• An abstract representation of data science

    Data Science for a Changing Planet

    Advanced sensor technologies, growth in the amount and availability of sensor data, new computational methods, and greater computational power offer fresh approaches to understand and address the complex environmental challenges posed by climate change. To help prepare tomorrow's data scientists to effectively employ these tools, Michigan Tech has been awarded a prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Traineeship (NRT) grant titled "Integrative Training in Data Science-Enabled Sensing of the Environment for Climate Adaptation (DataSENSE)."

2024 Gateway Magazine cover image

On the cover: An AI-generated digital illustration featured in the 2023 Art in Silico Computational Art Show and Event Series, sponsored annually by the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems (ICC) and the College of Computing. Art in Silico examines the expressive world of creative computation and the confluence of technology and art, connecting circuit board to canvas. This image of a raven was created by Amanda Stump using the AI text-to-image generator Midjourney. To generate the image, Stump first created a reference drawing in ProCreate, then used text prompts related to the image to guide Midjourney in the creation of a similar image. Stump trained in scientific illustration at the University of Michigan and is now the ICC’s associate director for research development and a PhD student in forestry at MTU.

Gateway Magazine, Published by the Michigan Tech College of Computing

Spring 2024

  • Executive Editor: Dennis Livesay
  • Managing Editor: Karen Johnson
  • Associate Editor: Cyndi Perkins
  • Production Manager: Jodi Miller
  • Copy Editor: Jessie Tobias
  • Design: Bob Gross
  • Comments to the Editor:karenjoh@mtu.edu