The Michigan Tech Campus and the Portage Waterway

Giving Opportunities

Make an Immediate Impact

Through your generous gifts, we're able to provide an exceptional educational experience. Please help us transform individual lives, attract world-class faculty members, and build innovative programs. Gifts of $250 or more will receive a token of our appreciation.

Computer science students in the Rekhi Hall lounge

CS General Fund

Support new and ongoing department initiatives.

Give a Gift to the CS General Fund

A computer science student

Linda Ott Broadening Participation in Computing Fund

Help support our efforts to make opportunities in computing accessible to everyone

Give a Gift to the Linda Ott Broadening Participation in Computing Fund

Faculty and student in computer server room

Research Infrastructure Upgrade

Help us upgrade our Systems Laboratory in Rekhi Hall.

Give a Gift to the Research Infrastructure Upgrade

Barbershop singers

Dr. John Lowther Endowed Scholarship Fund

Support students in the Computer Science department.

Give a Gift to the Dr. John Lowther Endowed Scholarship Fund

Students and faculty in a classroom

CS Scholarship Fund

Support undergraduate scholarships.

Give a Gift to the CS Scholarship Fund