Faculty Recognition

Fredrick D. Williams
Instructional Innovation Award Recipients


Adrienne Minerick

Adrienne Minerick

Chemical Engineering


Jason Keith

Jason Keith

Chemical Engineering


Michael Moore

Michael Moore

Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies/Humanities


Bob Weidman

Bob Weidman


Faculty Listing: Bob Weidman


Paul Charlesworth

Paul Charlesworth


Faculty Listing: Paul Charlesworth

Professor Fredrick D. Williams served as a director of the Michigan Technological University Center for Teaching Excellence and as a longstanding member of the faculty of the Department of Chemistry. Fred is fondly remembered by his colleagues and students for his innovative and creative instruction in the large-enrollment first year chemistry sections. In honor of his years of service and his lifelong dedication to innovative teaching the Fredrick D. Williams Instructional Innovation Award was established. The award was replaced by the CTL instructional Award Presentation Series in 2017.