Led by principal investigator (PI) Laura Brown, the interdisciplinary DataSENSE research team is represented by six departments and colleges. These faculty, from six Michigan Tech Ph.D. programs and three colleges, will share with Ph.D. students their expertise in data science, AI and machine learning, computer vision, geological engineering, environmental engineering, atmospheric science, and forestry science.
Principal Investigator
Laura Brown
- Associate Professor, Computer Science
- Associate Dean of Data Science Initiatives, College of Computing
- Director, Data Science, M.S. and B.S. Programs
- lebrown@mtu.edu
- 906-487-3472
- Rekhi Hall 307
Co-Principal Investigators
Dukka KC
- Adjunct Professor, Computer Science
Thomas Oommen
- Adjunct Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
Sidike Paheding
- Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Fairfield University
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Applied Computing
Shiliang Wu
- Professor, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences
- Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering
- slwu@mtu.edu
- 906-487-2590
- Dow 429
Senior Personnel
Wayne Gersie
- Vice President for Engagement and Belonging
- Research Assistant Professor, Psychology and Human Factors
- belonging@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1599
- Administration Building 502
Tao Liu
- Assistant Professor in Remote Sensing and GIS
- taoliu@mtu.edu
- 906-487-1720
- Noblet Building 169
Ashraf Saleem
- Assistant Professor, Applied Computing
- Affiliated Faculty, Computational Science & Engineering
- ashraf@mtu.edu
- (906) 487-2384
- EERC 312