Incident Command Team
Incident Command Team members attending a Father's Day Flood operations briefing.

Michigan Tech recognizes the importance of preparing to deal with emergency situations and has developed an Incident Command Team (ICT). The ICT uses guidelines established by the Federal Emergency Management Association’s (FEMA) Incident Command System (ICS). The ICS is a standardized, on-scene, all hazards incident management concept that allows its users to adopt an integrated organizational structure in order to provide for the safety of university personnel, achieve tactical objectives, and use resources efficiently and effectively. The ICT also assists the University with large scale and/or complex events such as Graduation, K-Day, Home Sporting Events, and Campus Special Events. The ICT meets monthly and participates in table top, functional, and full scale exercises. These exercises occur both in-house and in cooperation with a wide range of community members, including Houghton County, local police and fire departments, local emergency medical first responders, and local hospitals and health care agencies. 

For more information, contact Reid DeVoge, Deputy Chief of Police at 906-487-2216.