Dan Clark '05
Head of Engineering
What is your fondest memory of your time in the CS department?
Fondest. That's tough. Many memorable experiences. Getting degraded in the third person in my Operating Systems course always sticks out. The Senior Project was a great way to experience some life lessons in how I would experience people in the working world. Watching everyone tank Colossus when they first were learning about forks/threads was fun every year/semester.
How has your education impacted your career?
The education part was about setting a good strong foundation in principals. My first
job out of college I was able to make huge improvements in the system I was working
on because I knew fundamentals in searching and sorting data structures. This is starting
to become more important with the resurgence of "AI."
The experiences with others and relationships were what accelerated a good start in
my career. Founding LUG and being involved in ACM, Math department Lab, CEC was all
great extra curricular experience.