Tom R. Irwin, PE

- BS Civil Engineering 1963
- MS Business Administration 1966
Throughout his career, Tom Irwin has used his Michigan Tech degrees to the utmost. He believes luck is preparation and opportunity and Mich Tech excelled at the preparation, academically and in a very congenial environment.
As president of Hodgkiss and Douma (H&D) Construction Company of Petoskey, H&D's emphasis was highway construction, major recreation projects, developments and aggregate production. His 27 year career at H&D began after working with Sivier Construction in Detroit, D&L Contracting in Traverse City and Dow Chemical in Midland.
His dedication to Michigan Tech runs long and deep, as evidenced by his receiving the University's Outstanding Service Award in 1999. He served on the Executive Council of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Partnering with the Future Campaign, the Executive Committee for their Educating Graduates of Choice Campaign, Civil & Environmental Departments Professional Advisory Committee and the Transportation Enterprise Program.
He was a key contact between the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the pavement industry for many years and was past president of the Michigan Road Builders Association and the Michigan Asphalt Paving Association, in addition to many civic duties which included Director of The Bank of Northern Michigan, Trustee Charlevoix County Community Foundation and Trustee. McLaren Northern Michigan Hospital. Most recently, Tom served on the steering committee for the very successful Generations of Discovery campaign for Michigan Tech.
Tom was awarded the 2014 Michigan Tech Alumni Association Distinguished Alumni award.
Edited May 5, 2014