Prepare for an Advanced Career in Computer Science
Graduate programs in the Michigan Tech Department of Computer Science pave the way to exciting, well-compensated career opportunities. You'll be well-prepared through Michigan Tech's high-quality educational experience, which blends fundamentals, cutting-edge technologies, and innovative research.
Computer Science faculty and students apply computational approaches to solve significant hardware, software, and data problems across a wide range of disciplines. Students have many rich opportunities to conduct leading-edge research in a friendly, collegial atmosphere. You will find us working on research in artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, big data, internet of things, biometrics, computer and network security, human-computer interaction, and more.
Our students and graduates are in high demand by state, national, and international companies. And our alumni are active throughout the nation and worldwide, developing innovative technologies and solving hard multidisciplinary problems.
Are you ready for the future? We are. Join us!
What Sets Us Apart
- Four faculty members and an alumnus have received prestigious NSF CAREER Awards.
- Alumni hold faculty positions at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, University of Houston, and University of Rochester, among others.
- Our graduates are employed in a range of industries, including Amazon, AMD, Ford, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, Intel, Qualcomm, Raytheon, Texas Instruments, and more.
- Graduate students have received the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Award, the King-Chavez-Parks Future Faculty Fellowship, the Google Anita Borg Scholarship, and a NASA-Harriet G. Jenkins Predoctoral Fellowship Award
- Research projects in compilers, computer architecture, computer science education, and parallel computing have each received funding of over $1 million.
- Special-Purpose Research and Learning Labs
- Artificial intelligence/robotics lab
- Cluster computing lab
- Compiler/architecture lab
- Graphics and Visualization lab
- Human-computer interaction lab
- Virtual Reality Lab
- Operating Systems/Security and Privacy
MS Degree Plans
PhD Degree Plan
The PhD student must complete:
- An approved MS program in computer science,
- A PhD credit requirement, and
- A graduate-level breadth requirement.
- Learn more about PhD degree plans.
Funding Opportunities
Many University-related and external funding options are available to graduate students. Accepted PhD students are automatically considered for Graduate Teaching Assistantships. Check out available CS department Graduate Research positions. In addition, find an extensive list of resources to aid students in finding additional funding on the Michigan Tech Graduate School website.
I chose MTU for my graduate degree because of the great relationships I made with the professors in my undergrad. People actually care about you at MTU and you are not just a number. The welcoming environment at Computing[MTU] brings with it opportunities and a bright future.