Brandon Dusseau '15
Bachelor of Science
Barracuda Networks
Senior Software Engineer
What is your fondest memory of your time in the CS department?
It's hard to choose my favorite out of so many good memories made during my time in the CS department at Tech. One of the memories that sticks out most was class being canceled for a blizzard just seconds before Dr. Shene passed out one of his infamous Concurrent Computing exams that I hadn't made time to study for. The harsh UP winter saved the day!
How has your education impacted your career?
Besides the Career Fair being directly responsible for my employment at Barracuda, I think the widely varied knowledge I gained from my classwork has really given me a head start in my career. I'm a firm believer that you can be very successful as a self-taught software developer, but having this formal education exposed me to so many different facets of computer science that I wouldn't have sought out on my own. I think that it's made me a well-rounded engineer. Between Ruihong Zhang's database and Team Software Project courses, Dr. Kuhl's networking course, Dr. Poplawski's computer organization course, Dr. Mayo's operating systems course, and several others each has given me additional perspectives that I can use to approach problems and to mentor my junior colleagues.
Brandon participates in the CS1000 Alumni Assignment project where alumni correspond with first-year computer science students and answer questions they have about the school, the program, the industry, or just life in general at Michigan Tech.