
ECE Academy

Jane Laird

Jane Laird '68

In 1968, Jane became the second woman to graduate from Michigan Tech in Electrical Engineering. She worked for a variety of employers including Amoco Chemicals Corporation, McNamee, Porter amp; Seely, and as a civilian with the U.S. Air Force. In 1972, Jane joined Ford Motor Company and has worked in various engine-related areas including alternators, regulators, batteries, ignition systems, powertrain planning, and . . .


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Adil Shafi

Adil Shafi

'86, '86

Adil Shafi graduated from Michigan Tech in 1986 with a B.S. in Computer Science and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. In 1993, he also received an M.S. degree in Computer Science from Tech. He is president of SHAFI Inc, the company he founded in 1991 in Houghton with $1,000. Prior to founding SHAFI in Michigan, Adil worked and lived in Manhattan, Silicon Valley and Chicago. Since the opening of the main office in Brighton, . . .

Alumni Focus

Jeff Larson

Jeff Larson

'96, '96

Lights, Music, Action! Jeff Larson has always felt he had an advantage in life: exposure to his passion, electronics, early on—in his case, as a tot. He was taking things apart when he was 4; he experimented with a small Tesla coil when he was in grade school; he built a bigger one when in high school; and he crafts outsized ones these days to put on light shows, for which he and two colleagues are famous. "The . . .

Alumni Focus

Lisa Peterson-Nelson

Lisa Peterson-Nelson

'84, '87

Lisa received a bachelor's in Electrical Engineering from Michigan Tech in 1984. Following graduation, she accepted a position as Design Engineer for Boeing Aerospace Company. She left Boeing the next year and returned to Michigan Tech to pursue a master's degree. While working on her master's, she accepted an intern position with Ford Motor Company. In 1987, she received her Michigan Tech master's degree in Operations . . .

Watch Alumni Spotlight - Kyle Ludwig video
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Alumni Spotlight - Kyle Ludwig

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