Compare Four
Your second and third years have distinctive course requirements and electives.
Here we can compare four related majors through select second and third year courses.
ENG 2120 - Statics-Strength of Materials
The composition and resolution of forces and force systems, principles of equilibrium applied to various bodies, simple structures, friction, and 2nd moments of area. Intro to the mechanical behavior of materials, including calculation of stresses, strains, and deformations due to axial, torsional, and flexural loading. Uses MATLAB.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-4-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 2160 and PH 2100 and (ENG 1101 or ENG 1101T or CS 1111 or CS 1121 or CS 1131)
ENG 2505 - Introduction to Low Fidelity Systems Modeling
Students utilize a software tool to model a range of natural and human-made systems to gain understanding and ability to apply a systems modeling approach for analysis of systems of increasing complexity.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-0-3)
- Semesters Offered:
- Pre-Requisite(s): ENG 1505 and (MA 1030 or MA 1031 or MA 1032 or MA 1160 or MA 1161 or MA 1135 or MA 2160(C)) and (ENG 1001 or ENG 1101 or CS 1121 or CS 1131 or MIS 2100 or ENG 1101T)
CEE 3101 - Civil Engineering Materials
Covers properties and behavior of typical civil engineering materials, including wood, metals, aggregates, asphalt cement concrete, portland cement concrete, and composites. Laboratory exercises demonstrate selected engineering mechanics principles, including elastic, inelastic, and time-dependent material behavior. Additional topics include testing techniques, materials standards, report writing, and presentation of experimental data.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-2-3)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Pre-Requisite(s): ENG 2120 or MEEM 2150 or CMG 2120 or ME 2150
GE 3880 - Mine Planning and Design
Course provides the basics of mine planning, feasibility study, block modeling, economic analysis, cost estimation and price forecasting, mining method selection algorithms. Introduction and hands-on experience with mine planning and design software including Surpac, Vulcan, and Whittle.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (2-0-2)
- Semesters Offered:
- Pre-Requisite(s): GE 2320 and GE 3440 and GE 3870
Engineering Management
Provides an understanding of the legal basis of contracts and their enforcement in the areas of general contracts, contracts of commercial sales and of agency, and commercial paper.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
EC 2001 - Principles of Economics
An introduction to economics. The microeconomics portion covers consumer choice, the firm, value and price theory, and distribution theory. The macroeconomics portion covers national income analysis, fiscal policy, money and monetary policy, the commercial banking system, and the Federal Reserve System.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 1020 or MA 1030 or MA 1031 or MA 1032 or MA 1120 or MA 1135(C) or MA 1160(C) or MA 1161(C) or MA 1121(C) or ALEKS Math Placement >= 61 or CEEB Calculus AB >= 2 or CEEB Calculus BC >= 2 or ACT Mathematics >= 22 or SAT MATH SECTION SCORE-M16 >= 540
MGT 3000 - Organizational Behavior
Covers concepts of human relations and organizational behavior through the study of people's behavior at work. Develop understanding, attitudes, and skills leading to increased personal effectiveness.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Class(es): Freshman
PH 2100 - University Physics I-Mechanics
A calculus-based introduction to classical mechanics. Topics include kinematics, Newton's laws, impulse and momentum, work and energy, and the universal law of gravitation. C or better/AP credit in Calc 1 or co-requisite registration in PH2110 required.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (2-1-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring, Summer
- Pre-Requisite(s): PH 1100(C) and (MA 1160 or MA 1161 or MA 1121 or MA 1135) or (CEEB Calculus AB >= 3 or CEEB Calculus BC >= 3 or CEEB Calculus AB Subscore >= 3 and MA 2160(C) or MA 3160(C))
ENG 2120 - Statics-Strength of Materials
The composition and resolution of forces and force systems, principles of equilibrium applied to various bodies, simple structures, friction, and 2nd moments of area. Intro to the mechanical behavior of materials, including calculation of stresses, strains, and deformations due to axial, torsional, and flexural loading. Uses MATLAB.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-4-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Restrictions:
May not be enrolled in one of the following Major(s): Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 2160 and PH 2100 and (ENG 1101 or ENG 1101T or CS 1111 or CS 1121 or CS 1131)
Computer Science
CS 2311 - Discrete Structures
Presents fundamental concepts in discrete structures that are used in computer science. Topics include sets, trees, graphs, functions, relations, recurrences, proof techniques, logic, combinatorics, and probability.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Pre-Requisite(s): (CS 1121 or CS 1131) and (MA 1135 or MA 1160 or MA 1161 or MA 1121 or MA 2160)
CS 2321 - Data Structures
Presents fundamental concepts in data structures. Topics include abstract data types (priority queues, dictionaries and graphs) and their implementations, algorithm analysis, sorting, text processing, and object-oriented design. A significant programming project is assigned.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Pre-Requisite(s): CS 1122 or CS 1131
CS 3311 - Formal Models of Computation
Introduction to the theory of formal languages and computation. Topics include regular languages and finite automata, context-free languages and push-down automata, Turing-acceptable languages, Turing machines and the halting problem. Proof techniques and applications, such as parsing, are also treated.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Pre-Requisite(s): CS 2311 or MA 3210
CS 3411 - Systems Programming
Development of robust programs that provide efficient services to system software developers. Topics include: file I/O, process creation and management, linking and libraries, interprocess communication, performance measurement, and socket programming.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Pre-Requisite(s): CS 3421 or EE 3172
CS 3425 - Introduction to Database Systems
This course provides an introduction to database systems including database design, query, and programming. Topics include goals of database management; data definition; data models; data normalization; data retrieval and manipulation with relational algebra and SQL; data security and integrity; database and Web programming; and languages for representing semi-structured data.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Pre-Requisite(s): (CS 2311 or MA 3210) and CS 2321
Data Science
CS 2321 - Data Structures
Presents fundamental concepts in data structures. Topics include abstract data types (priority queues, dictionaries and graphs) and their implementations, algorithm analysis, sorting, text processing, and object-oriented design. A significant programming project is assigned.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Pre-Requisite(s): CS 1122 or CS 1131
CS 3425 - Introduction to Database Systems
This course provides an introduction to database systems including database design, query, and programming. Topics include goals of database management; data definition; data models; data normalization; data retrieval and manipulation with relational algebra and SQL; data security and integrity; database and Web programming; and languages for representing semi-structured data.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Pre-Requisite(s): (CS 2311 or MA 3210) and CS 2321
MA 3740 - Statistical Programming and Analysis
Project-based course enabling students to identify statistical methods and analysis using R. Topics include exploratory data analysis, classical statistical tests, sample size and power considerations, correlation, regression,and design experiments using advanced programming techniques.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-2-2)
- Semesters Offered:
Fall, Spring
- Pre-Requisite(s): MA 2710 or MA 2720 or MA 3710 or MA 3715
DATA 2201 - Foundations of Data Science
Introduces data science technologies and methods that provide a foundation for subsequent Data Science classes. Topics covered include working with data and applied linear algebra in standard numerical computing libraries.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-2-2)
- Semesters Offered:
- Pre-Requisite(s): (DATA 1202 or DATA 1200) and ((CS 1122 or CS 1131) or (CS 2311 and CS 2321)) and (MA 2320(C) or MA 2330(C) or MA 2321(C))
MIS 3500 - User-Centered Design
Studies user-centered design in development of effective interface solutions for business needs. Content may include input/output devices, user modeling, help and documentation, social issues, and usability evaluation. Emphasis on how interface design addresses human capabilities and capacities.
- Credits:
- Lec-Rec-Lab: (0-3-0)
- Semesters Offered:
On Demand
- Pre-Requisite(s): MIS 2000 or MIS 2100 or CS 1122 or CS 1131
Review Sample Plans for Course Sequences
Advisors create sample plans and flow charts to help you understand course requirements,
electives, pre-requisites, and credit loads.
These depend on the year you enroll, or your audit year. Students can take courses in the summer, if needed.