Mike Palmer '95

Mike Palmer '95

Mike Palmer '95
Bachelor of Science

State of Minnesota
Senior Software Engineer

What is your fondest memory of your time in the CS department?

I think my fondest memories are times working on assignments in the computer labs. It was such a wonderful collaborative environment. It was great knowing that if I got stuck on some detail, one of my classmates would help out. I've heard from many co-workers that their college experience was more competitive than collaborative.

How has your education impacted your career?

On the same note, I think my time at MTU prepared me to be a good team player on software development projects. Sadly, I've been on some teams where people are looking for personal goals and not team/project success.

Mike cheers for the MTU hockey team when they are in the Twin Cities playing University of St. Thomas.He participates in the CS1000 Alumni Assignment project where alumni correspond with first-year computer science students and answer questions they have about the school, the program, the industry, or just life in general at Michigan Tech.