Undergraduate Employment Opportunities

Please visit the Michigan Tech jobs website, Handshake and the College of Computing student blog for additional job opportunities.

Undergraduate Student Research Assistants

Are you looking for an exciting research experience in applied artificial intelligence and medical imaging/informatics? The Laboratory of Medical Imaging and Informatics Lab (MIIL) is hiring. We focus on developing innovative computational methods and analytical techniques to address significant healthcare challenges and improve clinical practice. Students in Dr. Zhou’s lab at Michigan Tech have received seven undergraduate research awards (MTU SURF or URIP). Under the guidance of Dr. Zhou, senior research assistants (PhD and MS students), and clinical collaborators, undergraduate researchers will:

  • Conduct literature reviews
  • Develop and validate software methods and tools
  • Validate with computer simulations and patient data
  • Analyze study data
  • Prepare manuscripts
  • Apply for student research fellowships, and more

Required Qualifications

  • Passion for science/engineering and healthcare
  • Strong academic performance with an intended major in computer science or engineering
  • Experience with Python programming language
  • Ability to work in the lab on campus for 8 hours each week
  • One-semester commitment (one-year preferred)
  • Strong willingness to learn new and challenging analytical methods
  • Excellent communication skills

Desired Qualifications

  • Ability to work independently
  • Interest in medical image analysis, machine learning/deep learning, and/or natural language processing

Required Application Materials

  • CV/Resume
  • Most recent academic transcript (unofficial copies accepted)
  • To submit application materials, email whzhou@mtu.edu.


  • Multi-modality Image Fusion to Improve Coronary Revascularization in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease (Supported by NIH 1R15HL172198)
  • Integrative Analysis of Electrical and Mechanical Dyssynchrony to Improve Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (Supported by NIH 1R15HL173852)

Research Assistant, Human-Robot Interaction Lab

Assistant Professor Michael Walker, Computer Science, is recruiting graduate and undergraduate research assistants for the Human-Robot Interaction Lab, which will open in fall 2024.

  • Applicants are expected to have strong foundational knowledge in computer science.
  • Prior experience in robotics is preferred, although not necessary if the student has a strong passion for applying concepts from human-centered computing to robot platforms and systems.
  • Robotics is a multi-disciplinary field so students with skill sets from backgrounds including (but not limited to) engineering, networks, systems, human-computer interaction, graphics, design, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, etc. are encouraged to apply.

To apply, please email Dr. Walker at miwalker@mtu.edu.

Posted May 15, 2024
