience.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade and credit earned for any course taken by a student at Michigan Tech will become part of the student's permanent record and will be used in the computation of the University grade point average (GPA).

The GPA is computed by dividing the grade points by the grade point hours and truncating the result. Grade point hours include those course credits with grades of A, AB, B, BC, C, CD, D, F, and X. Any performance below a GPA of 2.00 is considered a grade point deficiency.

Minimum GPA

It is required that a student earn a minimum cumulative 2.00 GPA and a minimum 2.00 GPA in the student's major department for an undergraduate degree. Incomplete (I) grades remaining at graduation are considered failing (F) grades in computing the final GPA.

Grading System

The grades awarded by the University are

    • A (excellent)—4.00 grade points/credit
    • AB (very good)—3.50 grade points/credit
    • B (good)—3.00 grade points/credit
    • BC (above average)—2.50 grade points/credit
    • C (average)—2.00 grade points/credit
    • CD (below average)—1.50 grade points/credit
    • D (inferior)—1.00 grade point/credit
    • F (failure)—0.00 grade point/credit
    • F* (failure due to academic dishonesty)—0.00 grade point/credit
    • I (incomplete) not computed in GPA calculation appropriate when:
      • the student has a legitimate extenuating circumstance prohibiting the completion of the course; and
      • the student has the ability to complete the course requirements without re-enrolling in the course; and
      • the student currently has a passing grade in the course.

Extenuating circumstances may include (but are not limited to):

      • car accident
      • sudden illness or injury (Doctor's office/hospital documented)
      • birth of a child
      • death of a family member
      • conditions of close friends (suicide, accident/injury)
      • divorce (individual and parental)

An incomplete grade must be made up within 1 semester of being assigned regardless of residency according to the following schedule:

      • assigned fall semester: course must be completed by the end of spring semester;
      • assigned spring semester: course must be completed by the end of fall semester;
      • assigned summer semester: course must be completed by the end of fall semester.

An I grade should not be used as a substitute for a failing grade or a withdrawal.
Failure to complete the coursework within the time frames defined above will result in the conversion of the I to an F. Incomplete grades at graduation are considered (F) grades in computing the final grade point average.

    • IS (in-session)—temporary grade indicating a course that remains in session and ends after the semester's final grade deadline.
    • X (conditional)—computed into the grade point average as an (F) grade given only when the student is at fault in failing to complete a segment of a course, but in the judgment of the instructor does not need to repeat the course. An X is appropriate when:
      • the student does not have a legitimate extenuating circumstance for failing to complete course requirements that meets the standards for the I grade (above);
      • the student has the ability to complete the course requirements without re-enrolling in the course;
      • the student currently has a passing grade in the course.

Example circumstances appropriate for an X grade may include:

      • oversleeping on the day of an exam
      • flat tire/unexpected car trouble
      • incomplete assignments.

X grades must be made up within the next semester according to the same schedule summarized above for the I grade. Failure to complete the course accordingly will result in the conversion of the X grade to an F.

  • M (missing grade)—grade not submitted by instructor. See instructor for clarification.
  • N (no grade)—no credit, no grade points; given when a student officially withdraws from the University after the regular drop period. In these cases, the Dean of Students office notifies the instructor that the student has withdrawn from the University and should receive an N grade if passing as of the date of withdrawal.
  • P (progress)—may be used for approved 3000- or 4000-level project courses, where projects carry over for more than one semester.
  • Q (inadequate progress)—may be used for approved 3000- or 4000-level project courses where projects carry over for more than one semester.
  • W (late drop)—no credit, no grade points; indicates a course was dropped between the beginning of the fourth week and the end of the tenth week; after the tenth week, a student may only request a late drop from the Dean of Students Office, which will consider only those requests that clearly involve extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control.
  • Cr (credit)—by advanced placement or examination.
  • S (satisfactory)—credit given, no grade points, and not included in student's GPA; given for courses taken under the Pass-Fail option. A grade of S is given for work equal to letter grades of A to C.
  • E (effort unsatisfactory)—no credit, no grade points; given for courses taken under the Pass-Fail option. A grade of E is given for work equal to letter grades CD to F.
  • E* (effort unsatisfactory due to academic dishonesty)—no credit, no grade points; given for courses taken under the Pass-Fail option.
  • V (satisfactory audit)—no credit, no grade points; given for courses taken for audit.
  • U (unsatisfactory audit)—no credit, no grade points; given for courses taken for audit.
  • U* (unsatisfactory audit due to academic dishonesty)—no credit, no grade points; given for courses taken for audit.
  • SCV (satisfactory) - credit given, no grade points and not included in student's GPA; given for courses taken under the COVID-19 Pass-Fall option. A grade of SCV is given for work equal to letter grades of A to C.
  • LCV (satisfactory low) - credit given, no grade points and not included in student's GPA; given for courses taken under the COVID-19 Pass-Fail option. A grade of LCV is given for work equal to letter grades of CD and D.
  • ECV (effort unsatisfactory) - no credit, no grade points and not included in student's GPA; given for courses taken under the COVID-19 Pass-Fail option. A grade of ECV is given for work equal to a letter grade of F.

Pass-Fail Grade Option

Requests to change from a normal grade mode (A-F) to pass-fail for a course must be received in the Registrar's Office by the close of business on Wednesday of the second week of the semester (the last day to add/drop a course). Courses taken for a letter grade may not be repeated under the pass-fail option. Courses taken under the pass-fail option may only be used to fulfill free electives.

Audit Grade Option

Requests to change from a normal grade mode (A-F) to audit for a course must be received in the Registrar's Office by the close of business on Wednesday of the second week of the semester (the last day to add/drop a course).

Students auditing a course will receive a grade of V for a satisfactory audit or U for an unsatisfactory audit.

A course taken as an audit may be taken at a later date for degree credit subject to the approval of the course instructor and student's academic advisor.

A course taken under the normal grade mode (A-F) may be taken for an audit at a later date, not for degree credit, subject to the approval of the course instructor and student's academic advisor.

Audit grades are not to be used as a substitute for a failing grade.

Audited courses may not be used to fulfill academic requirements.

Disputed Grades

A student having an error in a final course grade should contact the instructor and the Registrar's Office as soon as possible but no later than one month after the beginning of the next semester.  In case of a grade dispute, students should follow the Academic Grievance Policy. Graded student work (exams, papers, homework, etc.) which has not been returned to the student should be retained by the instructor of record for at least one month after the beginning of the next semester or until existing disputes have been resolved.