Linda Ott

Linda Ott

Linda Ott, one of the first Department of Computer Science faculty members, was inducted into the College of Computing Honor Academy on April 4, 2022.

“Linda is the heart and soul of computer science at Michigan Tech,” said Dennis Livesay, Dave House Dean of Computing. “Linda’s legacy is within our alumni, our growing prominence, and our exciting future.”

Ott is recognized for a lifetime of work advancing the Department of Computer Science, and more generally broadening campus participation in computing. Among her accomplishments is her work to grow the Computer Science department, now the second-largest major on campus. Ott chaired the department from 1996 to 2010.

Ott, who started at Michigan Tech in 1978, has devoted a large part of her time and energy at Michigan Tech opening the eyes of women and girls to the joys of a computer science education. For her efforts, she was named the first recipient of Michigan Tech’s Diversity Award in 2014.

Ott leads Computer Science department outreach initiatives including the successful Women in Computer Science program, one of the University’s annual Summer Youth Programs (SYP), and the annual Google-sponsored workshop, “Exploring Computer Science Research,” which explores research opportunities with undergraduate college students.

From 2022 Induction to the College of Computing Honor Academy.