• GenCyber Student Camp students build a computer

    Broadening Participation

    Outreach and helping others are longtime priorities for College of Computing faculty, staff, and students. From hands-on youth learning experiences and building digital literacy in adults to people-centric research and staying in touch with the needs of industry, our passion for computing drives us to get out of the classroom and into the community. As the digital revolution continues to transform our society, many older adults and other groups are being left behind. To help close this knowledge gap, on Saturday mornings during the academic year a group of Michigan Tech students and faculty can be found at the Portage Lake District Library, Houghton.

2022 Gateway Magazine cover image

On the cover: Professor of Applied Computing Yu Cai assists undergraduates Destiny Michaels (computer network and system administration major) and Drew Youngstrom (cybersecurity major).

Gateway Magazine, Published by the Michigan Tech College of Computing

Fall 2022

Karen Johnson, Director of Communications

Dennis Livesay Dave House Dean of Computing
Andy Duan Chair, Computer Science
Dan Fuhrmann Chair, Applied Computing
Dukka KC Associate Dean of Research
Charles Wallace Associate Dean of Curriculum and Instruction
Laura Brown Director of Data Science Initiatives
Vicky Roy Director of Administration
Kristi Hauswirth Data Analyst and Business Manager

Comments to the Editor: karenjoh@mtu.edu