Voter Information

Why Should I Vote?

Voting is a critical aspect of democratic societies, and many Michigan Tech students vote for the first time each election year. We are proud to share that Michigan Tech students have become more engaged in voting over the last 10 years. According to the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE), student voting increased among Tech students from 28.6% in 2012 to 56.8% in 2020. Similarly, our voting rate has increased from 9.7% during the 2014 midterm elections to 30.0% in 2022. However, Michigan Tech’s student voting rate remained 9.2% behind the national average for participating institutions in the 2020 election and 0.6% behind in the midterms. You can check out the full reports below. We want to continue to improve and we hope you will help us achieve that goal. Vote Now!

Voter Engagement at Michigan Tech


The National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE) offers colleges and universities an opportunity to learn their student registration and voting rates. View Michigan Tech's past NSLVE reports below.

2022 NSLVE Report

2020 NSLVE Report

2018 NSLVE Report

Democratic Engagement Action Plan

In advance of each election year, Michigan Tech develops an Action Plan to increase civic learning, political engagement, and voting rates among the student body. Review past action plans below. 

2024 Action Plan

2022 Action Plan

2020 Action Plan

Get Involved

Do you want to support democratic engagement at Michigan Tech? Contact Danielle Meirow at to learn more about how you can support our efforts on campus.