Instructors, who would like to use the Michigan Tech Testing Center, should be familiar with the following scheduling procedures. All RegisterBlast Exam Requests must be submitted 2 business days before the day of the exam. Note: The Testing Center is closed Saturday and Sunday. Refer to Instructor Checklist for additional information.
Michigan Tech Accommodated Exams
Students who require special accommodations for an exam, such as extra time or quiet space during their exam, follow this procedure:
- The student contacts the Student Disability Services Office to obtain support and complete documentation request for an accommodation. If a request is approved for an accommodation, Student Disability Services will contact the instructor.
- The student contacts the course instructor(s) at least 5 days prior to each exam to request accommodation arrangements.
- If interested in using the Testing Center facilities for the exam, the instructor should log into RegisterBlast to complete the request form: RegisterBlast Log In
- To create a RegisterBlast account email
Once the Testing Center has been contacted by the instructor, the Testing Center will contact the student to make arrangements for the exam.
Students should not attempt to negotiate accommodations with the Testing Center staff directly.
RegisterBlast Support Videos:
Online Proctoring
- For online learning, we recommend you to use more low-stakes assessments. The key element of low-stakes assessments is that students are given frequent opportunity to try, make mistakes, and to learn from those mistakes with little or no penalty. During the restricted interaction time, generally speaking, timed online quizzes or exams or assignments in canvas will meet your needs.
- However, if you are worried about online cheating, Respondus Monitor is available to help you give online exams to students. It is an online proctoring tool used together with the LockDown Browser.
- LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environments and blocks all communication programs on the computer. Respondus Monitor can record students during the test using a webcam and the instructor can review the recorded videos later.
- If you decide to use Respondus Monitor, you need to create an online exam using the Canvas Quizzes tool and change the settings of the quiz to require LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor.
- Students have to have a computer with a webcam and Respondus Lockdown browser installed on it. They can get Respondus LockDown browser downloaded from our I.T. software site.
- Here is the Student Quick Start Guide on LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor that you can share with your students.
- Please note that Respondus Monitor is not recommended for paper pencil exams and needs to be used with an online exam in the Canvas Quizzes tool to work.
- Below are some helpful resources:
Instructor Quick Start Guide on LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor
Here is a video tutorial demonstrating how to prepare an exam for use with Respondus Monitor and LockDown Browser:
Michigan Tech Online Courses and Makeup Exams
Rekhi 215 is a thirty seat space that includes a proctor and is an ideal location for accommodated exams, exams for online courses, or make-up exams.
- Paper-based testing is also available in Rekhi 215 for accommodated exams and online courses only. For paper-based exams, the instructor must provide a PDF file or a copy of the exam for each student taking the exam. The Testing Center is unable to make copies of the exam.
- Instructors can schedule these exams online using this form.
Courses Not Offered at Michigan Tech
For courses not offered at Michigan Tech, the student will need to submit payment through the Techshop page, and the Testing Center will contact both student and instructor to make arrangements.