3.0 Safety, Health, and Environmental Policies
3.1 Government Regulations
Policy: Michigan Technological University will comply with all federal, state, and local
safety, health, and environmental regulations.
Additional Information: Due to the large number of these regulations, it is not feasible to list or summarize
them here. Environmental Health and Safety is responsible for communicating the requirements
of these regulations to appropriate University departments and employees on behalf
of the University administration and for making them available to students and employees
as needed.
3.2 Children in the Workplace
Children: Persons under the age of 18
Policy: To ensure the safety of all children, it is University policy that children under
the age of 12 are permitted in the workplace (such as offices, classrooms), with prior
approval of the department chair, manager, or director and in accordance with the
guidelines below. Children age 12 and under who are not enrolled in a Michigan Tech
class or program are not allowed in laboratories at any time.
The following rules apply to ensure the child's safety and to respect others working in the space:
- The child must be under the parent or guardian's supervision at all times and must not be unaccompanied
- The child must not have access to any laboratory or other hazardous areas.
- The child must not be disruptive to others in the work place.
- Appropriate measures must be taken to ensure the privacy of the personal information if the child is in the workplace.
- Must comply with University Policy 1.19 Minors Involved in University-sponsored Programs or Held in University Facilities.
Individuals age 13-18 must, at all times, be under the direct supervision of the designated laboratory supervisor while visiting or participating in MTU sponsored activities in laboratories containing hazardous chemicals or equipment.
3.3 Employees and Graduate Students Leaving the University or Department Transfers
Policy: Prior to leaving the University or transferring to another department, academic employees and graduate students must complete a workspace cleanout form. Department Chairs and/or School Deans are responsible for ensuring that the form is completed correctly and that each employee or graduate student has properly disposed of all waste materials from their office, laboratory, shop and/or other work or storage areas. Waste materials include but are not limited to chemical and hazardous waste, scrap, raw materials, product samples, and laboratory/research samples. Any equipment, unused chemicals, laboratory/samples, etc., that are not disposed of must be transferred to another responsible member of the department as indicated on the cleanout form. A digital copy of the completed and signed workspace cleanout form is submitted according to instruction provided on the form. A hard copy of the completed and signed form will be kept on file with the department.
3.4 Donations of Chemicals and Waste Minimization
Policy: Donations of laboratory chemicals, or substances which would be subject to Michigan
Hazardous Waste regulations at the time of disposal, shall not be accepted without
approval by the Director of Environmental Health and Safety and shall not exceed the
quantity necessary for use in an ongoing or funded project.
Additional Information: Minimization of chemical waste is in the best interest of the faculty and staff as
well as the University. Excessive laboratory waste production diverts valuable funds
away from more productive activities and increases the regulatory compliance burden
on the University. Because there is a direct correlation between the total University
chemical inventory and our total waste production, waste minimization must begin with
chemical inventory minimization. Chemicals should be acquired in the amounts needed
for a specific project and not simply to have on hand. Current purchase and delivery
services make this practice unnecessary and waste disposal costs make the practice
short sighted. Effective methods to minimize laboratory waste include micro- or reduced-scale
experiments, just-in-time delivery for reagents, good housekeeping, proper labeling,
prompt disposal, and ordering only what is needed for the project.
3.5 Building Construction and Renovation
Policy: All proposed projects involving changes in use, alterations, construction, or additions
to buildings or spaces owned or operated by Michigan Technological University shall
be approved in writing for adequacy of utilities and life safety by Facilities Management
and Environmental Health and Safety prior to requesting a purchase order, funding,
or construction bid proposal. Facilities Management and Environmental Health and Safety
will also conduct a physical space review before a new or renovated space may be occupied.
Additional Information: Departments or individuals considering a potential building renovation or alteration
should contact Facilities Management, which is responsible for the administration
of these activities.
3.6 Headsets
Policy: All University employees are prohibited from wearing portable stereo headsets or any other devices that may limit the hearing capabilities of the employee while on the job. This does not include protective devices that are required for hearing safety.
3.7 Student Projects
Policy: A hazard analysis shall be completed for each student project. Students working on projects shall complete a hazard analysis for the proposed project to identify hazards; evaluate the potential risks connected with the hazards and determine appropriate ways to eliminate the hazards and/or control the risks. This shall be done during the early planning stages of the project and continually re-evaluated with the implementation of new procedures, tools, equipment, processes, materials, chemicals, etc. Students shall also commit to following safe working procedures and sharing the responsibility for safety with other members of the project team.
Advisors of student projects shall, oversee the hazard analysis process for evaluating the health, safety and environmental hazards associated with the project and ensure that appropriate methods are used to mitigate risks connected with these hazards. Advisors are encouraged, as needed, to enlist the help and support of departmental or other University systems and personnel with knowledge and expertise related to the project.
This policy applies to projects where work is conducted without the immediate and
direct supervision by University faculty or staff. new or renovated space may be
Additional Information: See Student Projects