Degree Requirements

Data Science BS Core Requirements (55-57 Credits)

Please view the technical focus area flowcharts for a complete list of degree requirements. Find class descriptions and prerequisites in the course catalog. For more information, please talk with the academic advisor.

Course Number

Course Title

CS 1121 and

CS1122 or

CS 1131

Introduction to Programming I

Introduction to Programming II
Accelerated Introduction to Programming

CS 2311 or
MA 3210
Discrete Structures
Introduction to Combinatorics
CS 2321 Data Structures
CS 3425 or
SAT 3210
Introduction to Database Systems
Database Management
CS 4321 Introduction to Algorithms
MA 1160 Calculus with Technology I
MA 2320 or
MA 2330
Elementary Linear Algebra
Introduction to Linear Algebra
MA 2710 Introduction to Statistical Analysis
MA 3720 Probability
MA 3740 or
MA 4710 or
MA 4790
Statistical Programming and Analysis
Regression Analysis
Predictive Modeling
DATA 1201 Explorations of Data Science
DATA 1202 Data Science with Python
DATA 2201 Foundations of Data Science
DATA 3801 Foundations of Machine Learning
DATA 3401 Data Engineering
DATA 4891 Capstone Project
HU 2645 or
MIS 3500 or
DATA 2600
Graphic and Information Design
User-Centered Design
CS 3000 or
SAT 1700 or
DATA 3000
Ethical and Social Aspects of Computing
Cyber Ethics

Data Science Electives (12 credits)

  • Up to 6 credits in Data Science Electives can be 2000-3000 level.
  • Select one course from a list of Machine Learning/AI related topics: CS 4811, CS 4821 or CS 5831, CS 5811, CS 5821, CS 5841 (3), EET 4501
  • Select three remaining courses from below or any course above not already used: CS 3141, CS 4001, CS 4471, CS 4760, MA 2600, MA 3740, MA 4330, MA 4710, MA 4720, MA 4760, MA 4770, MA 4780/5780, MA 4790/5790, SAT 2711, SAT 3310, SAT 3812, SAT 4144, SAT 4283, SAT 5165, MIS 4000, MIS 4400

Lab Science Requirements (7 Credits Minimum)

Complete two science courses in two different disciplines (BL, CH, KIP, FW, GE, PH, SS). At least one must include or be taken with the accompanying laboratory.

Free Electives (5 to 7 credits)

Any coursework is allowable, including co-curricular and coursework below the 1000 level.