Michigan Technological University is concerned about the emotional, psychological, and physical health and well-being of its students and expects all students to be treated with equal care, concern, honor, and dignity. 

Any form of hazing is unacceptable and is in direct conflict with institutional values and the rights and dignity of students, all of whom have the right to belong to groups without undergoing hazing or any risks of physical or emotional injury or humiliation as a right of entry to a student organization/group/team. Consent to hazing is never a defense to a violation of this policy.

Hazing Policy

The University prohibits hazing by individuals or groups and defines it as follows:

Hazing is any activity expected of someone joining or participating in a group that humiliates, degrades, abuses, or endangers them (regardless of their willingness to participate), and which is not related to the acceptable published mission of the organization/group/team. This includes any activity, whether it is presented as optional or required, that places a new member in a position of servitude as a condition of membership. Prohibited acts of hazing include those covered under Michigan state law, whether or not any physical injury results from the hazing activity.

New members of a student organization/group/team can expect to participate in educational, competitive, and/or recreational activities that build teamwork and camaraderie among all members of the organization/group/team. Such activities are intended to create a sense of identity and commitment within an organization/group/team. Students should check with Student Leadership and Involvement, Academic and Community Conduct, Athletic Department, and/or Public Safety and Police Services if there is any question(s) about what constitutes hazing or any initiation/pledging/new member requirements.

New members often wish to be accepted, either formally or informally, into any group, and some will even submit to hazing in order to be included. Because of this, consent to be hazed does not excuse hazing. Students have died or been seriously injured as a result of participating in such activities to which they have “consented.” The psychological pull to be accepted is so strong that hazing victims cannot be expected to resist hazing, even if the hazing is presented as optional. That this pull can be so coercive should make this need to prohibit this conduct, to any degree, undeniably clear.

Any activity that places new members in a subservient position to experienced members for other than published, legitimate organizational/group/team purposes creates an unhealthy and unsafe power dynamic in which control has been yielded to the experienced member. New members in any organization may expect to be trained, oriented, or indoctrinated in acceptable published organizational purposes and goals, but membership in any group that puts a new member in a lesser role, unrelated to the original acceptable published conditions for membership or mission of the group, is inappropriate and unfair to the new members. Any activities of membership should be equally shared among experienced and new members.

The University will take all actions necessary to address hazing policy violations.

 Hazing activities can be categorized as subtle, harassing, or violent. Subtle hazing typically includes a power differential between new and senior members of the organization/group/team. Behaviors are viewed to be “harmless,” however they clearly violate mutual respect, and serve to embarrass or humiliate those targeted. Harassing hazing causes an emotional and physical discomfort on the victim. Violent hazing actually causes physical, emotional, and/or psychological harm.

Alleged violations of this policy will result in University investigation, conduct action including suspension or expulsion, and may be subject to criminal prosecution. Any retaliation against any person who reports, is a witness to, is involved with, or cooperates with the adjudication of hazing is strictly prohibited. If hazing occurs within a student organization/ group/team, it will be presumed the officers have knowledge of, and condone, such activity(s). Conduct action may be taken against the leadership and officers of the student organization/group/team, as well as against the student organization/group/team itself.

Students and/or student organizations/groups/teams charged and found responsible with a violation of the Hazing Policy can receive a sanction ranging from conduct probation to conduct expulsion. Please refer to the Student Code of Community Conduct for more information regarding the University’s administrative conduct process.