H. Paul Gay

- BS Electrical Engineering 1970
(Howard) Paul Gay earned the degree Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Michigan Technological University in 1970. Following graduation, Paul worked in Chicago for Underwriters Laboratories and Northrop Hallicrafters. He then moved to California's Silicon Valley where he obtained his degree MSEE/CS from University of Santa Clara in 1977 while working at Spectra Physics on early designs of microprocessor-controlled systems. Paul also was associated with start-up ventures specializing in microprocessor hardware designs as precursors to personal computers, custom rotational memory and bubble memory controllers. Paul founded Memory Technology Corporation in 1978. His firm designs, develops and manufactures microprocessor-based products for point of sale (POS) retail, industrial control, laboratory, automation, and military systems applications. Paul has been an active participant for the advancement of POS Open Systems Architecture by actively serving on numerous standards bodies on behalf of Epson America and Seiko Epson Corporation. He is on the Board of the National Retail Federation’s Association for Retail Technology Standards (ARTS), and chairs its Unified POS Committee. Paul is also a lifetime member of IEEE, founding member of OPOS, chief editor of JavaPOS, chief editor of UnifiedPOS, secretary of the ARTSXML committee, member of the ARTS Executive Technical Committee, and stand-in member of the ARTS Board on behalf of Seiko Epson. Paul and his wife Sandra make their home in the Seattle area; they have three adult children.