Support the Vision

Dedicated People

CEGE Student Organization Leadership and Experiences Fund

Aid students through scholarships, fellowships, and academic support in the Student Success Center. Ensure our graduates have a foundation built on exceptional engineering principles and practical knowledge, and open doors for educational and research opportunities.

Prestigious Programs Fund

Safeguard the quality of our educational experience. Continue the legacy of producing world-class engineers. Help us maintain our rankings and honor the high standards set by faculty, staff, students, and alumni of the civil, environmental, and geospatial engineering programs.

Memorable Places

CEGE Equipment

Enhance the hands-on learning environment you experience while studying at Michigan Tech. Contribute toward laboratory and equipment upgrades that will improve the stature of our program and lead students toward impactful careers.

iDesign—International Senior Design

iDesign affords students a venue for participating in inspired, international, integrative community engineering design with partners in economically disadvantaged locations around the world.

Make a Gift

Steel Bridge Team

Every year, Michigan Tech Steel Bridge Team members, design, fabricate, and assemble a 20-ft steel bridge to compete at the ASCE Conference. This is an extremely dedicated group of students that for several months work hard on creating a masterpiece which will represent not only their student chapter, but their university as a whole.

Student Organization Leadership Fund

The Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering houses and promotes student involvement with professional organizations on campus including: American Society of Civil Engineers, Built World Enterprise, Railroad Engineering Activity Club, Chi Epsilon, Engineers Without Borders, and Society for Environmental Engineers.

Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering

Gifts made directly to the department are unrestricted, giving the department the flexibility to support current priorities and respond to emerging opportunities that are not covered by other funds. All gifts, large or small, are important to the department.

Endowed Practitioner Chair

Gifts made to the Endowed Practitioner Chair Fund allow the department to bring in practicing engineers to teach classes. The insights and industrial experience practitioners contribute to the department is highly valued by our faculty and students.

Engineers Without Borders

The Michigan Tech Chapter of Engineers Without Borders helps transform engineering students into internationally responsible engineering professionals. Students make a difference with this immersive design-build project-based organization.

Beyond the Theory of Design

Our students get their hands wet and their feet dirty.

Our vision to strengthen the exceptional CEGE programs begins with alumni like you who have realized great success due in part to your education at Michigan Tech. Your gifts directly impact the education of students today and the civil, environmental, and geospatial engineering breakthroughs of tomorrow. Monetary gifts go toward supporting the existing programs and creation of new and innovative experiences, maintaining advanced facilities and equipment, funding opportunities for real-world application and experience for students, and attracting world-class faculty.

Giving Contact

Brian Barkdoll, PE, BCEE

  • Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering