Eye Wash and Safety Showers




Applies to anyone working in an area where injurious or corrosive substances to the eye or body are used.


  • Regulations
  • Procedures
  • For Additional Assistance
  • References /Supporting Documentation


Several MIOSHA standards require the availability of suitable facilities to protect employees from injurious or corrosive substances.  Injurious or corrosive is defined in MIOSHA Part 92 and 430 Hazard Communication definition of an eye or skin corrosive.  Substances may include but are not limited to, acids, bases, organic solvents, and infectious materials.


A safety shower must be installed in an area where substances fitting the following Safety Data Sheet definitions are used: Skin Corrosion - Category 1A, 1B, 1C.

An eyewash must be installed in an area where substances fitting the following Safety Data Sheet definitions are used: Serious Eye Damage/Eye Irritation - Category 1 and 2A.

An eyewash must be installed in laboratories working at Biosafety Level 2 (BSL2).

An eyewash or safety shower must be provided within a 10-second travel time (approximately 55 feet) of an operation where employees use an injurious or corrosive substance.  The location of the eyewash and/or safety shower facility shall be on the same level as the hazard, easily accessible (no obstacles, closed doors, or turns) clearly marked, and well lighted.

Eyewash stations must be tested by the laboratory or department at least monthly (weekly is recommended by the ANSI standard).  Facilities Management will do the annual inspection and flow verification.

Portable eyewash stations require prior approval from Environmental Health and Safety.

For Additional Assistance:

Please contact your departmental safety staff or Chemical Hygiene Officer for assistance in setting up a regular testing program.

Please contact EHS when evaluating the need for an eyewash or safety shower and before installation or removal.

Please contact facilities management for issues related to the installation, function, or performance of your eyewash/safety shower.

References/Supporting Documentation:

  • MIOSHA Fact Sheet - Eyewashes and Safety Showers
  • Guardian ANSI-ISEA Z358.1-2014 Compliance Checklist