Lab Standard and Hazard Communication Training

Lab Standard vs. Hazard Communication

Who is Required to Have Training?

"Under OSHA, the term ‘worker’ refers to everyone who receives an employer paycheck for their work. Michigan Technological University safety policies require OSHA-mandated safety training and compliance measures to be applied to unpaid workers such as visiting scholars or scientists, graduate students that do not receive a University paycheck, and undergraduate students involved in University sponsored work other than registered courses"

MIOSHA Lab Standard

What is in the Lab Standard?

  • Definitions
  • Permissible Exposure Limits
  • Exposure Monitoring
  • Chemical Hygiene Plan
  • Employee Information and Training
  • Medical Surveillance
  • Hazard Identification
  • Use of Respiratory Protection
  • Recordkeeping
  • Availability of Rules and Appendices
Location in Document Contents
Culture of Safety, Section F Definitions of Physical Hazards
1910.1450(b) Definitions Definitions of Select Carcinogen
Appendix A Chemical Hygiene in Laboratories
Appendix B References

Where Can I Find the Lab Standard?

Chemical Hygiene Plan

The chemical hygiene plan shall include each of the following elements and shall indicate specific measures that the employer will take to ensure laboratory employee protection:

  1. Standard operating procedures relevant to safety and health considerations to be followed when laboratory work involves the use of hazardous chemicals
  2. Criteria that the employer will use to determine and implement control measures to reduce employee exposure to hazardous chemicals, including engineering controls, the use of personal protective equipment, and hygiene practices
  3. A requirement that laboratory-type hoods and other protective equipment is functioning properly and the specific measures that shall be taken to ensure the proper and adequate performance of such equipment
  4. Provisions for employee information and training as prescribed in R 325.70107
  5. The circumstances under which a particular laboratory operation, procedure, or activity shall require prior approval from the employer or the employer's designee before implementation
  6. Provisions for medical consultation and medical examinations in accordance with R 325.70108
  7. Designation of personnel who are responsible for implementing the chemical hygiene plan, including the assignment of a chemical hygiene officer and, if appropriate, establishment of a chemical hygiene committee
  8. Provisions for additional employee protection for work with particularly hazardous substances, such as select carcinogens, reproductive toxins, and substances that have a high degree of acute or chronic toxicity. Specific consideration shall be given to the following provisions, which shall be included where appropriate:
    1. The establishment of a designated area or areas that indicate the physical limits of exposure to particularly hazardous substances
    2. The use of containment devices, such as laboratory-type hoods or glove boxes
    3. Procedures for the safe removal of contaminated waste
    4. Decontamination procedures

Where Can I Find the CHP?

  • A Paper Copy is Available in Every Laboratory
  • A Paper Copy is Available in the Chemistry Office
  • Chemical Hygiene Plan

What is in the CHP Specific to MTU?

  • Requirement for Lab-Specific SOPs
  • Labeling System for Chemical Reagents
    • Do not use wax pencil markings, abbreviations, formulas only, code names, or numbers
    • Hazard Communications Labeling Rules

The labels on all containers will include:

  • The identity of the hazardous chemical(s);
  • Appropriate hazard warnings or combination of words, pictures, and symbols that provide at least general information regarding the hazards of the chemicals, and which, in conjunction with the other information immediately available to employees under the hazard communication program, will provide employees with the specific information regarding the physical and health hazards.
  • The hazard warnings and information must also be in accordance with the labeling requirements of any substance-specific standards applicable to the chemical.

Permissible Exposure Limits

What Are Permissible Exposure Limits?

  • Time-Weighted Average (TWA): means the employee’s average airborne exposure in any 8-hour workshift of a 40-hour workweek that shall not be exceeded
  • Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL): means the employee’s 15-minute, time-weighted average exposure which shall not be exceeded at any time during a workday
  • Ceiling: means the employee’s exposure which shall not be exceeded during any part of the workday

Where Can I Find Permissible Exposure Limits?

Exposure Symptoms

What Are Symptoms of Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals? Chemical and Dose-Specific

  • Difficulties in Breathing
  • Headache
  • Changes in Skin Color
  • Irritation (Eyes, Skin)
  • Nausea, Fever
  • Stupor
  • Lightheadedness, Dizziness
  • Vision Abnormalities
  • Coordination Problems
  • Tearing
  • Dry Throat
  • Coughing

Reference Materials

Every student working in research labs should have these!

  • MSDS
  • CH Department Chemical Inventory
  • MTU HazCom Program on OSHA Website
  • Merck Index
  • Chemical Reagent Catalogs
  • Handbook of Chemical Health and Safety
  • Hazardous Laboratory Chemicals Disposal Guide

ACS Publications

  • The ACS Guide for Chemical Spill Response Planning in Laboratories
  • Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories
    • Vol 1 Accident Prevention for Students
    • Vol 2 Accident Prevention for Faculty

Detection of Chemicals

Employer Monitoring

"Exposure monitoring is required by the Lab Standard if there is reason to believe that exposure levels ... routinely exceed ... the permissible exposure limits"

Michigan Technological University has no system for exposure monitoring

Continuous Monitoring Devices

Michigan Technological University has no system for continuous monitoring.

Physical and Health Hazards

Identify chemicals in immediate environment

  • Chemical inventory (lab)
  • Identification or content labels (non-lab)

MSDS or Other Reference

  • Combustible Liquid
  • Explosive
  • Organic Peroxide
  • Flashpoint
  • Unstable
  • Compressed Gas
  • Flammable
  • Oxidizer
  • Pyrophoric
  • Water-Reactive

Protective Measures

Work Procedures

  • Plan for Handling/Storage
  • Plan for Waste Disposal

Emergency Procedures

  • Plan for a Spill
  • Plan for Decontamination

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Chemically Resistant Gloves
  • Proper Eye/Face Protection
  • Leg/Foot Coverage
  • Do NOT Use Respirator or Gas Mask

Every person working in a lab in the chemistry department must fill out the Haz Comm form. A copy of this will be sent to the chemistry office and your supervisor.
