
Michigan Technological University is committed to the safety and well being of its students, staff, faculty, campus community, and the environment. The following safety guides, in conjunction with the information outlined in our required safety programs, inform the safe operation of our institution.

University Safety Manual

Michigan Tech’s mission to “prepare students to create the future” involves the use of a wide variety of hazardous materials and processes that require special training and control measures to protect students, employees, and our environment from harm. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Outlines Michigan Tech’s written hazard communication program, which ensures that employees with exposure (or potential for exposure) to hazard chemicals are provided with health and safety information.

Chemical Hygiene Plan

Procedures for procurement, storage, use, and disposal of laboratory chemicals as well as the use of emergency equipment, personal protective equipment, engineering controls, and administrative controls for student and employee protection against laboratory hazards. 

Field Safety

This guide is prepared by MTU's School of Forestry and provides safety guidelines for research in the field.

Flammable Storage

Provides key guidelines for the safe use of flammable storage cabinets.

Laser Safety

This guide, prepared by Stanford University, provides information related to laser hazards and safety.

Pressurized Systems

Outlines the guidelines that should be followed in the design, construction, and use of pressurized systems at Michigan Tech.

Nano Materials

Summarizes the general safe practices for working with nanomaterials; prepared by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.


This manual defines the biological safety policies and safe practices for laboratories working with biological organisms and/or biological materials at Michigan Tech.

3D Printers

This document provides guidance for the safe use of 3D printing equipment at Michigan Tech. The Chemical Insights Research Institute (CIRI) partnered with the Campus Safety, Health, and Environmental Management Association (CSHEMA) to produce these guidelines.


Red box with white text of Emergency: Dial 911.