The Good Samaritan Provision
The Goal: Assist and Educate — Not Punish
The Good Samaritan Provision gives a student in distress from alcohol or drug misuse
(and those who help the student) the freedom to seek help without fear of student
conduct action.
See the policy for more information
The Office of Academic and Community Conduct continually strives to support a culture
of integrity at Michigan Tech. All participants in the conduct process are treated
fairly and with respect to resolve issues in an atmosphere of honesty and trust.
The purpose of the conduct process includes the following:
- Determining responsibility for conduct violations
- Facilitating a student's development of ethical standards of conduct and personal
- Achieving an educational outcome in conduct cases
- Protecting the interest of the Michigan Tech community in an environment that promotes
education, personal growth, and peaceful resolution of conflicts
Confidentiality Statement: Records of all conduct actions by officials and boards are considered educational
records and not for public disclosure which is prohibited by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended.
What is an Initial Conference?
We send an Initial Conference notice (via email, if possible) when we receive a report
from staff, faculty, law enforcement, or another source that indicates you might be
responsible for a violation of a student policy. The purpose of the Initial Conference
is to provide you with more information about the reported incident and explain the
procedures that will be followed to determine if you are responsible or not responsible
for a violation of a student policy.
Will my parents be contacted about this incident?
In most cases, no. We follow the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which keeps the student conduct process as confidential as possible. However, if
you are involved in an incident involving violation of Michigan Tech's Alcohol and
Other Drug Policy, under some circumstances we will notify your parents after a final
decision is reached that you are responsible for violating the policy. This is due
to our concerns about your personal safety and well-being. Please see the Dean of Students' Parental Notification Policy for more information on the levels at which your parents or guardian may be notified.
Should I call an attorney or my parents to come with me?
No. The purpose of the student conduct process is to determine responsibility, not
guilt or innocence. This is not a criminal or civil trial; it is educational in nature,
although sanctions can be imposed if a student is responsible for a conduct violation.
Our rules specifically do not allow parents to participate in the initial conference
or the hearing. Under very limited circumstances (pending criminal charges), attorneys
may attend but may not participate. If you have any questions about the procedures
that we will follow, please review the Hearing Guidelines and don't hesitate to contact the Office of Academic and Community Conduct.
If your parents have questions about the student conduct process, we recommend this
Parent Guide.
Do I need to bring witnesses with me to the Initial Conference?
No. This meeting is between only you and a staff member of the Office of Academic
and Community Conduct. If a hearing is scheduled, you will be able to present witnesses.
View More Questions
Contact Information
To schedule a meeting, please email or call 906-487-2951. Email is being monitored daily. Emails and phone messages will
be returned within one business day. If you have an emergency, call 911.
- Fall and Spring Semesters: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Summer Semester: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.