Ph.D. Advising

Ph.D. Requirements

Below is an overview of the Michigan Tech Department of Computer Science Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D.) requirements. For a full explanation of Ph.D. requirements, please visit the Graduate School’s Doctor of Philosophy Requirements page. Please consult the Graduate Handbook for additional information.


A minimum of 60 credits of approved coursework and research (30 credits beyond a master’s degree) is required. The Ph.D. student must complete an approved Ph.D. program in computer science, the Ph.D. credit requirement, and the graduate-level breadth requirement.


To complete the Ph.D. credit requirement a student must complete a total of 30 credits of coursework, and/or CS6990 Dissertation Research beyond the M.S. program requirement. These courses must be approved by the Advisory Committee on the Grad School's Degree Schedule. Ph.D. students must earn a grade of B or better in all courses.

Examination and Related Forms

Pass the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam

  • The Ph.D. qualifying exam consists of the Ph.D. Breadth Requirement and the Ph.D. Research Qualifying Evaluation (RQE). (See section 3.4.2 of the Graduate Handbook.)
  • Pass the Ph.D. Breadth Requirement.
    • Complete CS5311 and CS5321.
    • Complete three courses from three separate areas out of areas B, C, D, E. (See Section 3.3.1 of the Graduate Handbook for a list of eligible courses.)
    • Complete two specialty courses approved by the advisory committee.
    • Achieve an average GPA of 3.5 across the seven breadth courses.
    • If a student wishes to count non-Michigan Tech courses toward the requirement, complete the Ph.D. Breadth Requirement Waiver form.
    • A student with a B.S. or M.S. in computer science or a closely related field must complete the breadth requirement within 3 or 2 years, respectively, from the start of their enrollment in the Department of Computer  Science Ph.D. program. A student without a degree in a field closely related to computer science will be given an additional six months to complete the breadth requirement.
  • Pass the RQE
    • You must have an advisor before taking this exam.
    • Complete a research report.
    • Make a public oral presentation of your research results.
    • A student with a M.S. in computer science or a closely related field must pass the RQE within three years from the start of enrollment in the Computer Science Ph.D. program. A student with a B.S. in computer science or a closely related field must pass the RQE within two years from the start of enrollment in the Computer Science Ph.D. program. A student without a degree in a field closely related to computer science must pass the RQE within four years. Funded students are expected to complete the RQE earlier than these deadlines.  See the handbook for more.
    • Submit the Report on Research Qualifying Exam.

Dissertation Research Proposal Defense

  • This is an oral presentation of the student's dissertation proposal and an oral examination on the proposed research by the advisory committee.
  • The proposal defense must be passed within two years of passing the Ph.D. qualifying exam. Students that are funded by the department are expected to complete the proposal within 1 year of completing the RQE.
  • Submit the  Ph.D. Proposal Defense Report and the Proposal Assessment form.

Dissertation Defense

Additional Requirements

Ph.D. Procedures

A general overview of the tasks that must be completed each semester follows.

First Semester

  • Plan for the Ph.D. comprehensive exam, including the Breadth Requirement and the RQE.
  • Submit final official transcripts to the Graduate School confirming proof of the completion of your previous degree (if not from Michigan Tech, or unless done previously).
  • Complete the Patent, Research and Proprietary Rights form.
  • Register for second semester courses on Banweb.
  • Complete Basic RCR training

Second Semester

  • Choose an advisor.
  • Complete courses to meet the Breadth Requirement.
  • Prepare for the RQE.
  • Complete Advanced RCR training

Third Semester

  • Complete the RQE if you entered the Ph.D. program with an M.S. in computer science or a related field.
  • Complete Technical Qualifying Exam (TQE) graduate-level breadth requirement. (See the Graduate Handbook, Section 2.3.1.)

Fourth Semester

  • Complete the RQE if you entered the Ph.D. program with a B.S. in computer science or a related field.
  • Complete the Breadth Requirement if you entered the Ph.D. program with a B.S. or M.S. in computer science or a related field.

Fifth Semester

  • Prepare for Ph.D. dissertation proposal.
  • Schedule your degree-required presentation. Refer to Theses and Dissertations FAQs and student and advisor tutorials for additional assistance. This process replaces the "pre-defense" form. 
    • Degree-required presentations include M.S. project defenses, optional M.S. thesis proposals, and M.S. thesis defenses. 
    • Announcements should be built and sent at least two weeks prior to a presentation. Include an abstract of the presentation and the time, date, and location.
    • To reserve a room, please contact the Computer Science coordinator in Rekhi 213, by phone at 906-487-1833, or email
    • Create a Zoom meeting and Google Calendar invitation. Email the invitation to:
    • Creating and sharing detailed invitations is the responsibility of the graduate student, not Computer Science department staff.

Sixth Semester

  • Complete the RQE if you entered the Ph.D. program with a B.S. or M.S. in an unrelated field.
  • Schedule your degree-required presentation. (See the section above.)
  • Pass your dissertation proposal defense.

Future Semesters 

    • Begin your dissertation/thesis/report, which will be the most challenging document you have ever planned, organized, and written.
    • Follow the Graduate School Guidelines.
    • Follow department and advisor guidelines. (See the Graduate Handbook.)