Training and Learning Resources

>Michigan Tech staff and faculty have access to the LinkedIn Learning library. There are several courses or course modules that are recommended for those that are working on conflict resolution.

Review the information on Accessing the LinkedIn Learning Library to begin Learning.

Bonus Resources:

  • De-Escalation in the Classroom Workshop - CTL Lunch and Learn
  • An international conflict resolution hub, also called the Conflict Resolution Network, aims to make conflict resolution skills, strategies, and attitudes universally accessible. Their website has ample information, resources, and free training materials including books, podcasts, and a course that awards a certification.

Facilitating Difficult Conversations

Having difficult conversations can be a daunting task. These conversations are often avoided, but this only causes problems to continue. Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX offers workshop options for Facilitating Difficult Conversations. Varying in length, the workshops address how to facilitate difficult conversations and offer tips and guidance on how to handle them professionally and with care. If you would like to participate in this workshop, please contact Equal Opportunity Compliance and Title IX for more information.

If an in-person workshop is not ideal, please view a condensed version of the Difficult Conversations workshop below.