Undergraduate Research

Why Should You Consider Undergraduate Research?

The Department of Chemistry encourages undergraduate students to become involved in a research project under the direction of a faculty member. Whether you are planning to go to graduate school or pursue a career upon graduation, one of the factors that often gives our students an edge is the opportunity to engage in research and become familiar with the state-of-the-art instrumentation used in chemistry research today. A majority of our students conduct undergraduate research with faculty members.

When Should You Begin Undergraduate Research?

Students often consider undergraduate research after they have completed foundational chemistry courses at the beginning of junior year. However, students are welcome to begin collaborating on a research project at any time. Some enterprising students have even arranged to begin a project during freshman year or the summer prior to freshman year.

How Should You Begin Undergraduate Research?

Professor's Role in Undergraduate Research

In addition to CH4990/CH4995, many of our students have excellent research experiences at other institutions, usually during the summer, through Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) programs sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) at various universities. For a listing of current REUs, search the NSF site.

Other Research Opportunities

In addition to CH4990/CH4995, many of our students have excellent research experiences at other institutions, usually during the summer, through Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) programs sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) at various universities. For a listing of current REUs, search the NSF site.

Policy For Off-campus Undergraduate Research for Credit

(approved by the faculty 11/01/2011)

With the goal of increasing collaborative interactions between industry and chemistry department faculty, students may engage in undergraduate research in an off-campus research and development laboratory.
