What You Should Know Prior to Using the Testing Center
- All RegisterBlast Exam Requests must be submitted 2 business days before the day of
the exam. Note: The Testing
Center is closed Saturday and Sunday. - The following information must be clearly marked on the exam or cover sheet: (NOTE: Consider providing this information via a student-signed Nondisclosure Agreement,
similar to this example, as a cover sheet.)
- Your full name
- Course name
- Course/Section number
Exams should be hand delivered, emailed to techtesting-l@mtu.edu, or dropped into your Testing Center provided Google Drive folder no later than 24 hours prior to the exam start.
- Any audio recording of the exam is to be provided by the department on a hand-held, digital recording device (which we can provide) or a digital file may be created by the instructor and uploaded to their Google Drive Drop Off folder.
- Students must schedule their exams. Walk-ins cannot be guaranteed a seat.
- When picking up your exams from the Testing Center, please be prepared to show an ID.
- Please email any questions or concerns to techtesting-l@mtu.edu.
How to Prepare Your Students
To avoid miscommunication, it is imperative that students be thoroughly familiar with Testing Center policies and procedures prior to testing.
- Instructors are expected to review with students and/or share web address to the Testing Center policies and procedures.
- Before sending a student to the Michigan Tech Testing Center (Rekhi 215), the instructor should make sure that the student knows the following to ensure that the student requests for and is given the correct exam: (1)instructor's name, (2) course name and (3) course/section number.
NOTE: The Testing Center encourages instructors to have students sign a Nondisclosure Agreement (similar to this example), which includes the important information above.
- It is the instructor's responsibility to inform students regarding the material covered by the test, question types, length of time allowed for exam, and materials allowed while testing, such as a book, notes or a calculator. The Testing Center can provide #2 pencils and scratch paper if needed.
- Inform your student(s) of your policy if the student misses a scheduled exam in the Testing Center. For additional information, refer to policies.
Weather Policy
If Michigan Tech is closed due to inclement weather, the Testing Center will be closed also. If you were scheduled for a proctored exam during this closure, please contact the instructor to reschedule the exam. A commercial exam must be rescheduled through the commercial organization.