Flavio Bezerra Costa

- Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
- PhD, Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campina Grande, Brazil
- MS, Electrical Engineering, UFCG
- BS, Electrical Engineering, UFCG
Areas of Interest
- Smart Grid
- Integration of Renewable Energy Systems
- Power System Protection, Control, and Monitoring
- Power Quality
- Power Systems and Power Electronics
- AC/DC Microgrids
- High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Electric Power Transmission Systems
- Application of Signal Processing in Power Systems
- Application of Artificial Intelligence, including Machine Learning, in Power Systems
J54] F. V. Lopes, R. Reis, D. Facina, K. M. Silva, K. M. C. Dantas, F. B. Costa, "How Much ''villain'' is the Anti-aliasing Filter for Traveling Wave-based Fault Location Methods?", Electric Power Systems Research, v212, Nov., 2022.
J53] K. M. C. Dantas, F. V. Lopes, K. M. Silva, F. B. Costa, N. Ribeiro, L. Gama, "Leveraging Existing Relays to Improve Single Phase Auto-reclosing", Electric Power Systems Research, v212, Nov., 2022.
J52] V. R. F. B. Souza, L. S. Barros, F. B. Costa, Guilherme P. S. Jr, "Doubly Fed Induction Generator Low Voltage Ride Through Improvement Through Modular Multilevel Converter", IEEE Access, May, 2022.
J51] M. S. Santos, L. S. Barros, R. L. S. França, F. B. Costa, K. Strunz, "A Meshed MMC-Based MTDC System with Improved Voltage Margin Control for Robustness Towards Disturbances", Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, June, 2022.
J50] M. S. Santos, L. S. Barros, F. B. Costa, C. M. V. Barros, G. P. Silva Jr., K. Strunz, "Frequency Droop-Based Synchronverter Without Battery for Primary Support of Microgrids", Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, July, 2022.
[J49] G. A. Fonseca, D. D. Ferreira, F. B. Costa, A. R. Almeida, Fault Classification in Transmission Lines Using Random Forest and Notch Filter. Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, v. 33, p. 598–609, 2022.
J48] K. M. C. Dantas, F. V. Lopes, K. M. Silva, F. B. Costa, "Phasor-Based Single-Phase Auto-Reclosing Scheme for Non-Compensated Transmission Lines", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, p 219–229, Feb., 2022.
J47] R. M. Prado, F. B. Costa, K. M. Silva, M. Popov, J.J.C. Muro, J.R. Lima Júnior "A Clarke-Wavelet-Based Time-Domain Power Transformer Differential Protection", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, V32, p. 317–328, Feb., 2022.
J46] V. R. F. B. Souza, L. S. Barros, F. B. Costa, Modular Multilevel Converter for Low-Voltage Ride-Through Support in AC Networks. Energies, v. 14, 2021.
[J45] Lucas D. Simões, Hagi J. D. Costa, Matheus N. O. Aires,Rodrigo P. Medeiros, F. B. Costa, Arturo S. Bretas, "A Power Transformer Differential Protection based on Support Vector Machine and Wavelet Transform", Electric Power Systems Research, v195, jun., 2021.
J44] M. N. O. Aires, R. P. Medeiros, F. B. Costa, K. M. Silva, J. J. Chavez, M. Popov, "A Wavelet-Based Restricted Earth-fault Power Transformer Differential Protection", Electric Power Systems Research, v195, jun., 2021.
J43] H. S. Sanca, B. A. Souza, F. B. Costa, "Robust Three-Phase Distribution System Frequency Measurement Using a Variable Step-Size LMS", Electric Power Systems Research, v195, jun., 2021.
J42] S. S. B. Azevedo, J. T. L. S. Campos, and F. B. Costa, "Comprehensive Analysis of the Fault Inception Angle Influence in Fault-Induced Traveling Waves", Electric Power Systems Research, v195, jun., 2021.
J41] F. P. Souza, L. F. Q. Silveira, F. B. Costa, M . M. Leal, "High-Impedance Fault Identification Using Cyclostationary Characteristic Analysis", Electric Power Systems Research, v195, jun., 2021.
J40] S. C. Paiva, R. L. A. Ribeiro, D. K. Alves, F. B. Costa, Josep M. Guerrero, "Wavelet-Based Frequency Tracking Monitor Applied for Low-Inertia AC Microgrids". IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 2020
J39] S. Yanchenko, F. B. Costa, K. Strunz, A Simulation Tool for the Accurate and Fast Assessment of Harmonic Propagation in Modern Residential Grids. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2020.
J38] R. L. S. França, F. C. Silva Jr., T. R. Honorato, J. P. G. Ribeiro, F. B. Costa, F. V. Lopes, and K. Strunz, Traveling Wave-Based Transmission Line Earth Fault Distance Protection. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, V32., P 544 – 553, 2020.
J37] S. C. Paiva, R. L. A. Ribeiro, F. B. Costa, D. K. Alves, A Wavelet-Based Hybrid Islanding Detection System Applied for Distributed Generators Interconnected to AC Microgrids. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (IJEPES). v121, p. 106032, 2020.
J36] D. K. Alves, R. Lucio, F. B. Costa, T. O. A. Rocha, Josep M. Guerrero. Wavelet-Based Monitor for Grid Impedance Estimation of Three-Phase Networks. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020
J35] T. Queiroz, R. Lucio, T. O. A. Rocha, F. B. Costa, Josep M. Guerrero. Voltage Grid Supporting by Using Variable Structure Adaptive Virtual Impedance for LCL-VSC DG Converter. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020.
J34] L. R. Sabug, A. Musa, F. B. Costa, A. Monti. Real-Time Boundary Wavelet Transform-Based DC Fault Protection System for MTDC Grids. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (IJEPES). v115, p. 105475, 2020.
J33] F. B. Costa, F. V. Lopes, K. M. C. Dantas, K. M. Silva. Mathematical Development of the Sampling Frequency Effects for Improving the Two-Terminal Traveling Wave-Based Fault Location. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (IJEPES). v115, p. 105502, 2020.
J32] N. M. F. T. S. Araújo, F. J. P. Sousa, F. B. Costa, "Equivalent Models for Photovoltaic Cell – A Review". Thermal Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 2, p. 77-98, Dec. 2020.
J31] D. K. Alves, R. Lucio, F. B. Costa, T. O. A. Rocha. Real-Time Wavelet-Based Grid Impedance Estimation Method. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, v. 66, p. 8263 - 8265, 2019.
J30] E. Leite Jr, F. V. Lopes, F. B. Costa, W. L. A. Neves. Closed-Form Solution for Traveling Wave-Based Fault Location on Non-Homogeneous Lines. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 34, p. 1138 - 1150, 2019.
J29] D. M. Silva, F. B. Costa, V. Miranda, H. Leite. Wavelet-based analysis and detection of traveling waves due to DC faults in LCC HVDC systems. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (IJEPES), v. 104, p. 291-300, 2019.
J28] F. E. V. Taveiros, L. S. Barros, F. B. Costa. Heightened state-feedback predictive control for DFIG-based wind turbines to enhance its LVRT performance. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (IJEPES), v. 104, p. 943-956, 2019.
J27] M. M. Leal, F. B. Costa, J. T. Campos. Improved traditional directional protection by using the stationary wavelet transform. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (IJEPES), v. 105, p. 59-69, 2019.
J26] D. H. S. Nolasco, E. S. Palmeira, F. B. Costa. A cascade-type hierarchical fuzzy system with additional defuzzification of layers for the automatic power quality diagnosis. Applied Soft Computing, p. 657-671, 2019.
J25] D. H. S. Nolasco, F. B. Costa, E. S. Palmeira, D. K. Alves, B. R. Bedregal, T. O. A. Rocha, R. L. A. Ribeiro, J. C. L. Silva. Wavelet-fuzzy Power Quality Diagnosis System with Inference Method Based on Overlap Functions: Case Study in an AC Microgrid. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, v. 85, p. 284-924, 2019.
J24] J. T. L. S Campos, W. L. A. Neves, F. B. Costa, D. Fernandes. New Methodology for Evaluation of Non-pilot Relay Distance Protection. Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, v. 30, p. 113-124, 2019.
J23] R. P. Medeiros, F. B. Costa. A Wavelet-Based Transformer Differential Protection With Differential Current Transformer Saturation and Cross-Country Fault Detection. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 33, p. 789-799, 2018.
J22] F. V. Lopes, K. M. C. Dantas, K. M. Silva, F. B. Costa. Accurate Two-Terminal Transmission Line Fault Location Using Traveling Waves. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 33, p. 873-880, 2018.
J21] K. M. Silva, A. Pianeta, F. V. Lopes, F. B. Costa. A Wavelet-Based Busbar Differential Protection. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 33, p. 1194 - 1203, 2018.
J20] R. P. Medeiros, F. B. Costa. A Wavelet-Based Transformer Differential Protection: Internal Fault Detection During Inrush Conditions. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 33, p. 2965 - 2977, 2018.
J19] F. B. Costa, A. Monti, F. V. Lopes, K. M. Silva; P. Jamborsalamati, A. Sadu. Two-Terminal Traveling Wave-Based Transmission Line Protection. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 32, p. 1382-1393, 2017.
J18] F. B. Costa, A. Monti, S. C. Paiva. Overcurrent Protection in Distribution Systems with Distributed Generation based on the Real-Time Boundary Wavelet Transform. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 32, p. 462-473, 2017.
J17] D. K. Alves, F. B. Costa, R. L. A. Ribeiro, C. M. S. Neto, T. O. A. Rocha. Real-Time Power Measurement Using the Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet-Packet Transform. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, v. 64, p. 3177-3187, 2017.
J16] R. P. Medeiros, F. B. Costa, K. M. Silva. Power Transformer Differential Protection Using the Boundary Discrete Wavelet Transform. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 31, p. 2083-2095, 2016.
J15] C. Neto; F. B. Costa; R. L. A. Ribeiro, R. L. Barreto, T. O. A. Rocha. Wavelet-Based Power System Stabilizer. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, v. 62, p. 7360-7369, 2015.
J14] F. V. Lopes, K. M. Silva, F. B. Costa, W. L. A. Neves, D. Fernandes. Real-Time Traveling-Wave-Based Fault Location Using Two-Terminal Unsynchronized Data. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 30, p. 1067-1076, 2015.
J13] F. B. Costa, Souza, B. A. Souza, N. S. D. Brito, J. A. C. B. Silva, C. W. Santos. Real-Time Detection of Transients Induced by High Impedance Faults Based on the Boundary Wavelet Transform. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, v. 51, p. 5312-5323, 2015.
J12] R. L. A. Ribeiro, C. M. S. Neto, F. B. Costa, T. O. A. Rocha, R. L. Barreto. A sliding-mode voltage regulator for salient pole synchronous generator. Electric Power Systems Research, v. 129, p. 178-184, 2015.
J11] F. E. V. Taveiros, L. S. Barros, F. B. Costa. Back-to-back converter state-feedback control of DFIG (doubly-fed induction generator)-based wind turbines. Energy (Oxford), v. 89, p. 896-906, 2015.
J10] F. B. Costa. Boundary Wavelet Coefficients for Real-Time Detection of Transients Induced by Faults and Power-Quality Disturbances. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 29, p. 2674-2687, 2014.
J9] F. B. Costa, Fault-Induced Transient Detection Based on Real-Time Analysis of the Wavelet Coefficient Energy. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 29, p. 140-153, 2014.
J8] F. B. Costa, J. Driesen, Assessment of Voltage Sag Indices Based on Scaling and Wavelet Coefficient Energy Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 28, No 1, pp. 336-346, Jan. 2013.
J7] W. C. Santos, N. S. D. Brito, B. A. Souza, F. B. Costa, M. R. C. Paes Jr., High Impedance Faults: From Field Tests to Modeling. International Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical System, Vol. 24, No 6, pp. 885-896, Dec. 2013.
J6] F. B. Costa, B. A. Souza, N. S. D. Brito, Effects of the Fault Inception Angle in Fault-Induced Transients. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 6, No 5, pp. 463-471, May 2012.
J5] F. B. Costa, B. A. Souza, N. S. D. Brito, Detection and Classification of Transient Disturbances in Power Systems. IEEJ Trans. on Power and Energy, Vol. 130, No. 10, pp. 910-916, Oct. 2010.
J4] F. B. Costa, B. A. Souza, N. S. D. Brito, Real-Time Detection of the Fault-Induced Transients in Transmission Lines by Means of the Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform. IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 753-755, May 2010.
J3] F. B. Costa, B. A. Souza, N. S. D. Brito, Developing fault and Multiple Disturbances Detection in Oscillographic Records Based on Wavelet Transform (Portuguese). Control & Automation Brazilian Magazine, Vol. 21, No 2, pp. 173-184, Mar. 2010.
J2] B. A. Souza, N. S. D. Brito, F. B. Costa, J. J. A. L. Leitao, S. G. A. Cauponi, S. S. B. SILVA, Evolution of Oscillography - How did Chesf transform Data into Information? (Portuguese). IEEE Latin America Magazine. Vol. 8, No 1, pp. 45-50, Mar. 2010.
J1] K. M. Silva, F. B. Costa, B. A. Souza, N. S. D. Brito, K. M. C. Dantas, S. S. B. Silva, Fault Detection and Classification through Oscillographic Record Analysis Using Artificial Neural Network and Wavelet Transform (Portuguese). Control & Automation Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 163-172, Jul. 2007.
- Impact Analysis of Double Fed Induction Generator Low-Voltage Ride-Through on the Switches of the Back-to-Back Converters. In: IEEE PES General Meeting (online meeting), Canada, 2020.
- Dealing with Uncertainties in Non-Homogeneous Transmission Line Electrical Parameters during Traveling Wave-Based Fault Location Procedures. In: The 15th International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP), 2020, Liverpool.
- A Power Transformer Event Classification Technique Based on Support Vector Machine. In: Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems (WCNPS), Brasília (online meeting), Brazil, 2020.
- Performance Assessment of a Wavelet-Based Differential Protection Scheme in Detecting Turn-to-Turn and Turn-to-Earth Faults in a Power Transformer Under Different Load Conditions In: Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems (WCNPS), Brasília (online meeting), Brazil, 2020.
- A Proposed Methodology for Online Implementation of a Support Vector Machine with Applications in Power Transformers Event Classification. In: Brazilian Congress of Automation (CBA), online meeting, Brazil, 2020.
- Analysis of an Eolic-photovoltaic Hybrid Generation with Synchronverter for Frequency and Voltage Supports in a Microgrid. In: Brazilian Congress of Automation (CBA), online meeting, Brazil, 2020.
- Performance Comparison of Converter Topologies for Double Fed Induction Generator-based Wind Energy Conversion Systems. In: Brazilian Congress of Automation (CBA), online meeting, Brazil, 2020.
- Parameters Design and Performance Analysis for Grid-tied VSG-Controlled Converters. In: Brazilian Congress of Automation (CBA), online meeting, Brazil, 2020.
- Classificação de faltas em linhas de transmissão utilizando florestas aleatórias e filtro notch. In: Brazilian Congress of Automation (CBA), online meeting, Brazil, 2020.
- Performance Comparison of Converter Topologies for Interfacing Grid-Connected Systems. In: Brazilian Congress of Power Systems (SBSE) (online meeting), Brazil, 2020.
- Power Flow Analysis of MMC-HVDC System with Margin Voltage and Voltage Droop Control Strategies. In: Brazilian Congress of Power Systems (SBSE) (online meeting), Brazil, 2020.
- A Performance Analysis of Transmission Line Differential Protection. In: Brazilian Congress of Power Systems (SBSE) (online meeting), Brazil, 2020.
- Traveling Wave-Based Hybrid Line Faulted Section Detection: A Practical Approach. In: International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST), Perpignan, France, 2019.
- Experimental Test Bench for Traveling-Wave-Based Method Evaluations. In: International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST), 2019, Perpignan. International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST), France, 2019.
- Voltage Regulation Based on Virtual Impedance in LCL-VSC Converters (Portuguese). In: 12th Seminar on Power Electronics and Control, Natal, Brazil, 2019.
- Cooperative Control of the Power Flow with Battery (Portuguese). In: 12th Seminar on Power Electronics and Control, Natal, Brazil, 2019.
- Modeling and Project of a Grid-Connected Photovoltaic-Based Distributed Generation with MPPT P&O Algorithm (Portuguese). In: 12th Seminar on Power Electronics and Control, Natal, Brazil, 2019.
- Algorithm of a MPPT P&O with Variable Perturbation to Grid-Connected PV System (Portuguese). In: 12th Seminar on Power Electronics and Control, Natal, Brazil, 2019.
- A Machine Learning-Based Internal Fault Identification in Power Transformers. In: 12th Seminar on Power Electronics and Control, Natal, Brazil, 2019.
- A Performance Analysis of Alpha-Plane and Percentual Transmission Line Differential Protections. In: 12th Seminar on Power Electronics and Control, Natal, Brazil, 2019.
- Transmission Line Fault Classification Based on Superior Order Statistic. In: 14th Brazilian Computational Intelligence Meeting, Belém, Brazil, 2019.
- Performance Analysis of Particle Swarm Optimization Method Applied to the Maximum Power Point Tracking. In: VII Brazilian Congress of Power Systems (SBSE), Niteroi, Brazil, 2018.
- Method for Fault Detection on Transmission Lines of HVDC-VSC Systems Using High-Frequency Transients. In: VII Brazilian Congress of Power Systems (SBSE), Niteroi, Brazil, 2018.
- An Experimental Test Bench for Evaluation of Techniques to Enhance the Wind Generators Integration to the Grid. In: VII Brazilian Congress of Power Systems (SBSE), Niteroi, Brazil, 2018.
- Graphical Interface to Aid in Development of Travelling-Wave-Based Line Protection and Fault Location Techniques. In: VII Brazilian Congress of Power Systems (SBSE), Niteroi, Brazil, 2018.
- Application of Fuzzy Systems in Power Quality: Diagnosis of Total Harmonic Distortions. In: IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018.
- Influência de Parâmetros de Falta e dos Dispositivos das Estações Conversoras de Sistemas de Transmissão LCC-HVDC Sobre a Detecção de Ondas Viajantes (Portuguese). In: Brazilian Congress of Automation (CBA), João Pessoa, Brazil, 2018.
- Intelligent Disturbance Diagnosis in Power Transformers Based on the Wavelet Transform and Support Vector Machine. In: Brazilian Congress of Automation (CBA), João Pessoa, Brazil, 2018.
- Comparação de Métodos de Localização de Faltas Baseados em Ondas Viajantes em Linhas de Transmissão de Sistemas LCC-HVDC (Portuguese). In: Brazilian Congress of Automation (CBA), João Pessoa, Brazil, 2018.
- Comparison Between Wavelet and Fourier-based Frequency Estimation in Microgrids. In: Brazilian Congress of Automation (CBA), João Pessoa, Brazil, 2018.
- Ilhamento em um Sistema Elétrico de Potência com Geração Distribuída (Portuguese). In: Brazilian Congress of Automation (CBA), João Pessoa, Brazil, 2018.
- Controle do Fluxo de Potência de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos Utilizando a Técnica de Impedãncia Virtual (Portuguese). In: Brazilian Congress of Automation (CBA), João Pessoa, Brazil, 2018.
- Wavelet-Based Detection of Transients Induced by DC Faults Using Boundary Protection Principle. In: IEEE PES General Meeting, Portland, USA, 2018.
- Algoritmo Híbrido para Localização de Faltas em Linhas de Transmissão Usando Ondas Viajantes de Forma Independente de Ajustes e da Sincronização de Dados (Portuguese). In: XIV Seminário Técnico de Proteção e Controle (STPC 2018), Foz do Iguaçu-PR, Brazil, 2018.
- Performance of the Doubly-fed Induction Generator During a Voltage Sag. In: Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems, Brasília (WCNPS), Brazil, 2018.
- Real-Time Impedance Estimation in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System Using the Discrete Fourier Transform. In: Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems (WCNPS), Brasília, Brazil, 2018.
- Methodology to Perform Real-Time Simulation of Power Systems Using an FPGA-Based Platform. In: Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems (WCNPS), Brasília, Brazil, 2018.
- Estratégia de Controle Cooperativo para Unidades de Geração Distribuídas Integradas a Sistemas de Armazenamento de Energia Elétrica (Portuguese). In: Seminário de Eletrônica e Potência e Controle (SEPOC), Santa Maria - RS, Brazil, 2018.
- Assessment of Wavelet-based Directional Overcurrent Protection Applied in a Distribution System with Doubly-fed Induction Generators. In: Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems (WCNPS), 2018, Brasília, Brazil, 2018.
- Impedance Shaping of Grid-Connected Three-Phase PV Systems. In: Brazilian Congress of Power Electronics (COBEP), Juiz de Fora, Brazil, 2017.
- Impact of PV Systems on Microgrids Under Different Levels of Penetration and Operational Scenarios. In: Brazilian Congress of Power Electronics (COBEP), Juiz de Fora, Brazil, 2017.
- Enhanced Power Flow Control of Distributed Generator Units by using Virtual Impedance Scheme. In: Brazilian Congress of Power Electronics (COBEP), Juiz de Fora, Brazil, 2017.
- Total Harmonic Distortion Indices Assessment Using the Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform. In: Brazilian Congress of Power Quality (CBQEE), 2017, Curitiba, Brazil.
- The Impact of Two-Terminal Traveling Wave-Based Transmission Line Protection in the Distribution Power System Voltage Sag. In: Brazilian Congress of Power Quality (CBQEE), 2017, Curitiba, Brazil.
- Power Transformer Disturbance Classification Based on the Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Networks. In: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Vancouver, Canada, 2016.
- A Novel Adaptive Instantaneous Overcurrent Approach Powered by Frequency Estimation. In: IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D), Dallas, USA, 2016.
- Modeling a Neutral and Phase Overcurrent Directional Relay. In: Brazilian Congress of Power Systems (SBSE), Natal, Brazil, 2016.
- Assessment of the Main Phasor-Based Power Transformer Differential Protection Elements. In: Brazilian Congress of Power Systems (SBSE), Natal, Brazil, 2016.
- The Effect of Fault Variables in the Performance of Quadrilateral and MHO Relays. In: Brazilian Congress of Power Systems (SBSE), Natal, Brazil, 2016.
- Adaptive Overcurrent Protection in Distribution Systems Based on Genetic Algorithms (Portuguese). In: Brazilian Congress of Power Systems (SBSE), Natal, Brazil, 2016.
- Comparison of Frequency Estimation Methods on Adaptive Protection Architecture Applied on Systems with Distributed Generation. In: IET Developments in Power System Protection Conference (DPSP), Edinburgh, Scotland, 2016.
- Computational Modeling of Frequency Relay for Islanding Detection of Distributed Generation. In: IET DPSP, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2016.
- Performance of Two Algorithms for Frequency Measurement: A Case Study of Islanding of Distributed Generation. In: IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON 2016), Leuven, Belgium, 2016.
- One Terminal-Based Fault Location Method Using the Traveling Wave Theory and Wavelet Transform (Portuguese). In: XVI Encuentro Regional Iberoamericano de Cigré, Puerto Iguazú, 2015.
- Adaptive Instantaneous Overcurrent: a Case Studied in a Real Brazilian System. In: International Conference on Power Systems Transient - IPST, Cavtat, Croatia, 2015.
- Evaluation of Fundamental Power Frequency for Power Quality in Distribution Generation with Distributed Generation (Portuguese). In: Conferência Brasileira Sobre Qualidade da Energia Elétrica - CBQEE, Campina Grande, Brazil, 2015.
- Transmission Line Protection Based on Traveling Wave: A Chesf Utility Example (Portuguese). In: Seminário Nacional de Produção e Transmissão de Energia Elétrica - SNPTEE, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 2015.
- Overcoming Limitations of the Present Protection Technology for Smart Grid: Innovative Approaches to Detect High Impedance Faults. In: IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution, Chicago, USA, 2014.
- Differential Protection of Power Transformers Using the Wavelet Transform. In: IEEE PES General Meeting, Washington, USA, 2014.
- Methodology for Evaluation of Relay Digital Filters during a Fault. In: IEEE PES General Meeting, Washington, USA, 2014.
- FPGA versus DSP for Wavelet Transform based Voltage Sags Detection. In: IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Montevideo, Colombia, 2014.
- Impact of Anti-Aliasing Filter and Mimic Filter on Digital Protection Relaying. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2014.
- Reviewing of Anti-Islanding Protection. In: IEEE Induscon, Juiz de Fora, Brazil, 2014.
- Power Measurement Using the Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform. In: IEEE Induscon, Juiz de Fora, Brazil, 2014.
- Methodology Based on ATP and CAPE for Protection Function Assessment (Portuguese). In: Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2014.
- Wind Turbine Torque-Speed Feature Emulator Using a DC Motor. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Eletrônica de Potência (COBEP), Gramado, Brazil, 2013.
- Wavelet-Based Fault Detection in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Eletrônica de Potência (COBEP), Gramado, Brazil, 2013.
- Wavelet-Based Method for Detection of Electrical and Electromechanical Oscillations in Synchronous Generators. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Eletrônica de Potência (COBEP), Gramado, Brazil, 2013.
- Assessment of Voltage Sag Indices Based on Scaling and Wavelet Coefficient Energy Analysis. In: IEEE PES General Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2013.
- The Effects of the Fault Inception Angle in Fault-Induced Transients on Series Compensated and Non-Compensated Transmission Lines. In: International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST), Vancouver, Canada, 2013.
- High Impedance Fault Detection: Review and trends for Smart Grids (Portuguese). In: Brazilian Conference of Power Quality Disturbances (CBQEE), 2013, Araxá - MG, Brazil, 2013.
- A Recursive Least-Squares Aided by Pre-filtering for Phasor-Estimation in Distance Protection. In: IEEE PES PowerTech, Grenoble, France, 2013.
- High Impedance Fault Location Case Study Using Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Networks. In: International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED), Stockholm, Sweden, 2013.
- Real-time classification of transmission line faults based on maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform. In: IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 2012, Orlando.
- Comparison Between two Versions of the Discrete Wavelet Transform for Real-Time Transient Detection on Synchronous Machine Terminals. In: IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industry Applications (INDUSCON), 2012, Fortaleza.
- Sampling Frequency Influence at Fault Locations Using Algorithms Based on Artificial Neural Networks. In: Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, 2012, Mexico.
- High Impedance Fault Detection. In: International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2011), Hannover, Germany, 2011.
- Staged-Fault Testing for High Impedance Fault Data Collection and Simulation Support. In: International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH 2011), Hannover, Germany, 2011.
- High Impedance Fault Location – Case Study with Developed Models from Field Experiments. In: International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED), Frankfurt, Germany, 2011.
- Fault-Induced Transient Analysis for Real-Time Fault Detection and Location in Transmission Lines. In: International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST), Delft, Netherland, 2011.
- Real-Time Detection and Classification of Power System Disturbances Based on Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform. In: 17th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), Stockholm, Sweden, 2011.
- The Effects of the Mother Wavelet for Transmission Line Fault Detection and Classification. In: International Youth Conference on Energetic (IYCE), Leria, Portugal, 2011.
- A Tool for Fault and Power Quality Disturbance Analysis in Oscillographic Records. In: International Youth Conference on Energetic (IYCE), Leria, Portugal, 2011.
- Post-Analysis of Faults and High Impedance Faults. IX Brazilian Conference of Power Quality Disturbances – IX CBQEE, Cuiabá, Brazil, 2011.
- A Comparative Analysis of the Multi-layer Perceptron and Self-Organizing Map Networks Applied for Fault Classification. In: International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research, Aguascalientes, Mexico, 2010.
- Real-Time Detection of Voltage Sags Based on Wavelet Transform. In: IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Latin America, São Paulo, Brazil, 2010.
- Automatic Building of a Simulated High Impedance Fault Database. In: IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Latin America, São Paulo, Brazil, 2010.
- A Wavelet-Based Method for Real-Time Transient Disturbance Detection. In: International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Tokyo, Japan, 2010.
- Fault Parameter Effects on the Energies of the Fault-Induced Transients. In: International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, Tokyo, Japan, 2010.
- Use of a Real-Time Power System Simulator in School of Electrical Protection System (Portuguese). In: Brazilian Congress of Engineering Education, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2010.
- Discrete Wavelet Transform Applied to Disturbance Diagnoses (Portuguese). In: Brazilian Symposium of Power System (SBSE 2010), Belém, Brazil, 2010.
- Automation in Occurrence Analysis: the Contribution of the Chesf Power System for the Development of New Techniques (Portuguese). In: Brazilian Symposium of Power System (SBSE 2010), Belém, Brazil, 2010.
- Utilization of hull castor bean, press cake of castor bean, and natural phosphate in castor bean fertilization (Portuguese). In: IV Brazilian Congress of Castor Bean and I International Symposium in energetic Oleaginous, João Pessoa, Brazil, 2010.
- A Wavelet-Based Method for Detection and Classification of Single and Cross-country Faults in Transmission Lines. In: International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST), Kyoto, Japan, 2009.
- Fault resistance, location and inception angle effects on DC offset of the fault currents. VIII Brazilian Conference of Power Quality Disturbances – VIII CBQEE, Blumenau, Brazil, 2009.
- Analysis of faults and voltage sags due to faults in electrical power systems. VIII Brazilian Conference of Power Quality Disturbances (VIII CBQEE), Blumenau, Brazil, 2009.
- Detection of Nitrogen Deficiency in Castor Bean by Using Artificial Neural Network (Portuguese). 6º Brazilian Conference in Oleaginous Plants, oils, fats, and Biodiesel, Montes Claros, Brazil, 2009.
- Effects of Nutritional Deficiency Symptoms in Castor Bean Plants (Portuguese). 6º Brazilian Conference in Oleaginous Plants, oils, fats, and Biodiesel, Montes Claros, Brazil, 2009.
- Discrete Wavelet Transform in Power Systems: Transient Disturbance Analysis. In: International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH), Cape Town, South Africa, 2009.
- A Wavelet-Based Algorithm to Analyze Oscillographic Data with Single and Multiple Disturbances. In: IEEE PES General Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA, 2008.
- Detection and Classification of Power Quality Disturbances by Wavelet Transform. XVII Brazilian Conference of Automation (XVII CBA), Juiz de Fora, Brazil, 2008.
- An ANN-Based Algorithm to Classify Power System Events. 2008 Brazilian Symposium of Power System (SBSE 2008), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2008.
- A Wavelet-Based Algorithm for Disturbances Detection Using Oscillographic Data, In: International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST), Lyon, France, 2007.
- Labwave: Software for Oscillographic Records Analysis (Portuguese). VII Electric Power Quality Brazilian Conference (VII CBQEE), Santos, Brazil, 2007.
- A Method for Fault Classification in Transmission Lines Based on ANN and Wavelet Coefficients Energy, In: IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence / International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IEEE WCCI), Vancouver, Canada, 2006.
- Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Algorithm for Transmission Line Fault Classification, In: VII International Conference on Industrial Applications (VII INDUSCON), Recife, Brazil, 2006.
- Haar Wavelet-Based Method for Fast Fault Classification in Transmission Lines. In: IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition Latin America, Caracas, Venezuela, 2006.
- A wavelet-based algorithm for fault classification using oscillographic data. In: International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP 2006), Cascais, Portugal, 2006.
- A Wavelet-Based Method for Fault Clearing Time Delimitation. XVI Brazilian Conference of Automation (XVI CBA), Salvador, Brazil, 2006.
- Discrete wavelet transform applied for analysis of power system transients. Brazilian Symposium of Power System (SBSE 2006), Campina Grande, Brazil, 2006.
- Fault Diagnosis in Transmission Lines Based on Artificial Neural Networks and Wavelet Transforms (Portuguese). VII Brazilian Symposium on Intelligent Automation (VII SBAI), São Luis, Brazil, 2005
- Application of Artificial Intelligence in Power System Fault Analysis by NEURANÁLISE Software (Portuguese). III Congress of Technological Innovation in Electric Power (III CITENEL), Florianópolis, Brazil, 2005.
- An Algorithm for Fault Detection and Classification in Transmission Lines Based on Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Networks (Portuguese). VII Brazilian Congress of Neural Network (VII CBRN), Natal, 2005.
- Fault Clearing Time Delimitation in Transmission Lines based on Wavelet Transform (Portuguese), VI Electric Power Quality Brazilian Seminary (VI SBQEE), Belém, Brazil, 2005.
- A Fault Classifier for Chesf Power System (Portuguese). XV Brazilian Conference of Automation (XV CBA), Gramado, Brazil, 2004.
- Photometry at Electrical Installation Laboratory of the UFCG (Portuguese). XXXII Brazilian Congress for Engineering Teaching (XXXII COBENGE), Brasília, Brazil, 2004.
- Fault Classification based on Artificial Neural Network (Portuguese). V Electric Power Quality Brazilian Seminary (V SBQEE), Aracajú, Brazil, 2003.