If you see this don't fill out this input box.Full Name * M Number * Michigan Tech Email * Phone * Have you previously been enrolled in CH2990/CH4990/CH4995? * Yes No If yes, list your research advisor(s) below. Check one * This is a continuing project. This is a new project. Semester for which you are enrolling: * Course Registration Number (CRN) * The CRN # can be found through Banweb. Check one course: * CH 2990 CH 4990 CH 4995 If you wish to enroll in CH4995 and your major is biochemistry and molecular biology, your advisor must be Dr, M. Thompson, Dr. A. Tiwari, or Dr. T. Dam. Research advisor * Please Select Bi, Lanrong Charlesworth, Paul Christov, Christo Dam, Tarun Fang, Shilyue Green, Sarah Heiden, Patricia Liu, Haiying Luck, Rudy Mazzoleni, Lynn Perrine, Kathryn Tanasova, Marina Thompson, Martin Tiwari, Ashutosh Valenzano, Loredana Number of credits (1—6) * Brief description of your intended project (after you have discussed it with your research advisor): * By submitting this form, you are declaring your intent to enroll in CH4990 or CH4995 for the semester and credits specified. * I agree