
Enhance Financial Performance and Growth

Through growth and optimization of financial resources we will position Michigan Technological University for the next decade and beyond. In collaboration with our academic units and external partners we will deliver the growth needed to fund critical investments in our teaching and research. We will continue to pursue opportunities for administrative efficiencies to provide resources to invest in our academic mission. And, we will ensure strong and effective financial controls to protect our resources and clearly demonstrate to our community that we are responsible stewards of these resources.

Be a Best Place to Work

We will sustain a healthy, inclusive, and engaging work environment to effectively recruit, develop, recognize, reward, and retain a highly competent and diverse workforce across the campus community. We will strengthen our culture of excellence, accountability, and collaboration to position our employees to excel in their current roles and achieve career aspirations. 

Improve Campus Life

We will engage with our campus partners (students, faculty, and staff) to deliver the expectations for a safe and respectful campus that enables students and all members of the campus community to achieve their full potential in learning, working, and living. We will strive to provide students with a comprehensive living and learning experience, fostering a sense of community, and supporting campus values related to teaching, research, free speech, and safety.

Develop and Invest in Infrastructure

We will develop a strategic sustainability plan that will strengthen the alignment of our campus operations with our research and educational mission. We will optimize our investments in physical assets to support our growth objectives. And, we will continue to foster our partnerships with the regional community and the State to ensure a strong and dynamic infrastructure.

Ensure Service Excellence and Forward Institutional Positioning

Through collaboration with our campus partners, we will implement improvement processes and tools to increase productivity in our educational and research missions. We will improve campus reporting tools and data management to ensure our decision-making is based on accurate and reliable information and will continue to provide highly effective services while minimizing their impact on our campus resources.

Optimize Technology for the Future

Michigan Tech will harness the technological changes that are driving our societal changes to emerge as a leader through utilization of adaptive learning, virtual reality and related technologies, online and blended delivery methods, and new and innovative delivery of student services. We will harness data analytics to benchmark and be aware of our current position and to move the institution forward.