
Congratulations Huskies! Below is a full listing of all undergraduate student candidates for graduation. You may sort any data columns by clicking on the column headings. You may search for a candidate's name by using CMD/CTRL + F in your web browser.

Undergraduate Candidates
Name Major College Double Major Additional Degree Honors Legacy ROTC Veteran Pavlis
Aun AbbasRobotics EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Nate Nicholas AbelFinanceCollege of BusinessAccountingMagna Cum LaudeY
Ari James AbrahamCybersecurityCollege of ComputingMagna Cum Laude
Sophia E AbrahamComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Lydia Paige AccomandoMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Joshua A AckermanEngineering ManagementCollege of BusinessFinanceMagna Cum Laude
Rachel I AckermanChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Dalin Francis AdlerEngineering ManagementCollege of BusinessCum Laude
Anna Elizabeth AdrianMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Roger Thomas AeschlimanMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
William Raymond AichnerComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Hollis Ione AitkensComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Isaac F AlafitaComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Emilio Gilberto AlcantarElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Joseph AlessoMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Drake Scott AllenStatisticsCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum LaudeY
Colin T Lundberg AndersMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Caleb Arthur AndersonElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Jayden J AndersonCybersecurityCollege of ComputingMagna Cum Laude
Nat Clint AndersonComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingMathematicsCum Laude
Annamarie Adeline AndresElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringComputer EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Rachel Elizabeth AndresBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Anthony J ArcherComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Sofia Isabel ArcosManagement Information SystemsCollege of Business
Mariana Rosas ArenasCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Owen William ArmstrongElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Cameron Eldric ArnoldEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Jacob Jerome ArseneauChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Collin Patrick AttardComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Lily Raeann Atton-DoornbosComputer EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Garrett W AudBiological SciencesCollege of Sciences & Arts
Spencer David AudForestryCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Lauren Elizabeth AugeEnvironmental Science and SustainabilityCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Robin David AusterberryMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Paul R BadourComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Drew B BaileyChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Clare M BakerCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Abhirup BanerjeeComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringElectrical EngineeringCum Laude
Gabriel Gage BannermanBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Gabriel Roberto BaquerizoStatisticsCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Jordan Darlene BarberNursingCollege of Sciences & Arts
Shaun M BarberChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Mercy Faarahbari BarikorHuman FactorsCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum Laude
Kylie A BarnesApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Daniel J Barr Jr.PhysicsCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Wesley S BarronRobotics EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Julianna Rose BartoszekAnthropologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsComputer ScienceMagna Cum LaudeY
Dante Leonardo BasaneseMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Luke T BauerCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Jaden Alex BayerMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Reid Allan BeckesComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Olivia Catherine BekkalaCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Paige Kathryn BelandEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Malcolm M BenedictRobotics EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Trenton Patrick BennettManagement Information SystemsCollege of Business
Joshua Jeffrey BergstromMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Jonathen M BerndtBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Paige Raeann BerryMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Annika Raine BetzApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum Laude
Hunter Payton BilgreenEngineering ManagementCollege of Business
David B BillingsEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Max Irving BlakeChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Matthew Robert BlevinsComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Abrielle Deanne BlondeWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Gabriella Noel BlumenscheinPsychologyCollege of Sciences & Arts
Travis Daniel BodhaineStatisticsCollege of Sciences & Arts
Jaylen Odell BodyManagementCollege of BusinessMarketingMagna Cum Laude
Brendan Nicklas BohinskiChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Lucas Zachery BoldaNursingCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum Laude
Elijah James BombichMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Laura Jean BonnettEcology and Evolutionary BiologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Arika R BoomsEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Trevor Jonathan BorkeMechatronicsInterdisciplinary ProgramsMagna Cum Laude
Noah Ethan BoswellElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Daniel David BowesBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Isobel Rose BowkerMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Evan Michael BradfordSoftware EngineeringCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Steven Deshawn BraggsComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingY
Daniel Hunter BranaganMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Anthony Lee BrattElectrical Engineering TechnologyCollege of ComputingSumma Cum Laude
Katie Grace BreaultChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Joshua David BreitenbachManagement Information SystemsCollege of BusinessAccounting
Isabella Sophie BrennanBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Kyle Kyrill BresserChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Ethan Michael BrewerMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Kaylee BrinkmanComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingMathematicsCum Laude
John Nolan BroderickEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Andrew Xavier BrodowskiMechatronicsInterdisciplinary Programs
Seth Michael BroekhuisMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Dorian Joseph BrotschulEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Alec Richard BrovontElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Matthew Ryan BrovontBiological SciencesCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum LaudeY
Caroline Denise BrownChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Madelyn E BrownRobotics EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Gracie Elizabeth BrownlowMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Brett H BrunerMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Elias Samuel BrushEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Nathan Scott BruursemaMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Brian D BrzezinskiMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Matthew David BuckeridgeComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Charles Jeffrey BuckmasterMarketingCollege of BusinessY
Noah Steven BuckwalterComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Raymond P BuenzliChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Malakai Grae BundshuhSoftware EngineeringCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Cassandra BurchGeological EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Kristopher BurchElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringComputer Engineering
Ryan Daniel BurdoElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Ian Joseph BurkeFinanceCollege of Business
Bradley Michael BusbyConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary ProgramsCum LaudeY
Jordan Gregory BusseyApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Lydia Lynn BylkasPsychologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Peter A CalcaterraMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Emily Morgan CalhounChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Samantha Marie CallawayForestryCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Hannah E CampbellBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Lucy Patricia CampbellMedical Laboratory ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Wade Alice CanavanComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Alexander Dennis CannootAccountingCollege of BusinessFinanceY
Olivia R CapelleBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Connor James CardellCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Madelyn Elizabeth CareyAccountingCollege of BusinessFinanceMagna Cum Laude
Corey Matthew CarlsonComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Nicholas Joseph CarlsonMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Tairen Lee CaronEngineering ManagementCollege of Business
Seth Duncan CarpenterRobotics EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Joshua Raymond CaseMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Rane Addison CastorCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Andrew CaswellCybersecurityCollege of ComputingMagna Cum Laude
Simon Christopher CauleyElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Austin Robert ChampineElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Roman A ChernetaComputer EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Cooper L ChiarinoApplied PhysicsCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum Laude
Leif Keslar ChristensenComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Justin William ChristensonComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingSumma Cum LaudeY
Zachary Russell ChristensonComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingSumma Cum LaudeY
Benjamin Robert ChristiansMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Jakob M ChristiansenConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary ProgramsMagna Cum Laude
Gavin Michael ChristlNatural Resources ManagementCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Alli Joy ChurchwellCommunication, Culture, and MediaCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Raina E CieckoEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Nico A CifaniApplied PhysicsCollege of Sciences & Arts
Nathan C CimaEngineering ManagementCollege of BusinessCum Laude
Mason Wesley ClarkComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Emilie Janet ClaytonMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Cole Philip CliffordCybersecurityCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Logan J CoatesCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Brendan Hamilton CobbComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Brooke Laine CochranBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Robert J CoeneMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Casen Ballard ColeComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Joseph M ColeMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Rachel E ColeMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Drew Charles CollinsSports and Fitness ManagementCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Christian Richard ColvinCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Jacob Thomas CondonMathematicsCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Benjamin Alexander ConlinComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Aidan George ConradeSound DesignCollege of Sciences & Arts
Connor Peter McNamara CookFinanceCollege of BusinessY
Franklin John CookComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringAF ROTC
John E CookeManagementCollege of BusinessY
Clark E CooleyEnglishCollege of Sciences & Arts
Nicholas Alexander CoopersmithElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Brian Patrick CorcoranMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Miles Luc CornilsBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Charles Anthony CortesMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Parker Allan Vaughan Courte-RathwellMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringExercise ScienceCum Laude
Samuel DeVon CoxChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Kurt CoyneForestryCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum Laude
Owen W CramerSoftware EngineeringCollege of Computing
Ezra James CrandellElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeAF ROTC
Matthew Joseph Cronin IIISoftware EngineeringCollege of Computing
Evan Matthew CronkMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Joshua Thomas CrookElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Rosario Joseph CurcuruComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingMagna Cum Laude
Allen Warren CuretonBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyCollege of Sciences & Arts
Cal K CurnellMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Max Fenton CurtisMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Rebecca Jean CuthbertsonGeological EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Jillian Marie CyrusMedical Laboratory ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum LaudeY
Stephen Joseph CzachMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Brendan Timothy CzekajComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Grace Martha DaavettilaCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
James Robert DaavettilaElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Elijah A DadamElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Joshua W DafoeMathematics and Computer ScienceCollege of Sciences & Arts
Genevieve Elizabeth DahlMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Erik F DaleExercise ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum Laude
Cody Michael DarabanEngineering ManagementCollege of Business
Ian Mark DavidsonFinanceCollege of Business
Katherine Christine DavidsonBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Makenna Marie DawsonEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Teegan DayComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingHumanities
Jeremiah James DeHaanComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Colton A DeVreeSound DesignCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
John E DecatorCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Jessica Barnhill DeckerApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env SciSumma Cum Laude
Jack C DedrickComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingMagna Cum LaudeAF ROTC
Kyle Everett DehningGeospatial EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Oliver Caspian DelanceyComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Andrew J DellavecchiaComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Kyle Joseph DemersWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum LaudeY
Ethan John DenHartighMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Maggie Jo DenneySocial SciencesCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Lydia Lee DerksEngineering ManagementCollege of Business
Evelyn May DevineGeologyCollege of EngineeringY
Sean Sterling DeweyManagementCollege of BusinessMarketingMagna Cum Laude
Kyla Karen DewickElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Jacob John DezelskiEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Isabella Maria DiCastriChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Joel Dalton DiccionElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Collin James DiehlChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Bella Lain DimiceliSound DesignCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Brandon Drake DobsonConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary ProgramsY
Bryce Michael DoeringChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Benjamin P DoerrBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyCollege of Sciences & Arts
Hanna Marie DoerrMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Allison Nicole DolanEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Brennan Austin DomereseComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Lindsay Jane DonajkowskiCommunication, Culture, and MediaCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Kaira E. DonaldsonMechatronicsInterdisciplinary Programs
Ryan James DonaldsonMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Emily R DowdyBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Kekoa M DowellMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Aidan P DoyleMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Jacob Allen DregerComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Aidan J DrzewickiCybersecurityCollege of Computing
Gabrielle Elizabeth DuChenyMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Eric B DuboisMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Cameron Thomas DuffyBiological SciencesCollege of Sciences & Arts
Vanessa Angelica DulongSound DesignCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Matthew Ryan DunhamComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Tessa Lynette DunnBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Maximilian George DvorakCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Abby Marie DycMathematicsCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Henry Edward DzurkoCybersecurityCollege of Computing
Connor Steven EamesElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Aidan Mark EarllMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Olivia Ruthann EbensWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum Laude
Katherine Adeline EddyCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Keegan Robert EddyAccountingCollege of Business
Bradin Nathaniel EdwardsWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Paul Jerald EidentMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Samuel Philip EisenmanFinanceCollege of Business
Chase Michael EkonenMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Phillip Jerome EllensonComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Emma Lizabeth ElliotCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Paige Olivia ElliotMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Theodore Spooner EllisConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary ProgramsCum LaudeY
Eric Austin EngebosElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Benjamin James EngleMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Joseph Erbetta IIIMedical Laboratory ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Lars Chester ErkkilaComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingY
Nathan Paul ErvaNursingCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Andrew Eddy EschenauerCybersecurityCollege of ComputingMagna Cum Laude
Lars Daniel EskolaMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Maija Grace EskolaHumanitiesCollege of Sciences & ArtsPsychologyY
Rhyan LeClare EssebaggersWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Boyd Tristen EvansForestryCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Daniel Joseph EzzoMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Edward Daniel FairchildSoftware EngineeringCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Emily Renae FairfieldMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Vincent Harper FalkComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Emma S FanningMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Adam FenjiroComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Noah Shaun FerrierComputer Network and System AdministrationCollege of Computing
Lydia Pauline FestianMechatronicsInterdisciplinary Programs
Andrew Spencer FeysMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Jamie Maple FidlerAnthropologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum Laude
Hunter Chase FinnilaEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Aidan Christopher FlaneryMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Shanaya Lyn FleigBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Connor Thomas FlynnComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Caleb A FollowellForestryCollege of For Res & Env SciWildlife Ecology and ConservationMagna Cum Laude
William B ForneyRobotics EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Samuel R FoulkeCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Brendan M FoxMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Lucas James FrankMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Colton A FreeChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Colin James FreedMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Trevor M FreudensteinComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Matthew Jay FrustiManagement Information SystemsCollege of Business
Reece Landon FrydrychowiczMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Jack James FryzelMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Mark Anders GabelApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum Laude
Kelsey M GancsosEnvironmental Science and SustainabilityCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum Laude
Joseph Raymond Gannon IIIChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Anna Andrea GaponenkoMedical Laboratory ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Rorey Tayler GarnerConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary Programs
Seth M GarrickComputer EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Alexander E GassenfeitMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Kellin Jo GasserSustainability Science and SocietyCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum LaudeY
Isabella Kathleen GattiCybersecurityCollege of ComputingMagna Cum Laude
Gregory John GaudreauElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Logan Robert GehringComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Cali Stacy Lee St GeorgePsychologyCollege of Sciences & Arts
Megan L GerritsConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary ProgramsMagna Cum Laude
Shawn Michael GerstComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Jacob D GervaisMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Hope Emily GibbonsBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Samuel J GidleyElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringComputer Engineering
Emma Rose GiemEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Alexander Timothy GilleylenCybersecurityCollege of Computing
Zachary D GillishMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Kelby J GingerichComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Adeline Isabel GoldmanSports and Fitness ManagementCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Ethan Alexander GoltzBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyCollege of Sciences & Arts
Kenneth GonzalezBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Cedar Goodenough GordonApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env SciWildlife Ecology and ConservationSumma Cum Laude
Clarissa M. GordonApplied GeophysicsCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Robert W GossenMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Sophia Marie GouletteManagementCollege of BusinessMagna Cum Laude
Asher John De GraafElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Jonathan Michael GraettingerElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Kolton Hunter GrafElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Madison Elizabeth GreenChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Owen Abraham GreenCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Dawson George GregoryChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Alexander M GrimaldiMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Mitchell Bernard GrossMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Alicja GrzegorzekConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary ProgramsMagna Cum Laude
Magdalena Anne GuintherWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env SciCum Laude
Zoe Meritxell HaaseBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Aidan Thomas HagenComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingSumma Cum Laude
Jadon Lee HaineyMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Corbin Jay HaischerMechatronicsInterdisciplinary ProgramsMagna Cum LaudeYY
Joseph John HalcombeComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Tabitha Harris HalickiMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Christian Alexander HallMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Tedd James HalonenMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Ingrid E HalversonRobotics EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
George W HambletonWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Brett Michael HamiltonElectrical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Computing
Daniel Jackson HammChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Ameer Kassem HannaouiComputer EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Noah Daniel HansenCybersecurityCollege of Computing
Ethan Eric HansonMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Catherine Marie HarkeMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Harrison Ross HarlandManagement Information SystemsCollege of BusinessAccounting
Aiden Jacob HarmonMining EngineeringCollege of Engineering
MaKenna Marie HarrisExercise ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Christian Patrick HarrisonMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Emmalee Mae HartPsychologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum LaudeY
Noah S HarveyComputer Network and System AdministrationCollege of ComputingMagna Cum Laude
Rose Mira HarveyApplied PhysicsCollege of Sciences & Arts
Nicholas John HatleyMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Xavier Andrew HauptComputer EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Jacob Robert HawleyCybersecurityCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Jacob M HazelMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Maxwell Nelson HazenCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Nathan Allen HebebrandEngineering ManagementCollege of Business
Samantha Jean HeikkinenPsychologyCollege of Sciences & Arts
Isaac Richard HeinCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringArmy ROTC
Georgia Elizabeth HeintzElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Monica Jodi HeirmanEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Grant Martin HelgestadForestryCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum Laude
Finn Daniel HelppiMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Wyatt C HelzerComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Bridget LaRae HemesathBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Samuel John HendershottMechatronicsInterdisciplinary ProgramsCum Laude
JoAnn Elaine HenryChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Carlos Vicente Hernandez IIGeological EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Johnathan Pilar HernandezElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Johnathan Christopher HerouxComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Miles Alvin HeskettMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Madison Elizabeth HesslingComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Dominick John HestonChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Grace Mae Vanden HeuvelSoftware EngineeringCollege of Computing
Anna Chun HillBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Caden Douglas HillstromConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary Programs
Elise Louise HillstromAccountingCollege of BusinessY
Connor Scott HindenachElectrical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Computing
Kolby Ryan HindenachConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary ProgramsCum Laude
Grace Marcella HoeppnerBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Daisy Elaine HoffmanForestryCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum Laude
Garrett Brady HoglanForestryCollege of For Res & Env SciCum Laude
Andrew Thomas HollandElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Kyra Leigh HolmgrenChemistryCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Carter Jon HonsbruchApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Elenah Marie HoxsieBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Kyla M HubertyBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Hayden J HuckinsCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Kevin HudacekMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Alexander Clay HudsonComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Clay Donaldson HulbertMechatronicsInterdisciplinary Programs
Jacob Ian HultgrenChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Jacob Edward HummelElectrical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Computing
Payton Michael HuntBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Thomas Richard HuotariElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Mayli Anabelle HurinChemistryCollege of Sciences & Arts
Catherine Elaine HustonMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
David Wyatt HutchingsChemistryCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum Laude
Michael J Rozzano IVElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Max Van Vleck IngramGeological EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Anders David JacksonEngineering ManagementCollege of BusinessY
Madelyn Joyce JacksonBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Samantha Jane JacquesMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Emaly Lynn JadinChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringYY
Josiah Thomas JahnckePhysicsCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum LaudeY
Evelyn Martha JamesMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Nolan William JaneczkoElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Gabriel M JanssenMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Daphne Annette JavoroskiChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Abigail A JensenMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Kelsey Marie JensenBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Samuel James JensenApplied GeophysicsCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Nathanael Burton JewellMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Ross Arthur JohanningsmeierMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Ashley Nicole JohnsExercise ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum LaudeY
Caleb Bruce JohnsonHuman FactorsCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Ethan David JohnsonMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Kevin Robert JohnsonChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Kora Melia JohnsonEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Matthew R JohnsonMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Natalie M JohnsonMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Nickolas Ryan JohnsonRobotics EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Seth Douglas JohnsonCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
William R JohnsonMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Carsen Kenneth JonesBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Nicolas J JonesComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingMagna Cum LaudeY
Adam C JordanMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of EngineeringY
Timothy Richard JorgensenMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Logan Ophelia JowettBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Martin Franklin JuddSustainability Science and SocietyCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum Laude
Noah Michael JukuriFinanceCollege of BusinessY
Ethan Johnson KahlenbergCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Brendan Patrick KaliszMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Samuel Brott KalkmanComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingStatisticsMagna Cum Laude
Ethan James KaneExercise ScienceCollege of Sciences & Arts
Liam KaneComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Isaac James KangasExercise ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum LaudeY
Trevor Steven KangasMedicinal ChemistryCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum LaudeY
Carter Steven KantolaEngineering ManagementCollege of Business
Caden T KarnElectrical Engineering TechnologyCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Nicholas Roshann KasiElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Sarah Grace KassBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyCollege of Sciences & Arts
Matthew S KassabBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Patrick N KastnerAccountingCollege of BusinessCum Laude
Anna E KavanaughEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSustainability Science and SocietyMagna Cum Laude
Mitchell Robert KehnPsychologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum LaudeY
Nolan G KehnElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Nicholas James KelliherChemistryCollege of Sciences & Arts
Emma Rose KellyChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Logan Edward KellyElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Aaron H KemnitzMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Jeffrey Keith KennedyChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Lena A KennedyForestryCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Sarah Mae KenningsEnvironmental Science and SustainabilityCollege of For Res & Env SciSumma Cum Laude
Benjamin Scott KeppersElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Marina Glenn KeroExercise ScienceCollege of Sciences & Arts
Charles M KerstenForestryCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Timothy K KesslerMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Caden Danny KienitzSoftware EngineeringCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Kevin Soohan KimChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Alexa Ryann KincaidApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum Laude
Anna Marie KingstromMedical Laboratory ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Lauren Nichole KissBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Joseph M KlapkowskiComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringElectrical EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Joshua Adin KlineElectrical Engineering TechnologyCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Patrick D KlineMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Destiny Faye KlinkhammerMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringArmy ROTC
Brailee Rose KlipaEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Ty William KnopfMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Owen James KnoxMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Andrew M KnutsonMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Evin G KoeppeForestryCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum Laude
Janae Lynn KoetjeBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Nathan Michael KoetjeForestryCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum LaudeY
Ethan Garrett KofskyComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Christopher William KolhoffComputer EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Sadamichi Alexander KonoyaSoftware EngineeringCollege of Computing
Calvin William KoonterMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Dante Asher KopahMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Samantha R KopietzMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Benjamin Carl KornasSoftware EngineeringCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Sydney V KossMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringYY
Athanasios Dean KoukiosElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Owen Charles KovlElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Andie Rae KozakiewiczManagement Information SystemsCollege of Business
Micah David KramerComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Mason Richard KrauseMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Matthew Ryan KreftMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Hunter Donovan KretzComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingSumma Cum Laude
Kathryn G KriegerEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Michael Krisztian-TerryComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringElectrical EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Zachary J KrolMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Blake Joseph KrouthComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Matthew James KuehneChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
David Ryan KuharConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary ProgramsCum Laude
Samuel David KuipersGeospatial EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCivil EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Konnor Steffen KuppernusChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Caleb Owen KushnerChemistryCollege of Sciences & Arts
Ashley Sue L'EsperanceMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Hailey Rose LaBonteBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Estyn Michael LaMotteApplied PhysicsCollege of Sciences & ArtsMathematicsSumma Cum Laude
Riley Hanna LaitinenNursingCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Jenna Paige LambertWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env SciCum Laude
John R LangChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Abigail LanttoPsychologyCollege of Sciences & Arts
Gregory D LapetinaEngineering ManagementCollege of BusinessY
Marcos Lewis LarsonGeospatial EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Anne-Marie Noelle LatouretteTheatre and Entertainment TechnologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum Laude
Logan Lee LaughreyEngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
James David LayerComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Brian Thomas LeeMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Christopher B LeeMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Jordan Christopher LeeElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Elijah K LeeceEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Joseph Michael LegnerChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Allison Marie LemanskiChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Isabella Rose LenzScientific and Technical CommunicationCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Ryan F LeoneForestryCollege of For Res & Env SciCum Laude
Luke William LeslieElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Emily Grace LeveranceChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Katherine Marie LibermanChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Chia Chieh LinComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Alexander Richard LindemannChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Jaylyne R LindemannExercise ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Stephen Charles LoparoMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Kimberly Ann Mendros LopezCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringYY
Marissa R. LopezBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
John Robert LothianMechatronicsInterdisciplinary Programs
Olivia Lee LukeBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Lena Leigh LukowskiMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Isaac August LungForestryCollege of For Res & Env SciY
Sydney Marie LurveyFinanceCollege of BusinessEconomicsCum LaudeY
Jake A. LutzCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Parker Neill LydenEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Sean Robert LynnChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Nathaniel David LyonsSound DesignCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Nathanael D MaasMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Grant J. MacDonaldWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Matthew James MachinConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary ProgramsCum LaudeY
Emily Jane MackintoshMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Gabriel James MahlenMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Mark D MainvilleChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Ryan Michael MakiComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Nikolaus Timothy MalyMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Lindsey Kathleen ManhartRobotics EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Tyson Lee MarierMarketingCollege of Business
Gaven Emmett MarinoMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Benjamin Ray MarionConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary Programs
Brendan Carter MarshallComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Anthony Gerard MartinSoftware EngineeringCollege of ComputingY
Nolan Gage MartinMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Zachary Evan MartinElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Twila Lani MartinsonMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Chance Thomas MasarComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
William McLean MattComputer EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Jack M MattiasElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Madison Noelle MattilaAccountingCollege of BusinessManagement Information SystemsSumma Cum Laude
Donavan Sidney MattsonChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Shannon Patricia MattsonSocial SciencesCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum LaudeAF ROTC
Elam David MaurerApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum Laude
Reagan Ann MayCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Taylor Elaine MayrosMedical Laboratory ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Zoe Z MazurkiewiczMathematics and Computer ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum LaudeY
Jenna Claire McBrideHuman BiologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Sean Allen McCarrySoftware EngineeringCollege of Computing
Cameron Duncan Owen McCarthyMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Griffin Michael McClainEnvironmental Science and SustainabilityCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Elizabeth Beverly McCloskeyWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env SciCum Laude
Akil McDanielCommunication, Culture, and MediaCollege of Sciences & Arts
Ashdon Gregory McDanielApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env SciCum Laude
Aaron Nicholas McElmeelMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Hazel E McGovernGeological EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Nicholas Patrick McHughElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Keegan Calhoun McInerneyMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Katherine G. McIntoshWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Lauren Mary McIntyreBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeYY
Paige E McKeanEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Erinn L McKenneyApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Zavier Lee McKillipMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Alice Avery McKnightEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Tanner George McLeanMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Allyson Marie McQuistonApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env SciSumma Cum Laude
Riley J. MeevesCybersecurityCollege of ComputingSumma Cum Laude
Colin R MeinholzChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Imelia Elizabeth MeiserMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Mariah Rose MellendorfCybersecurityCollege of ComputingSustainability Science and SocietyMagna Cum LaudeY
Abigail Grace Emmanuella MelloChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Kellan P MelocheMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Kate Clarisse Arellano MendozaHuman BiologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Alana Jasman MenzEngineering ManagementCollege of BusinessAccounting
Steven Michael MerholzChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Perry Charles MeslohHistoryCollege of Sciences & Arts
Elsa Corinne MeyerCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Matthew Jay MichelsMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Justin Alfred MicilloGeospatial EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Daniel A MiddletonMedical Laboratory ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Paul Andrew - Yoichi MiddletonElectrical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Computing
Matthew Shea MikolichElectrical Engineering TechnologyCollege of ComputingY
Elijah Jack-Thomas MilanowskiSustainability Science and SocietyCollege of Sciences & Arts
Ethan Richard MillerEcology and Evolutionary BiologyCollege of Sciences & Arts
Isaac Andrew MillerCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Joseph Benjamin MillerRobotics EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Mackenzie Skye MillerComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Nathaniel Paul MillerElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Nicholas Thomas MillerMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Ryan Gabel MillerAnthropologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Sean Glen MillerGeological EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
William David Mills-CurtisCybersecurityCollege of Computing
Alayna M MillsChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Devon Joel MinerApplied PhysicsCollege of Sciences & Arts
Brandon Thomas Mitchell-KissChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Chad A MitchellElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Patrick David MoellerMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of EngineeringEngineering ManagementSumma Cum LaudeY
Syrys MolesworthChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Parker James MolewykMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Jack David MoonCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Braeden M MooreComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Joshua William MooreBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Ryan James MoreauBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Connor M MoreyComputer EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Alec Patrick MoriartyConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary Programs
Kyrra Lynn MorinEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Owen Walker MorrowComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Christian Thomas MoutsatsonExercise ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsYArmy ROTC
Emily Kay MoyerElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Elizabeth Rose MuellerChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringHumanities
Lola Grace MullChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Ryley Annah MullinMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Cameron James MumbrueChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Makaiah Lynn MunchbachBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Patrick James MungcalMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Alex Edward MunsonMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Daniel Moreno MurgaElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Allison Noelle MurphyCybersecurityCollege of ComputingSumma Cum Laude
Alexis Marie MuszynskiBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Genevieve Elise MyersElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Brett Thomas NajmowiczElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Kyle Jasper NaperalaWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env SciSumma Cum LaudeY
Ethan Karl NassMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of EngineeringY
Larson C NebelForestryCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Alyssa Violet Neuwerth-MoskalczynChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Jackson Paul NewellRobotics EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Maia NewkirkChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Samuel Mark Christopher NewmanFinanceCollege of Business
Brent Michael NewsomMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Kade Ryan NielsenMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Alexander Benjamin NigrineElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Jordan Arlene NobleHuman BiologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Taylor Marcella NobleHuman BiologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Adrian Michele NoeckerBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum LaudeY
Mary Grace NollerMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Isaac Christopher NooeElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Alex Steven NordstromMarketingCollege of BusinessY
Austin James NorellCybersecurityCollege of ComputingCum LaudeY
John Paul Francis NorlandEcology and Evolutionary BiologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum Laude
Garrett Alan NovakMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Austin Michael NovakowskiComputer Network and System AdministrationCollege of Computing
Joshua Daniel NygaardComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Brandon Anthony Makanalani O'BrienElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Aili Anne O'ConnorComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingMagna Cum LaudeY
Johnathan Toshiki OestringerSoftware EngineeringCollege of ComputingCybersecurity
Joshua Peter OettingChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Austin Thomas OldhamMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Eli Jacob OldtAudio Production and TechnologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Andrew Easton OlsonCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Talia Mariah OlsonMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Jocelyn Z OpelaBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Emily Joyce OrmsbeeEnglishCollege of Sciences & ArtsHistoryMagna Cum Laude
Ryan Edward OsentoskiComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingY
Charles Robert OsmunComputer EngineeringCollege of Engineering
William Aaron OsmunMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Hunter Grant OswaldFinanceCollege of BusinessAccountingSumma Cum Laude
Meredith Seungyeon PaikChemistryCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Jayden Michael PalarzSound DesignCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Addymae Rae PalecekChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Demetrios John PapasGeologyCollege of Engineering
Benjamin MJ PappComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Ian Alexander PardeeComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Seth Douglas ParrishChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Josiah Allen ParrottSoftware EngineeringCollege of Computing
Luke Paolo PascotForestryCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Ryan James PassenoChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Nicholas R PateMarketingCollege of BusinessCum Laude
Yanik PauchardMarketingCollege of Business
Alexander Gabriel PaulinMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Patrick Robert PayneHuman FactorsCollege of Sciences & ArtsPsychology
Sophia YuanLiang PeakeBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Joshua PearlmanComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Marcus Host PedersenMarketingCollege of Business
Samuel Joseph PendellCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Benjamin Lawrence PenixElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Brian Michael PennalaElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Treven Howard PennalaCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Joslynn Jean PeralaSports and Fitness ManagementCollege of Sciences & Arts
Carson Micheal PerkinsSoftware EngineeringCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Samantha Jordan PerroneMarketingCollege of Business
Hunter Michael PerryElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Kalib Aaron PerryEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Andrew B PestunMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Jacob Michael PetersonMechatronicsInterdisciplinary Programs
Sydney Kate PetersonEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Ashley Lynn PetrieMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Phillip Thanh PhanMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Sean E PhelanStatisticsCollege of Sciences & ArtsMathematicsMagna Cum Laude
Mackenzie Rosella PhillipsBiological SciencesCollege of Sciences & Arts
Spencer John Miller PhillipsSoftware EngineeringCollege of Computing
Tristyn Mae PhillipsEconomicsCollege of BusinessCum Laude
Logan C PickelmannMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Colby Michael PienkoszElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringComputer EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Cole Gregory PieruckiMathematicsCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum LaudeY
Evan Michael PietilaMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Julia Mae PietilaMarketingCollege of BusinessSumma Cum LaudeY
Jaylin M PigeonComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingMagna Cum Laude
Cody Joseph PippinChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Matthew Vincent PlansinisBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Ashley Marie PlumHuman BiologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Ethan Frederick PlummerBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Nikolai Jeffery PodeszwaMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Evan Alexander PohlCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Logan Matthew PokorskiMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Jocelyn Crystal PorticeBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
James Patrick PotterMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Joshua Charles Prall-StankewitzMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Hailey Claire PranskaitisWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env SciCum Laude
Pantaree PrathongkhamSoftware EngineeringCollege of Computing
Connor Hochbaum ProdinElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Lindsey Grace ProdinChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Steven John PrudhommeElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Michael S PuchalskiMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Matthew John PuenteMathematicsCollege of Sciences & ArtsStatisticsSumma Cum Laude
Benjamin Paul PutnamMarketingCollege of Business
Charis Elizabeth QuanteApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env SciCum LaudeAF ROTC
Aidan Christian QuistComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Meaghan Isabelle RaabeAccountingCollege of BusinessFinanceSumma Cum Laude
Liam Andrew RaasakkaElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Cooper R RaaschConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary ProgramsCum Laude
Marielle Sandra RaasioPolicy and Community DevelopmentCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Jonah Thomas RadySound DesignCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Gracey M RaineyHuman FactorsCollege of Sciences & Arts
Jenni Beth RaisanenBusiness AnalyticsCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum LaudeY
Presley Spencer RasanenWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env SciY
Ashley Ava RautanenMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Ryan Mitchell RautioMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Karl Peter RautiolaHuman BiologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum LaudeY
Michele Irene ReinkeCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Cooper Thomas RellisCybersecurityCollege of ComputingY
Nathan Andrew RemillardElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Maxim ReuchleinComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingMathematicsMagna Cum Laude
Brendan Gregory ReuterComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Simon M RhodeBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Grace Ann RicherBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Gabriel Jackson RickardMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Tucker Steven RinghandMathematicsCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Ella Olivia RoachEcology and Evolutionary BiologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum Laude
Kylie Jessica RobertsBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Joden R RobinsonPharmaceutical ChemistryCollege of Sciences & Arts
Christopher Ryan RochonSoftware EngineeringCollege of ComputingMagna Cum Laude
Catherine Ruth RoelantBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Margaret Clare RoelantChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Kayla RoffersCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Jason Joseph RogersMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Luke Vaughn RoginComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Chazz Anthony RohrerChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Shelby Emma RohwetterCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Jacob Isaac RomanowskiElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Jonathan Lee RomesConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary ProgramsY
Caroline Karin RorhusPolicy and Community DevelopmentCollege of Sciences & Arts
Abby Nicole RossMarketingCollege of BusinessMagna Cum LaudeY
Brett D RossMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Logan Joseph RuddStatisticsCollege of Sciences & Arts
Paul Matthew RueschManagement Information SystemsCollege of Business
Emily Hope RufMathematicsCollege of Sciences & ArtsStatisticsY
Trevor Lee RussellConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary Programs
Abigail Luka RuthenbergChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Jeremy Gerard RuysMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Reyna Violet RyynanenRobotics EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Jonathan Morris SaffordMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Mohammed Ali A SafwanElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Nathan Andrew SamlukElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Abigail Laurene SampselleChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeYY
Jack Michael SamuelsonConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary ProgramsMagna Cum Laude
Adam James SandahlComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Nicholas Andrew SandahlComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Kaitlyn Elizabeth SanderMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Aidan William SandersAudio Production and TechnologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Caleb Frederick SandersMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Jackson Bennet SandersonMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Charis Elizabeth SanterMedical Laboratory ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Ella Rose SantiEngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Andrea Elizabeth SarabiaComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Luke D SaryaComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Addison James SatterfieldMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Jane Claire SauerPsychologyCollege of Sciences & Arts
Noah Scott Reuben SauvolaGeospatial EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Milo John SchaeferExercise ScienceCollege of Sciences & Arts
Jacob Allyn SchangWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Stephanie Marie Jia ScheerScientific and Technical CommunicationCollege of Sciences & Arts
Erik Gabriel ScheibertComputer EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Catherine Elizabeth SchelonkaBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Kevin Robert SchillerstromMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Drew Raymond SchlaffEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Grant Thomas SchlaffPhysicsCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Bridget Marie SchmaindaMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Alice Azalea SchmaltzMining EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Emily Grace SchmidtCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Brady Allan SchmiererAccountingCollege of BusinessY
Lisbeth Ann SchnellManagement Information SystemsCollege of BusinessY
Cody J ScholzCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeAF ROTC
Maximilian Alexander SchrammAccountingCollege of BusinessManagement Information SystemsMagna Cum Laude
Kaleb Lynn SchroederForestryCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Jackson Jay SchuilingComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Logan Arnold SchultzCybersecurityCollege of ComputingMagna Cum Laude
Matthew David SchumacherComputational BiologyCollege of Sciences & Arts
Ethan Charles SchumakerCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Abigail Marie SchwartzChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Evan J SchwartzentruberComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Brandon Jae SchwenkeManagement Information SystemsCollege of BusinessY
Kiernan Ilene SeagersChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Margaret Katherine SebastianComputer EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Brendan M SeebeckMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Jacob Sacris SeiterComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingCum LaudeY
Leon SellManagementCollege of BusinessSumma Cum Laude
Ethan A SemenchukEngineering ManagementCollege of Business
Gina Louise SeveranceElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Scott Andrew SeveranceBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Amber Dorthea ShawMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Ashley Ann SheltonManagement Information SystemsCollege of Business
Aidan Thomas SheppardForestryCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Koty Landon ShetlerElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Hanna Christine ShewchuckChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Andrew Mason ShrockElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Tyler Joseph ShudaComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingMagna Cum Laude
Emily Robin ShuppMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Suraiya N SiddiqiCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Rose Marie SiebigterothComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Gavin Todd SimonsonNursingCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum LaudeY
Robert D SirkleComputer EngineeringCollege of Engineering
William Michael SissonSoftware EngineeringCollege of ComputingSumma Cum Laude
Harry David SkrochForestryCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Robert James SlaterMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of Engineering
Edward James Sloan IIIBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeYY
Gavin Joseph SmithChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Zachary Andrew SmithMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
William Patrick SmitsChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Haley Hannelore SoloPsychologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Brett Thomas SpanbauerComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Xavier A SpickardMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Skyler Elena SpitzleyManagementCollege of BusinessCum LaudeY
Mason Lee StaedtCybersecurityCollege of Computing
Jessica Anne StahlEcology and Evolutionary BiologyCollege of Sciences & Arts
Ladd Olaf StantonMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Mason William SteeleElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Anna Louise SteinhauserChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Brendan Charles StephensConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary Programs
John Richard Stephenson IIComputer Network and System AdministrationCollege of Computing
Lauren F SternCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
MacKenzie R StevensBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Mary Christine StevensEnglishCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Eli Edward StevensonApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum Laude
Miles Lynn StevensonCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Abigail Joy StoneExercise ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Ava Catherine StonebergEngineering ManagementCollege of Business
Zoe' Ann StreiffWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Kylese Cynaria StrongMedical Laboratory ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Benjamin Charles StrukelRobotics EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Emma Rose StrutzSustainability Science and SocietyCollege of Sciences & ArtsYY
Elliot Daniel SturosMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Zachary Thomas SugarsComputer EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Amelia Faith SuiterMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Ryan K SullivanMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Chloe Mae SundbergMedical Laboratory ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum LaudeY
Holden Charles Brekke SutherlandRobotics EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Caden Joseph SwansonCybersecurityCollege of ComputingMagna Cum Laude
Mary-Kate Lorine SweetAccountingCollege of Business
Allison Taylor SzlachtaMarketingCollege of Business
Ryan James SzymanskiComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Zachary Charles TauriainenElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Clara Liberty TaylorCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Emily Evelyn TaylorComputational BiologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsBiological SciencesMagna Cum LaudeYY
Lydia Kay TembreullStatisticsCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum LaudeYY
Hailey M TennantPsychologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum Laude
Ryan Christopher TerrellSound DesignCollege of Sciences & Arts
Michael Lorin TerryComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Bryce Jerome TezakCybersecurityCollege of ComputingY
Quincy Christopher ThayerApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum Laude
Benjamin ThelanderCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Collin Roy ThompsonComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Joshua George ThompsonMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Logan James ThompsonMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Benjamin Aiden ThorellChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Vaughn Bernard Van TilCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Cannon Avery ToddSoftware EngineeringCollege of ComputingY
Connor J TokieEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCivil Engineering
Kathleen Suzanne TollefsonNursingCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Maryellen Aili TrewhellaBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Emma Jo TrischlerEngineeringCollege of Engineering
Lydia Ellen TronnesAccountingCollege of BusinessMagna Cum Laude
Cooper Moses TroutMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Anna Nicole TurnerBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Cole James UrbaniakChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Kieran Alexander VacekChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Nicholas Henry VacinekElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Sydney May VallierPsychologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsMagna Cum Laude
Konraad M VanDykeGeologyCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Trevor Scott VanHoutenWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env SciSumma Cum Laude
Benjamin David VanderheideCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Ryan VerbruggeRobotics EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Nathan J VereekeMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Luis Romero VervaetSoftware EngineeringCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Noah Paul VillringerComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingSumma Cum Laude
Mason Edward VinoskiMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Ryan Philipp VogelManagementCollege of Business
Nathaniel A VoglerMarketingCollege of BusinessCum Laude
Margaret Mae VoiceBiomedical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Vayda Jane VossElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Brennan Jonathon Conrad VrbaElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Clare Fedewa WadagaApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env Sci
Clayton David WagnerGeological EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Cailyn Brienna WaineoFinanceCollege of BusinessMagna Cum LaudeY
Colin P WalchMechanical Engineering TechnologyCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Allyson M WalcottEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Tanner Joseph WalrathMechatronicsInterdisciplinary Programs
Analise Leva WalshMedical Laboratory ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Marie Sølverud WangenEngineering ManagementCollege of BusinessSumma Cum Laude
Nathan Thomas WardinElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Jake Forster WardleFinanceCollege of Business
Joshua Wayne WardlowComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingSumma Cum Laude
Charles R WargaCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Carli Ann WarrenCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Tyler R WaslawskiChemical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Jason Daniel WatermanForestryCollege of For Res & Env SciCum Laude
Elisabeth G WeberMedical Laboratory ScienceCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Thomas Wendell WeirApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum Laude
Zachary W WelchMathematicsCollege of Sciences & ArtsY
Eleanor Catherine WentworthBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Caleb Anthony WerdonComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Adam D WesolowskiCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Austin Robert WestPhysicsCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum Laude
Vaughn Evitt WestermanComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Jacob D WesternCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Caycee WestrichPsychologyCollege of Sciences & Arts
Bailee Elizabeth WetzelElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Rachel R WeyenbergConstruction ManagementInterdisciplinary Programs
Blaine A WheatonMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Matthew Neal WhitfieldWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env SciCum Laude
Zachary Raymond WhittonCivil EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Griffin D WickMathematicsCollege of Sciences & Arts
Stephanie Marie WiegandGeological EngineeringCollege of EngineeringY
Abigail Noelle WilbanksBiomedical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Paige Adele WildeEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Caden Lee WilfongComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingCum Laude
Clay J WilkingMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Jacob James WilkinsSoftware EngineeringCollege of Computing
Thomas J WilkinsComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Brendan Luie WilliamsCybersecurityCollege of Computing
Grady Gilbert WilliamsMining EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Jonathan Thomas WillisPhysicsCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum LaudeAF ROTCY
Lillian Arwen WillistonEcology and Evolutionary BiologyCollege of Sciences & ArtsSumma Cum LaudeY
Rita M WilsonApplied PhysicsCollege of Sciences & ArtsCum Laude
Kaija Bryn WindelerApplied Ecology and Environmental SciencesCollege of For Res & Env SciSumma Cum Laude
Thomas J Van WingenMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum LaudeY
Colby John WinterChemical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum LaudeY
Benjamin W WoodManagement Information SystemsCollege of Business
Preston Alan WoodsForestryCollege of For Res & Env SciCum Laude
Logan William WordForestryCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum Laude
Zander Thomas WormMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum LaudeY
Joshua Micheal WorralMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Andrew E WozniakEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Samuel N WrightComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingY
Molly Elizabeth WrobleskiMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Hong Yi WuElectrical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Kyle J WyboComputer ScienceCollege of ComputingY
Han YangComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Michael Thomas YarochElectrical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Emma Marie YasenchakComputer ScienceCollege of Computing
Lily Jacqueline YoungdahlEnvironmental EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Noah David ZahlerMechanical EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Cecelia MacKenzie ZalewskiMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringArmy ROTC
Felipe Alonso ZamoraMechanical EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMagna Cum Laude
Connor Mitchell ZavislakEngineering ManagementCollege of BusinessMagna Cum LaudeY
Jack William ZbanekCivil EngineeringCollege of EngineeringCum Laude
Brooke Elaine ZiolkowskiMaterials Science and EngineeringCollege of EngineeringSumma Cum Laude
Olivia Michelle ZornWildlife Ecology and ConservationCollege of For Res & Env SciMagna Cum Laude
John Campbell ZwickyEngineering ManagementCollege of BusinessY


Gold Summa Cum Laude – GPA ≥ 3.90
Silver Magna Cum Laude – GPA 3.70—3.89
Copper Cum Laude – GPA 3.50—3.69
Red/White/Blue Veteran

University Athlete


Pavlis Honors College