Katherine King

- BS Environmental Engineering 1979
Katie graduated from Michigan Technological University with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Environmental) in 1979. She has accrued over 18 years of experience in the field of environmental engineering, concentrating her efforts on environmental management systems, solid and hazardous waste management, remedial investigations, and contaminated site remediation and redevelopment. Katie joined RMT Inc. in 1994 when RMT acquired Braithwaite Consultants, Inc. (BCI). RMT specializes in environmental engineering, solid waste management and remediation. Katie was one of the original founders and the Executive Vice President of BCI and is now President of RMT Inc., Michigan. Additionally, she is an active participant in many professional, educational, and non-profit associations. She has served on the Michigan Tech Civil and Environmental Engineering Professional Advisory Committee and the American Society of Civil Engineers. She is also a member of the Founders Club. Katie is an active committee member on the Environmental Engineering Exam Committee at the National Council of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors and is a Subject Matter Expert and Holistic Scoring Judge. Katie serves on the Admissions and Membership Committee for the American Academy of Environmental Engineers. She is also active in the Ann Arbor Art Center and currently co-chairs the Steering Committee for the Center's annual wine auction fundraiser. During her stay at this University, Katie was a senior high school youth leader and Sunday school teacher at Grace United Methodist Church, a member of lnterVarsity Christian Fellowship and a March of Dimes volunteer.
From the 1998 Presidential Council of Alumnae Induction.