Syllabus Requirements

Senate Policies Related to the Course Syllabus

Michigan Tech instructors are required to provide students with a syllabus during the first week of instruction so they have the information necessary to prepare and perform well in their courses. Michigan Tech instructors should review and follow the requirements outlined in University Senate Policy 312.1.

You are strongly encouraged to review this policy carefully so that your syllabus is compliant. The policy identifies several requirements for syllabi. Note especially the following requirements:

  • Provide course syllabus in the learning management system (Canvas) beginning in the fall 2025 semester.
    The syllabus can be provided to enrolled students using one or more of the following methods in the Canvas course linked to Banner and created for that section:
    • Provide the course syllabus as a content page in the LMS.
    • Upload the accessible course syllabus document to the LMS. (An accessible
      syllabus template is available in Word or Google Docs formats is available below).
    • Provide a URL link to an accessible course syllabus in the LMS.
  • Course description, overview and learning outcomes/objectives
    To support student achievement of university and program student learning goals and assessment of student learning, these elements are required: course description, overview and learning outcomes/objectives.
  • Assessment statement
    As part of the university's commitment to curricular quality, student work products may be used to evaluate how well Michigan Tech students are achieving programmatic learning outcomes. Findings are used to inform future course and curricular improvements to support student learning but are not used to evaluate specific students and individual instructors.
  • Information on university policies
    The Senate Policy states that your syllabus is required to provide information on university policies, including those related to academic integrity, disability services and equal opportunity compliance. Since policies and web links to these policies could change over time, you are encouraged to include the following web link instead:

Syllabus Template and other Resources

You are encouraged (but not required) to use the following template so that your syllabus has all the required elements. Your syllabus can use any format and contain any additional information that feel is appropriate or necessary as long as it contains the elements required.

As you craft your own syllabus, think carefully about the class culture you wish to create, and how you will first present yourself to your students. You are encouraged to review these additional resources:

  • Generative AI Syllabus Guidance- This syllabus guidance was developed by the Michigan Tech GenAI Working Group.  This verbiage can be modified for use in your course syllabus to reflect your GenAI usage policy. An example GenAI policy statement has been included in the syllabus templates.
  • Superlative Syllabus Workshop - These materials, created as part of a Superlative Syllabus workshop, emphasize the importance of providing appropriate learning objectives, maintaining a warm tone, and communicating policies clearly
  • Creating a Learner-Centered Course Syllabus - Resources and Examples - Example syllabi, provided with permission from Michigan Tech faculty, are available in the MTU Instruction/Assessment Canvas course (accessible only to MTU). This Canvas course contains resource materials for MTU faculty and staff who support undergraduate instruction and/or learning assessment.
  • Writing Effective Course Learning Objectives- This document will help with the first step in designing your course curriculum and individual lessons.
  • Measurable Action Verbs- This document provides options for measurable verbs that work well for learning objectives.