Bill Starke '90

Bill Stark '90

Bill Stark '90

Distinguished Engineer and Chief Architect for Power Microprocessors

What is your fondest memory of your time in the CS department?

One day (probably back in 1989) in Dr. Poplawski’s computer architecture class (it might have been CS450?), we were discussing an assignment in which we had to implement a set of horizontally micro-coded instructions for a pre-specified microarchitecture. For one particular instruction, the textbook said the shortest solution required a certain number of horizontal microcode steps. But I solved it using one fewer. I was asked to come up to the chalkboard and demonstrate my solution to the class. At the end, Dr. Poplawski congratulated me with “I guess the textbook is wrong ..."

Another fond memory.

Another find memory which also shows how my MTU education impacted my career:  I was in a group-project software development class that Dr. Ott taught. The goals I set for our small team were over-ambitious and we didn’t end up with much of anything. Now, as I lead a team of several hundred microprocessor development engineers, with a diverse inner circle of architect specialists, I know well the importance of understanding each person’s unique gifts and limitations. Despite my failure to understand this in the class, you graciously gave me an A. That simple affirmation went a long way to dispel the self-doubts of a neurotic straight-A student at risk of his first bad grade. It gave me confidence to take the kinds of risks I’ve taken again and again over the years: risks that have led to big innovations.

Bill participates in the CS1000 Alumni Assignment project where alumni correspond with first-year computer science students and answer questions they have about the school, the program, the industry, or just life in general at Michigan Tech.